Dear Diary: Pride (Dear Diary, #2) By Allison Cassatta

Dear dumb diary book 1

4 HeartsReview of 2nd EditionReview written for MM Good Book ReviewsThis book is part of a series and must be read in order Chris and Josh share a dance at the prom but come up against abuse from people Chris thought were friends Chris is disheartened by their reactions and becomes wary Graduating high school should be one of the proudest moments of his life but the bullies make it a day of humiliation and Chris begins to wonder if the love he has for his boyfriend Josh is worth all the abuse and humiliation Josh and Chris parents decide to show him that not everyone is bigoted and small minded by arranging a weekend away at his first gay pride but Chris doesn t want to go until Josh sweet talks him This is an absolutely sweet and touching coming of age story that has angst fear anger kindling hope and determination In Dear Diary we are told the story of Chris and everything that had come about until the moment he was getting ready for his high school prom in this story it picks up on the way to the prom continuing Chris and Josh s story Chris is cautious when he first gets to the prom even though he knows that Josh is disappointed but he takes a chance and asks Josh to dance and it ends badly Chris has to face up to the fact that some of his friends are now foes even though he doesn t want to believe it but the message is sent home further when he is cornered in the school bathroom Josh tries to give Chris something to look forward to but to also give him perspective of the world around him with a trip to gay pride This isn t a cutesy rainbows dancing love fest it s a realistic coming of age coming out story warts and all Chris is faced with hate and anger from those he called friend and he begins to wonder if being gay is worth the hassle It is only because of the love and support of his family and friends that he gets through Graduation but even that is tainted by humiliation Josh is a super supportive boyfriend that sticks it through the tough times and gives Chris the love he rightly deserves he also knows that seeing gay pride just might be what Chris needs There is a huge gamut of emotions that you feel as you read this book and we are made to see the fear loss and anger that a young man faces when friends turn to foes We see the effect it has on his confidence and emotions as he tries to work out why they are so prejudice and bigoted We see the incredible support he gets from those that truly love him and the love he has for one special man Josh and Chris relationship couldn t have gone through a harder time but their love for each other shines through and smashes the doubts They are sweet together and their lovemaking is wonderful. PDF Dear diary wimpy I recommend this to those who want a hard hitting coming out story who want a young love that s built from stone that want realistic problems being faced and our young couple facing the fire and coming through stronger together 9781469921617 I didn t enjoy this one as much as the first one I liked how this story picked up right where the last one ended My problem with this one is that Chris just started to get annoying to me While I felt bad for what he was going through I started to get frustrated with the story 9781469921617 3. Dear diary song 5 StarsA Live Your Life Buy The Book ReviewPride is the sequel to Dear Diary and picks up straight after where the first left off with Chris Bishop and his boyfriend Josh heading to Chris Prom with Sarah Chris ex girlfriend and Justin Hickman Chris best friend and Sarah s current boyfriend It should have been a wonderful milestone Instead it ends in a fight with two of Chris friends from childhood that took exception when he danced with his boyfriend The attack and loss of who he thought were his friends leaves Chris feeling wary of being out of the closet and scared of what it means to be a gay man After all If people he s know since they were all seven could instantly hate him because of his sexuality what about people who didn t even know him When he s later attacked again by the same boys in the school bathroom his confidence is left just as battered as his face Now all he wants to do is get through high school without any further incidents Throughout this time the support of his family and boyfriend remains rock solid Hopefully they are enough to show him that he has every right to proud of who he is All of who he is. Dear diary book Pride doesn t sugarcoat what many gay teenagers have to deal with every day My heart really hurt for Chris As much as it would have been nice that everyone was accepting or that everything had gone perfectly that definitely would have felt completely unlikely given that Chris had already stated that the school or a section of it were intolerant and violent about it I don t know about starting a fight inside the prom knowing teachers were around Then again this is teenagers we re talking about after all and they don t always think consequences through too well There was a little bit of a tendency to over explain some things while others were glossed over such as when Chris was attacked if he d been hit as hard as was indicated why wouldn t his father take him to the hospital At the very least it s documentation of his injuries During the prom fight the switching between Justin s first and last name got a bit confusing I had to keep stopping to remember it s just one person because there really wasn t enough time to get familiar enough with his character for that The story had a few little inconsistencies and considering the writing seems to be aimed at a younger audience of around fifteen to eighteen year olds I personally think that condoms especially and lube really needed to be used in both sex scenes Although it was mentioned the attitude was pretty blas. Book dear darling table Told from Chris POV the author really had the voice reactions and thought processes of an eighteen year old male down I liked that Chris doesn t just automatically change The going back and forth between accepting and being scared felt very realistic His growth leaps forward steps back and takes time to adjust to his newly discovered sexuality and being out about it The dialogue both internally and between Chris and Josh was a lot realistic than in the first book Chris and Josh are incredibly sweet together Although Chris struggles with things you never doubt just how in love they are I really liked how the author used Chris relationship with Sarah in juxtaposition to his with Josh without belittling Sarah or turning her into a cardboard cut out semi villain In fact all the characters came across as very real Even Cassie who appears so briefly is extremely engaging. Monster house dear diary book Overall Pride was a nice positive story about becoming comfortable in your own skin and taking positives from adversities to move forward The characters were as endearing as they were in the first book The third person narrative even though it was still solely from Chris POV gave the reader a much better sense of who Josh is I loved the interactions between Chris and Josh and seeing them work through Chris experiences in a very believable way Despite the serious issues brought up in the book it didn t go too angst filled but tread that line between becoming too shallow very well 9781469921617 If you read Dear Diary you know it ends with Chris taking Josh to his prom as his date He s nervous because it s still high school and he knows what happened to the last guy who came out in high school but this is important to him and Josh is important to him They are lowkey at first but then Chris asks Josh to dance they are confronted by a couple of the jocks and after Chris friend stands up beside them all of them are escorted out of the dance This is such a good book it was sweet it was painful it s a reminder of what goes wrong in life when you are young and idealistic but what can be right about that too. Dear dumb diary free pdf While the first book was about Chris just being comfortable in where he was at that time this book is about where he goes now who he chooses to let control who he is and what he expresses The supporting characters are so good his parents are amazing And Josh While Chris had moments of doubt in his own mind when Josh asks him if it would have been easier had they not met his doubts are gone because being with Josh just feels so right because he s happy and calm when he s with him I admit Josh asking that made me cry as did the experiences Chris had with the jocks in his town after prom but the people who helped him surprised him and they are a definite sign of hope that not everyone is close minded I don t know if any further books are planned for these two and their journey I d be happy to read them if there were because I really love these characters 9781469921617 3. Dear diary ku ingin bercerita lirik 75 starsPride doesn t sugarcoat what many gay teenagers have to deal with every day My heart really hurt for Chris As much as it would have been nice that everyone was accepting or that everything had gone perfectly that definitely would have felt completely unlikely given that Chris had already stated that the school or a section of it were intolerant and violent about it I don t know about starting a fight inside the prom knowing teachers were around Then again this is teenagers we re talking about after all and they don t always think consequences through too well The story had a few little inconsistencies and considering the writing seems to be aimed at a younger audience of around fifteen to eighteen year olds I personally think that condoms especially and lube really needed to be used in both sex scenes Although it was mentioned the attitude was pretty blas. Dear dumb diary book 4 Told from Chris POV the author really had the voice reactions and thought processes of an eighteen year old male down I liked that Chris doesn t just automatically change The dialogue both internally and between Chris and Josh was a lot realistic than in the first book Chris and Josh are incredibly sweet together Although Chris struggles with things you never doubt just how in love they are. Monster house dear diary book Overall Pride was a nice positive story about becoming comfortable in your own skin and taking positives from adversities to move forward The characters were as endearing as they were in the first book I loved the interactions between Chris and Josh and seeing them work through Chris experiences in a very believable way Despite the serious issues brought up in the book it didn t go too angst filled but tread that line between becoming too shallow very well. Dear diary jessica Read the full review at Live Your Life Buy The Book 9781469921617 This edition is no longer available Heartthrobs Chris and Josh are back for another tale in their budding romance Chris is on the right path to becoming a grown man He s doing all the big rites of passage and Josh is holding his hand for the entire ride but when bullies get ahold of him Chris starts to wonder if being with Josh was the right decision Now everyone in the family is worried about him So as a graduation gift Chris s parents agree to send the boys to a nearby Gay Pride Parade but Chris is hesitant to go He doesn t see the point in being proud of what he is Gay people are hated or so he thinks Maybe this will be an opportunity to change his life Pride picks up where Dear Diary left off We follow along as Chris and Josh s relationship grows We see them take the next step and overcome hurdles together Fall in love with Josh and Chris all over again Dear Diary Pride Dear Diary 2 Reviewed for heartsonfirereviews. Dear dumb diary book comI really went back and forth on the rating for this between 4 and 5 I leaned to 4 because there are parts that just seem too perfect Ultimately I went to a 5 because the parts that matter were very very real This is the sequel to Dear Diary a short story I absolutely loved which introduces us to Chris and Josh as they get ready to attend prom Dear Diary is an adorable little story very happy and made me smile Dear Diary Pride has those same characters that I loved but now they are facing real world problems Ms Cassatta does not pull her punches with the problems this couple particularly Chris face What Chris does have is the complete and utter support of his family it was here it seemed a little too perfect they know Chris is gay and that Josh is his boyfriend yet they allow Josh to spend the night and the total adoration and love of Josh So many gay teens don t have either of those and still have to face what Chris did What Chris doesn t have is a high school that is accepting of everyone All he wants to do is give Josh a dance at prom This turns into a hate fest and a fight started by people who Chris has been friends with for years When he is attacked than anything he is devastated that some of his attackers had been his friends since he was seven years old This one thing who he fell in love with turned their friendship into instant hatred It was heart wrenching and was even a bitter pill to swallow knowing that it happens all over every day to people who have done nothing than fall in love with the wrong person The ending is a little simplistic yet again with aspects that are completely real The complete injustice done to him at graduation has and unfortunately will again happened in real life The narrow mindedness of people sometimes boggles the mind The ending of this has hope if not for the redemption of the haters for the self worth of Chris 9781469921617 This sequel picks up Chris and Josh s story right at the point where the first book ended and I loved that The interesting thing for me was to see how Chris thought the worst was over now that he s come out to his family but in the course of this story he discovers there are many steps to take Just like most eighteen year olds he doesn t think very far ahead so the consequences of his actions keep surprising him He deals with them as best he can but there is a lot of back and forth and he likes to tick his head in the sand before dealing with things He isn t yet very sure about his decisions and still has to learn about standing up for himself when true controversy hits In a word he has to learn about pride a very apt title for this book in than one sense Chris goes through quite a few heartbreaking moments in this book He is afraid of holding Josh s hand at the prom because he might get beaten up Sadly he does but he is shocked that most of the hatred comes from two guys he s known since they were seven He thought they were his friends instead they turn out to be the ringleaders of the movement against him Throughout everything Josh is there for him even when Chris tries to push him away It takes Chris a while to figure out how to reconcile his public actions with his internal convictions and desires. Dear Diary kindle app Josh is as great as ever and he is very supportive but he too has issues Mainly when Chris rejects him in public and he lets Chris know how much this affects him His reactions help alert Chris to what he is doing and his unwavering support makes Chris realize he may want to become a stronger better man for his own sake but he wants and needs Josh s support In essence Josh brings out the best in Chris while they re learning to become a true couple If you like stories that show you someone else s perspective on life warts and all if you enjoy reading about how a young man might deal with coming out to the world and if you re looking for a book that will touch your heart and move you deeply then you definitely need to read this novel I think it s a worthy sequel for the first book. Dear Diary kindle cloud 5 4 After meeting Chris and Josh in Dear Diary we see a progression of their relationship but than that the growth of Chris His acceptance of himself and his sexuality This was maybe a bit idealistic the great supportive parents and boyfriend and the bad homophobic jocks but I enjoyed it and would like to see of Josh and Chris 9781469921617 I believe Allison Cassatta gave us a perfect balance of sweet romance brutal honesty and a dose of reality that we all need from time to time. EPub Dear diary You can read the rest of Lynn s review at The Novel Approach 9781469921617 Review posted on World of Diversity Fiction ReviewsThis is the second installment to the Dear Diary Series and it is as good if not better than the first It s another short read about Chris and Josh told in Chris s POV This time the story takes a turn showing us both the ugly side and the beautiful side of Chris s coming out There are parts of this story that I thought was a bit too much like newly out Chris being allowed to have Josh stay the night in Chris s bedroom with Chris s parents being just fine with it Not only is Chris still in High School he hasn t been with Josh that long It s great to see such accepting parents but I really think there would be relatively few parents that would be okay with it My other issue was the lack of condoms I m sure it happens in real life but having MC s responsible enough to use them sets a good example to any young gay readers So just trivial things really there was nothing that took me out of the story. Dear diary examples I thought Allison Cassatta did an excellent job with this story from the heartbreaking things Chris must endure by the kids he thought were his friends after coming out at his prom to the loving way Josh and Chris bond and are there for each other. Book dear darling table Reading Dear Diary is a must if you want to pick this one up Both are short fast reads with a beautiful HEA that has the potential for many stories with Chris and Josh I m looking forward to reading about them The wait for the next one isn t going to be long at all Book 3 Relationships 101 will be out Oct 23 2013 I ll be marking that on my calendar I recommend this Novella and the Series 9781469921617 Dear Diary: Pride (Dear Diary, #2)I am a married 33 year old female with no children By trade I am a network engineer with far too many years under my belt My first book was published in 2010 by Kerlak Publishing followed by a short story in 2011 through Dreamspinner Press I dont have any formal training I simply write what I feel I have a vivid imagination and love building dream worlds for my readers to escape to I recently discovered that I am a hopeless romantic and that usually makes for some very turbulent stories As most know love is a mountain and at its peak theres infinite beauty but its best appreciated after a difficult climb thats how I write The world would be a boring place if we didnt have to fight a little for what we wanted now would I am a married 33 year old female with no children By trade I am a network engineer with far too many years under my belt My first book was published in 2010 by Kerlak Publishing followed by a short story in 2011 through Dreamspinner Press I don t have any formal training I simply write what I feel I have a vivid imagination and love building dream worlds for my readers to escape to I recently discovered that I am a hopeless romantic and that usually makes for some very turbulent stories As most know love is a mountain and at its peak there s infinite beauty but it s best appreciated after a difficult climb that s how I write The world would be a boring place if we didn t have to fight a little for what we wanted now wouldn t it site_link.

. Dear dumb diary book 1 NOTE This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews 9781469921617 3.5 to 3