Star Prey By Ehren M. Ehly
Star pretzel warmer
Accepting a job playing a channeller at a Hollywood party would be actor Adriean Finesse finds the role easier than he would have thought it when something or someone actually tries to take over his mind 0821737511 Ehly based this on an interesting premise but Star Prey felt like a book produced to finish her contract with Zebra I guess we all have to pay the bills Our main protagonist Adrian Finesse is your basic has been actor in his 50s moving over time from leads in good films to horror roles to basically anything that will pay a buck One day his agent calls him with an offer it seems some rich Arab guy in Beverly Hills wants a channeler at his next bash tomorrow A channeler seems to be the latest new age fad where ghosts and such are channeled via medium and the medium interacts with the audience Adrian played a clairvoyant in some B film once so his agent thinks he is a shoe in It goes swimmingly but the ghost channeled is actually Jack the Ripper and Adrian is perhaps haunted by this ghostStar Prey is splatstick than serious horror although Ehly s humor is not that pronounced as found in her other works Adrian keeps falling in and out of something like possession as he gleefully commits some murders in L. Star principle carving up the bodies just like Jack used to do This has some aspects of a police procedural as some of the main characters are detectives in Homicide and features some rather droll commentary on Hollywood as a whole With Adrian Jack s star initial performance he becomes all the rage in the upper set in Hollywood as stars and such line up to have him at their next party Ehly tosses in some voodoo foo just for kicks and some Egyptian mysticism as well Interesting read but if this was the first Ehly novel I stumbled across I would not look for of her work Her best Evil Eye outshines this 100% and I highly recommend that one This Meh 2. Star prayer goods 5 stars rounding up 0821737511 Moreen Le Fleming EhlyAccepting a job playing a channeller at a Hollywood party would be actor Adriean Finesse finds the role easier than he would have thought it when something or someone actually tries to take over his mind Original Star Prey.