Containing more than 950 all-new examples of outstanding creativity, this invaluable perennial organizes this year's groundbreaking designs into seven logos, complete identity programs, corporate identity manuals, letterhead designs, package designs, signage and environmental graphics, and corporate brochures. Several hundred creative design firms have work included in American Corporate Identity 2008 , ranging from the well known to the up-and-coming. Many trendsetting styles have first appeared in this series since its inception, making this book a must-have reference for every corporate identity designer's bookshelf.

This astonishing novel begins in 1907, when Josef Siedler, a science-fiction devotee, ventures deep into a series of caves in search of an entrance to the underworld. Disappointed in his quest, he nonetheless returns with a peculiar souvenir: a small rock sample that emits a strange humming sound. Upon Siedler’s death, the rock is bequeathed to his nephew, a significant step in what will become an extraordinary journey through the arc of history. For as the stone passes through the hands of a series of owners, it collects their experiences: from pre-World War I ambitions and inter-war anarchism to conditions during World War II, the bleakness of life in post-war East Germany, the German art scene of the 1960s, and more. These “snapshots” of the twentieth century serve to chronicle the continuity of humanity, with all its strengths and weaknesses, in spare, haunting prose. In The Brummstein, Danish author Peter Adolphsen has spun a mystical—and movingly memorable—exploration of the meaning of life.

En skæbnesvanger nat bliver alle de historier Mormor har fortalt August, siden han var lille, virkelige. Kaptajnen der sejlede på De Syv Have, Den fede dame der lokkede skibene på grund. Og spøgelsespigen Rikke, der altid har drømt om at få en legekammerat som August. Men hvor er Augusts mormor? Hvad er det for en mærkelig billet, August tager imod? Og hvad sker der med folk når de dør? Sammen med Rikke begiver August sig ud på en rejse gennem natten og sneen med både nervepirrende spænding og morsomme optrin undervejs. En fortsættelse til August går i Glemmebogen, gennemillustreret af den prisbelønnede norske tegner Thore Hansen. Se mere på:

More people than ever before have diabetes. The disease affects an estimated 21 million adults and children in the US and many people with the disease don't have it under control. Unlike years ago, you have a good chance of living an active and healthy life with diabetes--provided you work with your health-care team to take the necessary steps to control your blood sugar. Mayo Clinic Essential Book of Diabetes covers: The pre-diabetes stage: taking charge to prevent diabetes Types of diabetes Symptoms and risk factors Treatments and strategies for managing your blood sugar Avoiding serious complications Advances in insulin delivery and new medications recipes .

Populärvetenskapligt hållen bok om planeten Mars. Rymdforskaren Ella Carlsson berättar om rymdfärder i allmänhet och om egna upplevelser från simulerade landningar på Mars i synnerhet. Teamet, där hon var ingenjör och navigatör, tillbringade fyra veckor i en kapsel på Devon Island i arktiska Kanada.

Oonagh, Rose and Teresa really only took one thing seriously - having fun.At school they had enjoyed upsetting the nuns by deliberately sticking up for abortion, homosexuals, and Sinead O'Connor, and wearing their school skirts either too long or too short.Big time girls in the small town of Ballycanty, they relieved the monotony of their lives by repeating gossip, and when there wasn't any, by making it up.And when one of them heard that someone in town had an unmentionable disease, well, it was too much of a temptation not to embroider the story a little, just to make it more exciting.It was Teresa on whom the gossip would backfire.And when her fast-living sister turned up from England amidst a positive welter of rumours, Teresa found life exploding round her.Suddenly 'having fun' was no longer enough and as sadness touched her life for the first time she grew increasingly disturbed - about her friends, sex, the Church, and indeed her whole life.At the end of that burning summer, Teresa faced up to some painful decisions and decided that things must change.

Michael walks the line between our world and the world of the supernatural. He handles problems that other can't. He's a werewolf for hire. But if he's not careful he might bite off more than even a werewolf can chew.


Scotland promises new beginnings for Clarissa, but first she must right a hundred year-old wrong.

BLURB: Escaping a sordid past, Clarissa hopes to find a new life in Scotland. But ghosts have pasts of their own -- and they need the sort of help only she can provide.

It's not long before Clarrisa becomes close to the children she watches over, the cook who teaches her the way of the Scots, and even the ghost who needs her. But will the entrancing Master William Kirkland be as enthralled with her as the rest of his household? And what is the connection between him and the spirits that refuse to leave his property?

Das Mittsommernachtsfest draußen in den schwedischen Wäldern endet für den jungen Friseur Sjögren tödlich. Evaline, die ihn zur Party mitbrachte, ist zuerst enttäuscht über sein plötzliches Verschwinden, bevor sie sich Sorgen macht. Erst Tage später wird die Leiche gefunden, erschlagen mit einem stempfen Gegenstand. Kommissarin Eva-Britt Bixe tappt erst im Dunkeln. Sie hat keinen Anhaltspunkt, und es gibt weder einen Hinweis auf Täter noch auf ein Motiv.Was ist mit Sjögren geschehen? Und wer hat es getan?DIE AUTORINMarianna Berglund, 1960 in Skåne Schweden geboren, debütierte 1989 mit dem Roman "Grusvägsmilen", dann folgte mit "Nebel über dem Fluss", ihr erster Kriminalroman und sorgte international für großes Aufsehen.REZENSION"Der Krimi ist spannend und leicht zu lesen" - Leserin,"Dass Marianne Berglund sich nicht hinter den großen schwedischen Krimiautoren, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten einen Namen gemacht haben, verstecken muss, beweist sie mit diesem fesselnden und grandios geschriebenen Roman." - Barometern"Die Glieder der Handlungskette werden elegant aneinander gefügt, und Marianne Berglund erweist sich dabei als scharfsinnige Beobachterin." - Hallands Nyheter"Ein faszinierender Roman um das komplexe menschliche Miteinander und die Geheimnisse, die jeder Einzelne in sich trägt." - Östran-

كتاب صغير صدر ضمن سلسلة إقرأ عن دار المعارف وكعادة الغيطاني، يذوب عشقاُ في قاهرته المملوكية بقلعتها وميادينها وومدارسها وفنونها وكنائسها ومساجدها وبيوتها.