Losing hopeulikit bbq
I am conflicted as to whether I want to proceed with any installments of this series 1601627297 I am always interested in books based on Maryland as that is where I currently reside I thought this book was going to be predictable and I would figure out the ending in the middle I was so wrong This is a book full of twists and turns until the very end This central theme of this book is forgiveness and what happens when you ask and receive forgiveness 1601627297 Sienna St James is a social worker who takes her job very seriously in Losing Hope by Leslie Sherrod Sienna is working through some personal issues involving her absent husband when she is assigned a case that changes her life Sienna is in a race against time to help her client unravel the truth about her family. Losing Hope book After a while Sienna starts questioning her abilities as a social worker as she continues to delve into the lives of two foster parents and a church leader related to her case While searching for the truth Sienna learns how to deal with disappointment and how to move on with her life However.
Losing hope colleen hoover summary
Sienna is shocked when she learns the truth about her client and the family she has been working with Losing Hope is a mystery based on a family secret This was a suspenseful book with unsuspected twists and turns I really enjoyed the chaos within this family and how it started to spill into the Sienna s life This book expresses how social workers really involve themselves at a personal level with their cases I recommend Losing Hope to others. Book Losing hope's Teresa BeasleyARBC Reviews 1601627297 Sienna St James is one determined woman Whether it pertains to her job or her personal life.
Losing hopewell federal
Overall this book was ok I just felt that somethings in thus book was irrelevant. Book Losing hopeful also seem at one point author was all over the place The way the book ends leads you to know there is a sequel Would I read another book from this author yes 1601627297 I really love mysteries and I really love Christian fiction so I had the best of both worlds in this book At times I wanted to shout at Sienna because she tended to shy away from asking the tough questions and tended not to follow her instincts but that was part of her growth as the story progressed The ending was great and not expected I m ready for the next book 1601627297 I enjoyed this book I had quite a few problems with it but I liked the premise This book is about a woman named Sienna St James that works as a social worker type person She gets a weird case that throws up all types of red flags for her that results in her going digging for answers If that s not enough of a plot for you throw in the fact that Sienna is married but doesn t know where her husband is I really enjoyed the story line of the weird case However I felt as if the author had too many cliffhangers It seemed as if every chapter ended with one and it gave this a mystery type feel The author was trying WAY too hard with that This book had two story lines as I stated before One line was about her husband that was gone to some unknown place She kept flashing back to how they met and how she doesn t know where he is and how she d been searching for him for so long I found this story line to be so dull and repetitive I really wanted to skip the paragraphs pages chapters that were about him I felt like the book would have been smoother going if these parts weren t in it 1601627297 Audio book I think this book was misnamed well at this point in my reading chapter 53 but I ve thought so from nearly the beginning I think it should be titled Finding Hope rather than Losing Hope Okay I have finished the book and still think it was misnamed. Losing hope quotes Such a seemingly intelligent woman doing such unintelligent things repeatedly The husband who needed to be ditched The mindless wandering into harm s way It was such a strong pattern of behavior that it was 100% predictable I needed a protagonist who while human was not a doormat and who used some kind of common sense to navigate life I was not certain if I could hear audio book one fawning reference to her flaky husband I do not know whether I wanted her husband to be dead tidy and freeing her or whether I wanted him to be alive so she had to woman up and deal with things after nearly two decades of not doing so I did not hate the book contrary to how frustrated I sound here I did like the book well enough to finish it without having to force myself As a note to myself here she will go to extreme measures and that extra mile for answers When she is blocked from doing her job as a social worker for a private agency she demands to know why and she begins her own investigation Though warned away by anonymous threats she faces the dangers head on without qualms But when the subject is the supposed death of her estranged husband she questions the legitimacy of the facts especially since it affects her son This novel is part suspense thriller and part romance but it s all entertainment with an interesting plot and characters that seem real 1601627297 I won this in a First Reads Giveaway. Losing Hope kindle app I liked this book well enough and wish I could give 3 It s intriguing captivating mysterious and suspenseful It s well written and beautifully so There s some quotes and moments that I loved that I will included below but it s hard with context The characters and setting were realistic and came alive I love how this book stays true to the diversity of Balti and didn t shy away from including people of all shapes sizes backgrounds and colors That was a breath of fresh air considering how prominent having an all lily white cast with a token of color is across all kinds of media I found the social work aspect really pull me since I have experience in this area and many friends in it as well That was the best part for me I did identify well with the struggle to separate yourself from your partner and how things get all twisted I think the book is well done and I enjoyed the quick read I was torn through between breezing through it and getting annoyed with boredom for relatively minor things I think I might be coming back to the next book in the series because it s solid has things I like than didn t and the chance of disappointment is low not for the nagging need to continue that comes with 5 star books I m not trying to be harsh I understand that for other this book will rank higher and for good reason I just found it to be solid a bit annoying yet a bit above average The main character Sienna and indeed every person in the cast is Christian That s all fine and dandy I mean really my culture is dominantly Christian including a lot of my family and friends It s not the mere mention of it that deduces from the book I do respect her for keeping religion apart from her work and clients I hate how case workers sometimes push or feel religion is necessary It was mainly how much scripture there is in this book I found myself yawning and rolling my eyes at such passages since I m not Christian nor religious I just couldn t connect with that aspect of Sienna I understand and have grappled with faith before so I get what she was going through I just didn t find these parts compelling However I was able to connect and like Sienna for other things and aspects in her character I just didn t like having to read all those psalms and such I know it was important to Sienna and her character to detail the bible verses even paragraphs at a time but I skimmed those The only part of Sienna I didn t really get was her issues and struggles with social justice I get her struggles with her husband being gone for his work in social justice but she seemed to have issues with the very meaning of social justice and it s purpose During one of these pondering flashback moments she talks about a service in a remote village she went to with her husband RiChard for his work RiChard brings up a good point about Christians coming into places to settle civilize and preach True that service was peaceful and the people participating willing but that s not always the case even today It felt odd that she brought up the crusades being instances of this in the past but not slavery It s not just ancient history either that was rather dismissive and you d think she d keep up with current events all things considered There are plenty of people who cling Christian ideology to justify their bigotry and persecution complex There are also plenty of places to look at right now today if you want to see what would happen should the Right Wing Christians got what they want in regards to women rights gay rights etc It s not a pretty picture This instance is really minor though a mere moment in this 400 page book that doesn t detract much just illustrates why I was disconnected from Sienna in regards to faith I liked the mystery part of the book I think it was done well though it didn t really knock my socks off I saw some of it coming and was leaning toward other explanations There were a couple of things that bugged me that I will duly put behind a spoiler Why is Sienna not wondering and questioning Sheena Several times now Sheena has been contacted with threats regarding Sienna yet Sienna never wonders why her and how did they get Sheena s phone number Alva is getting money mysteriously to keep things afloat and quiet regarding Dayonna Sheena is talking about money and telling Sienna to stop risking all their jobs Then Sienna easily dismisses Roland from suspect I found all that hard to believe Clearly is going on with the RiChard aspect of the story line but I don t think this one is all resolved either Or at least I m not buying these parts of the solution being hand waved away or forgotten. Losing Hope fictional Notes Quotes On pg 93 The reality of a life addicted It was impacting due to the whole scene and several pages This sentence just made me think We re all addicted From technology to religion everyone uses something to get through Just like drugs. Losing hopenn login Onpg 198 again due to the scene and the dancing drug high woman described before hand this part hit me it was impossible to miss the multitude of broken lives trapped and dancing in desperation to the rhythm of the drug trade. Losing hope book series This on pg 293 is so true Like I told you times are different now than when I first founded Holding Hands almost thirty years ago Back then it was acceptable to help the most vulnerable People and corporations were always willing to give out donations that assisted those in need With the shift toward viewing the poor as somehow evil or lazy and solely responsible for their own fates funds for social programs for people who need it most have dried up Budgets have been slashed Policies have been changed So many nonprofits and community agencies have had to close their doors. Book Losing hope pg 327 The suspenseful moment waiting for the mysterious man in the dark where he shouldn t be didn t hit me I kept thinking if he was going to attack he would have duh I was curious to find out the truth behind the shadows but wasn t really feeling any danger during the whole book 1601627297 What a page turning fast read Once I started the words literally flew off the pages There is a lot of mystery in this well written story Sienna St James is a Social Worker in Balti MD She lives with her son Ramon and has not seen her husband in years and actually does not know if he is even alive. Losing hope book summary One mystery flies to another when she tries to help on of Clients Dayonna You begin to think the girl is one big Mental case but in some ways Sienna believes her and begins her task to find Hope You will love the Bible verses just popping into her head at the right time You will wonder if she is going to end up with the Policeman Leon the Church Music Director Tremont or will her husband RiChard reappear As the book goes along you begin to wonder what is happening and things are not always as they appear If you like a good mystery this is really a book for you Also there is another book to come Enjoy I received this book through Tywebbin Virtual Book Tours and was not required to give a positive review 1601627297 3. Contemporary Losing hope solo 5 Stars 1601627297
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