JEALOUSYHow to Kill It Before It Kills Your Relationship By Kelly White
Jealousy is a poison to a Lover Partner relationship It can be slow acting or fast acting Sometimes it results in violence,
There is no real cause The cause isimaginary due to ingrained fears within the jealous person, But understanding the causes of jealousy is not as important as learninghow to deal with even eliminate jealous behaviors It s the behaviors that can frequently destroy relationships, We ll also examine the two Love Organizations where partner ownership possessiveness jealousy doesn t exist because there is no need Life without jealousy is pleasant. In time jealousy often also results in a relationship termination. There are at least two parties to every jealousy the jealous person and their behaviors and the recipient of the jealous behaviors, Sometimes there is cause that is a partner really is playing around But perhaps just as frequently.
.Some individuals experience jealousy frequently in their relationships