The Medical Book: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons, 250 Milestones in the History of Medicine By Clifford A. Pickover

The Medical Book: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons, 250 Milestones in the History of Medicine By Clifford A. Pickover Hardcover 1402785852 9781402785856 Science The Medical Book: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons, 250 Milestones in the History of Medicine Following his hugely successful The Math Book and The Physics Book, Clifford Pickover now chronicles the advancement of medicine in 250 entertaining, illustrated landmark events. Touching on such diverse subspecialties as genetics, pharmacology, neurology, sexology, and immunology, Pickover intersperses “obvious” historical milestones the Hippocratic Oath, general anesthesia, the Human Genome Project with unexpected and intriguing topics like “truth serum,” the use of cocaine in eye surgery, and face transplants.

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Et visait assurer une certaine thique dans les pratiques Il est bon de savoir que les crits issus et ou crits par Hippocrate avaient cette qualit qui s est perdue une certaine p riode qu ils exprimaient les maladies comme des ph nom nes naturels et non reli s une quelconque divinit Le livre s int resse d ailleurs tout particuli rement aux avanc es qui ont t r alis es ces deux derniers si cles Pr s des trois quarts couvrent des v nements qui se passent depuis 1774 Clifford Pickover aborde ainsi p le m le les avanc es de la chirurgie comme les diff rentes m thodes d analyse comme l lectrocardiographe et l lectroenc phalogramme.

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A fun coffee table book full of interesting facts Don t expect depth or full coverage of important events This is simply a cursory summation of the highlights accompanied by pictures English Brillant Il retrace l histoire de la m decine en 250 d couvertes et on y d couvre des faits tr s int ressants Il a aide galement comprendre que la m decine moderne n est pas occidentale comme certains veulent nous le faire croire Elle s est faite durant des si cles pour devenir ce qu elle est aujourd hui et beaucoup y ont apport une contribution English Very informative English Love the format of the book.

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Clifford A Pickover is an American author editor and columnist in the fields of science mathematics and science fiction and is employed at the IBM T J Watson Research Center in Yorktown New York. Medical books pdf D in 1982 from Yale Universitys Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry where he conducted research on X ray scattering and protein structure Pickover graduated first in his class from Franklin and Marshall College after completing the four year undergraduate program in three years 1 He joined IBM at the Thomas J Watson Research Center in 1982 as a member of the speech synthesis group and later worked on the design automation workstations 2 For much of his career Pickover has published technical art Clifford A Pickover is an American author editor and columnist in the fields of science mathematics and science fiction and is employed at the IBM T J Watson Research Center in Yorktown New York. The medical book pdf D in 1982 from Yale University s Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry where he conducted research on X ray scattering and protein structure Pickover graduated first in his class from Franklin and Marshall College after completing the four year undergraduate program in three years 1 He joined IBM at the Thomas J Watson Research Center in 1982 as a member of the speech synthesis group and later worked on the design automation workstations 2 For much of his career Pickover has published technical articles in the areas of scientific visualization computer art and recreational mathematics 1 Currently he is still at the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center. The medical book clifford pickover He is currently an associate editor for the scientific journal Computers and Graphics and is an editorial board member for Odyssey and Leonardo He is also the Brain Strain columnist for Odyssey magazine and for many years he was the Brain Boggler columnist for Discover magazine. The Medical Book Religion spirituality vs Pickover s primary interest is in finding new ways to expand creativity by melding art science mathematics and other seemingly disparate areas of human endeavor 5 Pickover is an inventor with dozens of patents 1 the author of puzzle calendars and puzzle contributor to magazines geared to children and adults His Neoreality and Heaven Virus science fiction series explores the fabric of reality and religion 1 Pickover is author of hundreds of technical papers in diverse fields ranging from the creative visualizations of fossil seashells 6 genetic sequences 7 8 cardiac 9 and speech sounds and virtual caverns 10 and lava lamps 11 to fractal and mathematically based studies 12 13 14 15 He also has published articles in the areas of skepticism e. Medical book publishers in delhi g What if scientists had found a computer in 1900 and An informal survey on the scientific and social impact of a soda can sized super super computer 16 Additional visualization work includes topics that involve breathing motions of proteins 17 snow flake like patterns for speech sounds 18 cartoon face representations of data 19 and biomorphs 20. Computers Internet The Medical bookkeeping org a popular blog featuring articles being considered for deletion by Wikipedia site_link Following his hugely successful The Math Book and The Physics Book Clifford Pickover now chronicles the advancement of medicine in 250 entertaining illustrated landmark events Touching on such diverse subspecialties as genetics pharmacology neurology sexology and immunology Pickover intersperses obvious historical milestones the Hippocratic Oath general anesthesia the Human Genome Project with unexpected and intriguing topics like truth serum the use of cocaine in eye surgery and face transplants The Medical Book From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons 250 Milestones in the History of MedicineOne really can t do much better than a huge colorful book on medical history. The Medical Book Religion spirituality vs The Medical Book is a brilliant collection of some of the most important incidents in medicine ranging all the way from witch doctors and urinoscopy to robotic surgery and human cloning The book includes both the traditional milestones Germ Theory PET scans organ transplants etc and the infamous sometimes macabre topics and incidents of some few centuries ago that bloodletting trepanation the rabbit died etc As such there is an equal balance of unbelievable malpractices and fantastic improvements Therefore this book contains something for anyone even remotely interested in the field of medicine I personally picked it up hoping for information on barber surgeons and barber surgeons only and I was certainly delighted to have found so much In addition each section is only a page long thus keeping the reader constantly interested with a new and engaging tool or event Whether one only reads one section or reads the book back to back they will no doubt adore it English Short entries on important discoveries advancements medicines failures and personalities in the history of medicine presented in a heavy hardcover volume that doesn t go too deep into the topics or wild speculations whilst striking a decent balance for the reader to further look into what interests her most English The Medical Book by Clifford Pickover is part of his Sterling Milestones series With 250 turning points in medicine Pickover expresses the history of the discipline as a timeline of significant medical advances Starting Neolithic advances like trepanation and folk medicine right through to Gene Therapy and other cutting edge advances the entire scope of medicine and recorded human history is covered Each entry has a concise description that is informative as well as being entertaining and a photograph opposite depicting the subject Obvious ground is covered such as antibiotics and basic sanitation We are also shown less intuitive entries as with the lobotomy or alchemy A self confessed anatophile Pickover s book is heavy on the anatomy a lot of the milestones end up being another published anatomy reflecting the author s passion for the subject With Albinus Morgagni Hunter Da Vinci and Grey s anatomies all vying for entries in this encyclopaedia what does one add Perhaps the space could have been used to cover some other areas such as the NHS or the Smallpox Eradication programme However beyond that it is difficult to think of a speciality or milestone not covered or mentioned by this book. The medical book book review In this carefully complied timeline we can see the evolution of healthcare which threads through human development and history Events such as the Napoleonic Wars are referenced the inclusion of these is justified with notes and references written with brevity enough to pique the interest but not drown the casual reader with large blocks of texts or medical jargon In summary The Medical Book offers brief glimpses into the advances of the giants whose shoulder modern medicine is built upon From basic ideas like simple hygiene techniques to complicated and advanced telesurgery Pickover manages to cover the breadth of healthcare through the ages This is a great read for anyone interested in the history of their discipline or the medical humanities English Avant proposD abord publi sous le titre The Medical Book From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons chez Sterling Publishing en version originale en 2012 la version francophone sujet de cette revue a t publi e fin 2013 chez Dunod. The science of medicine book Je vais commencer par ce que ce livre n est pas avant d aborder ensuite ce qu il est r ellement Tout d abord il n a rien voir avec celui qui a t le sujet de la pr c dente revue On ne se voit pas plong dans la vie des d couvreurs ou ce genre de chose Ce livre ne va pas non plus vous expliquer les tenants et les aboutissants de telle ou telle d couverte Il s agit plus d un condens des faits marquants selon l auteur qui ont jallonn l histoire de la m decine On comprend travers la description des diff rents avanc es comment s est forg e la compr hension des m canismes biologiques l oeuvre dans notre corps de quelle mani re le combat contre les maladie a t men etc. The medical book book pdf La pr sentation des l ments du livre est aussi particuli re Clifford Pickover a choisi de r aliser une pr sentation chronologique des faits historiques qu il mentionne Ainsi chaque double page correspond un v nement en particulier la page de gauche est d di e une description du moment en question et la page de droite est une illustration Pour chaque sujet Clifford Pickover donne la date l v nement en question et les sujets autrement abord s dans le livre avec lesquels il peut tre li. The medical book book pdf La revueEn lisant ce livre j ai t surpris par les dates donn es pour certains v nements marquants et tout notamment au d but de l Histoire de la M decine telle que la d crit Clifford Pickover Qui aurait cru que des yeux de verre taient utilis s il y a pr s de 5 mill naires On d couvre en effet qu un pr tr sse en portait un de son vivant et qu il tait fait de goudron naturel et d or S rement utilis dans un cadre religieux ou pour symboliser des pouvoir particuliers. The medical vastu book pdf On d couvre aussi que les saign es ont t pratiqu es pendant presque 3500 ans avec diverses justifications ou soins suppos s et ceci jusqu il y a assez r cemment comme en 1923 o cette pratique tait encore recommand e dans des ouvrages de m decine On apprend ainsi qu elle tait d j pratiqu e en Egypte ancienne qu elle fut notamment rendue populaire par Galien et que c est une des causes de la mort de George Washington qui et je cite atteint d une infection de la gorge fut acc l r e par la consid rable quantit de sang qui lui fut pr lev e lors d une saign e. Scientific medical book En parlant des saign es j ai cit Galien Cet homme fut assur ment l un des m decins grecs les plus connus en dehors d Hippocrate travers ses crits extr ment nombreux on a pu observer les diff rents domaines sur lesquels il s est pench dissection vivisection contr le de l activit musculaire via les nerfs par le cerveau etc Ses ouvrages ont gard pendant presque 1000 ans un impact fort sur les m decins du monde arabe et en Europe Parlant d Hippocrate qui v cut presque 600 ans avant Galien on sait en fait assez peu de choses sur l homme En dehors de l aspect un peu farfelu de la base de la m decine un d r glement de quatre humeurs sang bile noire bile jaune et phlegme le serment qui porte son nom tait adopt par les m decins la radioth rapie ou encore la mammographie ou le traitement des grandes maladies de notre temps vaccination de la variole rougeole peste bubonique etc. Medical books published before 1900 En conclusionEn conclusion Le Beau Livre de la M decine Des sorciers gu risseurs la microchirurgie nous apprend plein de chose mais vraiment norm ment Que ce soit sur la m decine en g n ral sur ses pratiques au cours du temps sur les d couvertes et sur les Hommes et Femmes qui ont permis les avanc es Je regrette un peu la faible longueur de chaque explication des v nements que nous pr sente Clifford Pickover On se retrouve parfois un tantinet frustr devoir se sentir en train de survoler certain d entre eux mais il faut ce qu il faut pour arriver parler des v nements les plus importants Ceci donne peut tre plus l envie de lire d autres ouvrages qui s appesantiraient finalement sur ceux qui ont aiguillon s notre curiosit. Science and health book Il faut aussi pr venir il ne s agit pas d un vidal m dical mais certaines mes sensibles pourraient tre un peu secou es par certains passages comme pour les forceps utilis s pour la sortie des b b s pendant la naissance les causes de cancer ou le fait que pendant tr s longtemps les patients n tait pas endormies ou les plaies d sinfect es On d couvre aussi comment pendant longtemps la m decine a t un domaine dans lequel la m compr hension de certains ph nom nes provoquait superstitions supputations maladroites l origine de traitements inutiles voire contre productifs etc Mais finalement c est l avanc e dans cette science tr s pratique qui permis de faire des d couvertes. The medical book book pdf On apprend d ailleurs comment certains pr jug s ou certaines pr conceptions ont eu la vie dure pendant des si cles on d couvre par exemple que les m decins juifs ont t et depuis tr s longtemps en proie une stigmatisation comme aux tats Unis o les tudiants juifs de l universit de Colombia devaient porter un H pour h breux sur leur tenue afin de les identifier pendant la seconde guerre mondiale On d couvre aussi que pendant longtemps les hommes ont t cart s des actes m dicaux li s au moment de la naissance avec par exemple l histoire du Dr Wertt qui fut br l pour s tre d guis en femme afin d assister des accouchements et apprendre mettre des enfants au monde. The Medical Book book summary Ce livre quand on s loigne et que l on regarde le sommaire par exemple donne un peu le vertige on se rend compte de la quantit de d couvertes apr s tout assez r centes dont nous jouissons dans notre m decine moderne et le nombre important de maladies dont on ne pouvait rien dire ou que l on ne pouvait pas traiter il y a peine un si cle Finalement un bon ouvrage pour vous int resser la m decine son Histoire et qui vous donnera peut tre envie d en savoir plus Pour la revue compl te une pr sentation de l auteur et plus rendez vous sur la revue d taill e sur le site de LisezLaScience English This was really interesting A pick up and sit down coffee table or bathroom reader unless it s black flagged and stays by the commode Little one page pieces of history worth remembering Some was above my head not being in the medical field very informative but it s not a book for remembering all the information it provides Much better if you want to know quick bite sized pieces English Great single page a day read to keep the doctor away English The Medical Book: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons, 250 Milestones in the History of Medicine.

, Medical epub books Pickover has received over 50 invention achievement awards three research division awards and four external honor awards. The Medical Book Computers internet test g temporal lobe epilepsy and genius and technical speculation e.He received his Ph.He received his Ph.g ESP and Nostradamus psychology e.On November 4 2006 he began Wikidumper