B Edge introduces the captivating and somewhat mysterious Indigo Adams a beautiful teenage boy who grows up unlike most of his peers due in large part to his unfortunate upbringing by an abusive grandmother All Indigo wants is to feel love and affection His wish comes true in his senior year of high school when this lonely boy finds acceptance amidst a group of friends and with several teachers To them he is an enigma sheathed in an existence created by secrecy Has he finally found the connection he so craved throughout his life only to lose it Will his dream become a nightmare not only for him but also for those that seek to nurture him The drama that is his life travels a crooked path enroute to its conclusion The Many Shades of IndigoIt s very. The Many Shades of indigojojolee Simplistic writing that is easy to follow The book had several unexpected twist and turns it picked up momentum toward the end then came to a crashing halt Some characters would all of a sudden gain maturity and incite that was a little too convenient I dont know the book is good but has it s a little to long to have such an abrupt and unresolved ending In the end it had enough for me to enjoy it overall The Many Shades of Indigo .[1]
In The Many Shades of Indigo N