Resurrecting America's Entrepreneurial Spirit: A Practical Approach For Creating Jobs By Joe Nicassio

Resurrecting America's Entrepreneurial Spirit: A Practical Approach For Creating JobsReading this book feels like you re getting an advantage by gaining knowledge that very few people ever learn or even think to seek If you re thinking about starting a business Joe gives you all the inspiration motivation and action steps to take His writing is easily understood even if you ve never had any business education or experience It s a good place to start if you re looking to understand business and marketing but could also provide useful insight to someone who already owns a successful business Business Investing Nonfiction Professional Technical I have read many books on Marketing Business Development Salesmanship Business Practices and have followed many of the great mentors This book is a concise organization of Cliff Notes on the topics There is no hand holding or fluff or B. S It is a no holds barred litany of mindset expectations and actions to be taken Read this book repeatedly highlight the content write notes in the margins some things may not stick the first time but you will grasp them over time Business Investing Nonfiction Professional Technical Where Do Entrepreneurs Come From Entrepreneurs are ordinary people with a spirit of creativity These people create commerce When they are successful they create JOBS Every living person on this planet has the fibers of creativity just like we all have muscle fibers Every person on this planet has the capacity to be an entrepreneur When we exercise our muscles we get stronger and if we don t our muscles get weak and atrophy The same concept applies to our business creation muscles When we train our minds to create value for the benefit of mankind we become stronger entrepreneurs When we fail to train our business fibers business stagnates fewer jobs are created and eventually companies fold and unemployment soars At the time of this writing most entrepreneurs emerge as a societal aberration because their Spirit is so strong they are driven by clear purpose a willingness to learn whatever it takes and overcome all environmental and psychological barriers The thesis of this book In order to have a thriving capitalism tomorrow we as a nation have an on going vested interest in nurturing entrepreneurs today The book is divided into 3 major sections Section 1 Moving Our Economic Mentality From Employer Reliance To Self Reliance Section 2 Eliminating Spirit Killers Replace Them With Spirit Builders Section 3 Prayerful Meditation To Build Your Personal Spirit and Create The Conditions For Miracles To Manifest in Your Business This book is a unique approach to job creation It is NOT about tax codes economic policy or regulations It is about nurturing entrepreneurs at the grass roots level This book will remind you that if you want a dream job you will need to create it for yourself No one else is going to do it for you If you own a business if you want to start a business or you are interested in education reform you will find this book thought provoking insightful and uniquely valuable Resurrecting America s Entrepreneurial Spirit A Practical Approach For Creating JobsJoe Nicassio 1961 present was born in Los Angeles California he grew up in Alta Loma California then lived in Long Beach for 30 years After his interest with technology he became interested in human nature and obsessed with discovering the truth of business success He has been a sought after marketing consultant and named the very best copywriter in LA by Levine Communications Office. Joe practices Shotokan Karate to keep healthy Joe Nicassio 1961 present was born in Los Angeles California he grew up in Alta Loma California then lived in Long Beach for 30 years After his interest with technology he became interested in human nature and obsessed with discovering the truth of business success He has been a sought after marketing consultant and named the very best copywriter in LA by Levine Communications Office.He currently is an offline marketing expert.He is active in his church.He currently is an offline marketing expert.He is active in his church.Joe practices Shotokan Karate to keep healthy site_link.