The new street photographers manifesto book review
This is REALLY basic suitable for the new photog or street photog The example images aren t particularly strong and often are better examples of street portraiture than classic street photography But as a beginners reference this is a reasonable start Tanya Nagar great Tanya Nagar Un petit guide astucieux destin aux photographes amateurs ou experts qui souhaitent se lancer dans la photo de rue S appuyant sur une longue pratique de la photo urbaine dans diff rents pays l auteur donne ses meilleurs conseils exemples illustr s l appui pour r aliser des images vivantes authentiques et percutantes Elle explique ainsi comment surmonter les premi res appr hensions quelle attitude adopter pour se fondre dans la foule ou au contraire entrer en contact avec les gens que l on souhaite photographier comment cadrer une sc ne pour la rendre plus dynamique quel mat riel adopter et quels r glages choisir en fonction du sujet et des conditions etc Elle donne galement des id es de sc nes ou de lieux photog niques pour les d butants en mal d inspiration Accessible tous cet ouvrage fournira les bases aux amateurs d butants qui veulent d couvrir la photo de rue et constituera une pr cieuse source d inspiration pour les photographes urbains chevronn s notamment gr ce aux t moignages de sp cialistes regroup s dans la Galerie The New Street Photographers ManifestoLoved this book I enjoyed the simple and factual way it was written and for a book on photography it doesn t waffle on about technicalities but is full of information about the genre and was simple interesting and I read it quickly for me I m normally a very slow reader It helped me understand a genre of photography that s been part of my whole life and has left me feeling that I have found my purpose in life Hope my old Zenit 11 and my Lubitel 2 don t die on me tho Tanya Nagar Bastante b sico me dej llevar por las tapas y las fotos de la portada y al ojearlo pens que pod amostrarme algo nuevo pero poco m s que las fotos de la portada y alg n artista al que hace referencia la autora al final del libro poni ndolos como ejemplos de la fotograf a urbana. The new street photographers manifesto ebook for sale Si eres nuevo en el mundo de la fotograf a no est mal pero creo que puedes encontrar t tulos mejores si ya tienes un m nimo de experiencia en la fotograf a no te dejes llevar por lo bonito que es el libro Tanya Nagar Argh I just wrote a lengthy review of this book and my iPad crashed two seconds before I could hit the save button So here s the quickie version instead Good compendium of tips and techniques especially for candid street photographers Covers everything in brief not going deep but it s nice to have this all in one place Profusely illustrated with examples The Showcase section at the end is particularly useful But beware of an annoying number of typographic errors Tanya Nagar Easy simple really helpful book for beginners of street work Nothing new for me yet enjoyed it a lot Interested in street photos then read this and great section on legality Tanya Nagar August 8 2015Full review is up on Word Revel. The new street photographers manifestodo pdf _____August 1 2015Initial thoughts The one photography genre I ve always wanted to try but still haven s dared to throw myself into is street photography mostly because I m unsure of the laws pertaining to photographing strangers and because of the intimidation factor People don t like being stared out what photographed without prior permission I mean when the faces aren t clear and I choose to publish those photos that s fine But what if the subject is very much in focus A lot of these concerns were very well addressed in The New Street Photographer s Manifesto as well as pros and cons of various camera choices That s the other thing I ve been worried about My primary camera is a DSLR which stands out in the streets At the same time I m in no position to also invest in a micro four thirds camera which is discreet Seeing examples of street photographers who managed to capture candid moments despite using their DSLRs is an encouragement to me to go out and try street photography with the equipment that I already own Tanya Nagar
The New Street Photographers Manifesto By Tanya Nagar |
1454704179 |
9781454704171 |
English |
176 |
Paperback |
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