Book Digging miami beach
Including the Miami Circle that appears on the cover For someone looking for an overview of SE Florida s archeological history this is a great choice My only real criticism is that for a book makes too much of an assumption that the reader is familiar with archaeological terms and systems as a historian rather than an archaeologist I was occasionally a bit confused 9780813042060 Even before I moved to Miami 12 years ago I had heard the stories about Bob Carr How he had survived as Miami Dade County archaeologist and was still on speaking terms with both the developers and the archaeological community As soon as I arrived I started hearing about how he never stopped working.
#heading[2]An interesting history of archaeological sites in Miami written by a very experienced and knowledgeable local archeologist This covers Dade County archaeology from prehistoric times through modern day he had so many projects he seemed to have his finger on everything related to the prehistory of south Florida This well written overview of south Florida prehistory and early history is an excellent and much needed synthesis of his 30 years of research No one but Bob could have written this book and I m so glad he did 9780813042060 Unearthing the rich 11000 year human heritage of the Miami area Thepace of change of Miami since its incorporation in 1896 is staggering Theseaside land that once was home to several thousand Tequesta is now congestedwith roads and millions of people while skyscrapers and artificial lightsdominate the landscape Ironically Miami s development both continually erasesmonuments and traces of Indigenous people and historic pioneers yet also leadsto the discovery of archaeological treasures that have lain undiscovered forcenturies In Digging Miami Robert Carrtraces the rich 11000 year human heritage of the Miami area from the time ofits first inhabitants through the arrival of European settlers and up to theearly twentieth century Carr was Dade County s first archaeologist laterhistoric preservation director and held the position at a time whenredevelopment efforts unearthed dozens of impressive archaeological sitesincluding the Cutler Site discovered in 1985 and the Miami Circle found in1998 Digging Miami presentsa unique anatomy of this fascinating city dispelling the myth that its historyis merely a century old This comprehensive synthesis of South Florida s archaeological record willastonish readers with the depth of information available throughout an areabarely above sea level Likewise many will be surprised to learn that modernbuilders before beginning construction must first look for signs of ancientpeoples lives and this search has led to the discovery of over one hundredsites within the county in recent years In the end we are left with therealization that Miami is than the dream of entrepreneurs to create atourist mecca built on top of dredged rock and sand it is a fascinatingvibrant spot that has drawn humans to its shores for unimaginable years Digging Miami.