Fashion Photography 101 By Lara Jade

Fashion Photography 101llol

Gives great tips on than fashion photography Lara Jade Of course the title lets us know this book is aimed squarely at beginners so it should be no shock but I found the content basic in the extreme sense I can t imagine many photographers would find much of this material new Some of the images were inspirational and the layout made for an easy read It seems publishers always force sections on digital editing and photography equipment parts of any paper book which are almost instantly out of date upon publication This is a good boom to borrow and flip through I wouldn t buy it as a permanent reference Lara Jade I was expecting something else This book should be rather named photography 101 as there are approximately 6 pages that say something relevant for fashion photography the rest is just absolute beginner stuff for people who had never held a camera in their hand or never heard about any image editing software. Book Fashion Photography 101 basics For someone who is already familiar with their camera and wants to learn this book is not suitable Lara Jade This was not as helpful as I hoped it would be and did not really help with how to take fashion photos like it seems it would from the title Lara Jade Lara Jade cubre en este libro todos los puntos a tener en cuenta a la hora de planear una sesi n de fotos centr ndose en la moda en la historia y en la ropa pero aplicable a cualquier sesi n de fotos Tiene un par de cap tulos medianamente t cnicos sin ser muy densos iluminaci n Lightroom y Photoshop mientra que el resto cubre la parte organizativa administrativa y creativa de la sesi n de fotos Muy recomendado me ha sorprendido Lara Jade From award winning photographer Lara Jade comes this hip how to guide geared to the aspiring fashion shooter Lara shares her experience of fashion photography in the digital age including dedicated sections on retouching genres of fashion photography and making the best use of social media Whether you re taking your first ever shot working with a professional model for the first time or pitching to new clients here is everything you need to produce moody magical images that leap from the page straight into the viewer s imagination Fashion Photography 101Fashion Photography 101.