Kevin By Paul Kupperberg By Paul Kupperberg

Kevin love

Kevin Keller the first openly gay character in the history of Archie Comics premiered last fall to an overwhelming favorable response He will star in his own series of comics starting in June and his story will continue in this special paper over board novel to be released in time for Gay Pride June 2012 This book is a perfect gift for anyone who loves Archie Comics or just wants to feel good about themselves Kevin By Paul KupperbergContent warning Bullying attempted suicide. Kevinits Kevin Keller is well liked in high school but it wasn t always that way While helping Veronica and Jughead with the preparations for Riverdale High s upcoming prom Kevin tells the story of his middle school prom Back then he was chubby and had braces and bad skin Because his dad was in the Army his family was always moving and bullies always seemed to view him as a target But at least at Medford Middle School he had a small group of friends the Geek Squad composed of him Leon Nicky and Samantha aka Sammie. We need to talk about kevin book As the Medford Middle School prom approached Kevin found himself dealing with lots of stress and confusing feelings In order to get to hang out with the popular and handsome Timmy who Kevin didn t realize was his first crush Kevin agreed to go to the prom with Sammie as friends not realizing that she might take it seriously And then there was Elliott the school s biggest bully threatening to beat him up the first chance he got Dealing with Elliott got Kevin thinking about Luke another one of Elliott s victims and unlike Kevin he seemed to be all alone with no Geek Squad of his own to keep him company. Fiction kindle books My one and only exposure to Kevin Keller prior to this book was the Kevin Keller Drive Me Crazy graphic novel which really wasn t my thing Too heavy handed and a bit dated feeling despite the progressiveness of Kevin s very existence in the Archie Comics universe. Kevin fick attorney bolivar This novel worked better for me than the graphic novel it probably helped that the lack of illustrations meant that I didn t have to look at Kevin s slightly creepy pupil less blue eyes and almost constant smile but it was still pretty heavy handed with its messages about bullying friendship and being gay By the way for Kevin figuring out he was gay worked pretty much like a light bulb turning on once he heard the word and had some time to think about his situation he just knew and that was that I know it works that way for some folks but if you want a story with a bit questioning this isn t it. Kevin keegan The basic story wasn t bad just very average The things that most kept my attention were Luke and Timmy I wanted to see how Luke s situation would get handled the storyline had a heavy afterschool special feel to it and whether Timmy would morph into another bully through peer pressure. Kevin nonfiction I will say this though there were a couple lines that were worded in ways that were unintentionally hurtful The one that most stuck out to me was this one Sure it hurt his feelings when kids made fun of him because of his weight or complexion but he had a mother and father who made it clear to him that those were just temporary imperfections not anything that defined him as a person Eventually he would lose the extra weight his skin would clear up and the braces would come off his teeth What mattered was who he was inside 66 67 I m sure the author meant well but not all imperfections are temporary What if a kid is being bullied for something that isn t going to change What if Kevin never lost weight or his skin never improved or his braces didn t completely fix his teeth Saying the things you re being bullied for will eventually go away isn t really all that helpful and could in fact be harmful for some readers. Kevin eubanks net worth Anyway I ve now finished all the Kevin Keller stuff in my collection and I don t think I ll be seeking any out Original review posted on A Library Girl s Familiar Diversions 0448458527 I received this book from GoodReads in exchange for an honest review. Kindle kleinanzeigen Other than that you cannot help but like Kevin He is an extremly likeable charactor You want the best for him He is bullied has a military father and comes into his own sexually You want him to succeed and do well 0448458527 Kevin is the second book I won from the Goodreads First Reads giveaway When I initially saw it listed I thought it seemed kind of cute I read about Kevin being the first gay character of the Archie Universe a little while back when it hit the news and it got me kind of excited because it s nice that being gay is becoming and accepted in today s society When I was a kid there was nothing like LGBT literature for Young Adults I don t even think there was an LGBT section in bookstores back then So I find this new genre of literature to be kind of nice If I read this as a child I probably would have gobbled it up and thought it was the most amazing book of all time The story itself is simple It s written at a 5th grade reading level which is interesting because I think the majority of parents don t even talk to their kids about homosexuality at this age I m not sure who this book is really for A parent would have to be pretty liberal to give this to their kid or maybe I m wrong. Kevin gausman I don t want to give too much away but it s basically about a young boy in Middle school who is overweight and has bad acne and gets picked on a lot in school He has really great friends which is nice but there are dozens of others in the school who laugh and make fun of him Luckily he has a great dad for a role model and the boy he admires in school is actually pretty nice to him It s like Kevin walks this fine line from having low self esteem from being bullied and made fun of at school and being moderately well adjusted due to his supportive friends and family. Ebook kindle I think a lot of people can relate to this story especially other kids who are just starting to realize they are gay If you happen to have a kid that has come out to you as being gay I would definitely recommend this book However I think the kids out there who really need it the ones who are scared and feel alone and don t have friends and family that support them they are the ones who would need this book the most and unfortunately they are the ones who aren t likely to have the people looking out for them to give them it. Kevin fiala If I were to have one hope in life it is that the kids out there in the world who feel hated and disliked by the people around them that they discover that they are really normal the people around them who put them down are wrong and that things will get better I think this book sends that positive message and I hope at least some of those kids out there find this and realize that It s an important message that needs to be spread and hopefully there will be a day where we won t have this problem 0448458527 KevinA Novel by Paul KuppenbergPublished by Grosset Dunlap Archie Comics Penguin Young ReadersApril 2013Review by Craig WiesnerReach And Teach Reach And TeachAs a youngster in Junior High School AKA Middle School I remember looking at the other kids in my class through the lens of Archie Comics A boy who had been a really close friend for a couple of years Wayne was Archie red hair and all His best friend forever David was Jughead There were girls who were perfect matches as Veronica and Betty I could see someone to match everyone in Archie except me When Wayne and David started going gaga over girls we drifted apart Plus there was some terrible stuff going on at school between me and a group of bullies and home wasn t very safe either Real life sucked Archie s life seemed pretty great 40 years ago Archie Comics was like a glass window that I could look through and see all kinds of happy people but nowhere in Riverdale did there seem like any place for me Well 40 years later it turns out there is I just finished reading Kevin the pre story of a character who now appears in Archie Comics including his very own comics and I hope that every kid in Riverdale AKA anywhere in the world where this book becomes available gets a chance to read it The book is great a page turner and loaded with lessons about real friendship love relationships courage fear bullying upstanding sexuality crushes and but wait there s Synopsis Kevin Keller the first openly gay kid in Riverdale High shares his bittersweet coming of age story Before he became handsome confident athletic and popular Kevin was awkward and shy As a military brat he never stayed in one school very long and he never felt like he fit in After settling in at yet another new school Kevin had to face one of the biggest challenges of his young life middle school prom An awkward experience for any kid it was made worse for Kevin after he realized that the girl he d agreed to go with might like him as than a friend and the boy of his dreams acted like he didn t exist Why I Love This Book Despite feeling like an outsider in Riverdale I nonetheless always loved Archie Comics Yes there were kids who acted snobbish and there were bullies but overall the people in Riverdale were wonderful The parents were kind if not a bit quirky The teachers and other school staff seemed to really care about the kids Archie and his friends cared deeply about each other loved each other stood up for each other laughed with each other had lots of fun made mistakes got mad apologized and were friends again If there was anyplace in the world where a gay kid could have come out it would have been Riverdale and the first person a boy would have come out to would have been Betty or Veronica In this book Kevin shares his coming of age story Moved once again because of his father s military assignment this time Kevin has found some really nice friends known as the Geek Squad One other kid Timmy not part of the squad in fact a really popular kid on the swim team hangs out with the squad once in a while When the school bully starts picking on Luke the one kid in the school who seems to have absolutely no friends Timmy stands up for him Kevin without realizing exactly what it is develops an crush on Timmy especially after Timmy stands up for Luke Meanwhile Sammie a member of the geek squad develops her own serious crush on Kevin When Kevin invites her to the prom she thinks it is finally the start of something than just friendship Yep it s Archie alright The story goes much deeper than any of the comics I remember It explores what true friendship is about showing what happens when friends hurt each other which we do and how real friends get past the hurts and make up The bullying Kevin and Luke go through at school is horrendous like real bullying is for real kids Kevin s father is a wonderful character active duty military gently guiding his son through troubled waters teaching him how to protect himself Kevin has a few opportunities to stand up against the bully and the first few times he fails Each time he thinks about some lessons that came up in English class Atticus Finch standing up against an entire town in To Kill A Mockingbird and the words of Edmund Burke All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing Pretty cool stuff to include in a book based on Archie Comics The book does a great job of slowly but steadily bringing the reader along on Kevin s journey from being completely clueless about his own sexual orientation to that lightbulb moment when all becomes clear For anyone who wonders if the way that journey unfolds matches reality I m here to tell you it sure does and funny enough my lightbulb flashing was also because of a member of the swim team Steve M. Kevin bacon wherever you are One thing I look for in a book that includes bullying is how the bullied person handles it when the tables are turned Kevin s father started teaching Kevin some martial arts and in many stories there would come a moment when the bullied kid would beat the heck out of the bully That doesn t happen here Kevin protects himself but doesn t strike back Beautiful. Ebook kenakalan remaja The other beautiful thing is the way Kevin reaches out to Luke the most tragic figure in the story and the one in the most need of a friend One of the greatest things a child can do in that lunchroom of hell that so many kids encounter is to take her tray and sit down with that one incredibly alone other kid sitting hunched over his lunch hoping no one picks on him that day That act of walking over in front of everyone and saying hello is one of the most courageous acts in the world Kevin does that and I love him for it The book is well written funny at times seriously sad at others realistic for the most part a bit silly here and there it is Archie Comics after all and an important gift to our changing world Missing are kids of color and of course we ll need to have a lesbian and trans story soon too But for the moment I ll give thanks that Kevin found his way to Riverdale and this book found its way into the world Now Jughead and I need to go get some serious cheeseburgers Buy the Book Buy the Book 0448458527 I read this book over a period of about a month I left it in the basement and every day while I was waiting for my cat to finish eating so I could give her an insulin shot I would read a few pages It was perfect for this purpose and I wish I had another book like this now Things that might disappoint you are This is not a comic graphic novel It is not really set in the Archie universe so you won t see much of those beloved characters There s a framing device where Kevin is telling the gang about when he was in middle school in a different town No romance boy on boy action of any kind no kissing no talking about crushes no I really like you nothing But you might really like The gee whiz tone is very in keeping with all the serious issue Archie comics of the 70s and 80s Although it deals with homophobia bullying parental neglect and suicide it s incredibly light and positive I would have been in love with this book when I was eight years old because it covers important topics but in a very gentle and sugar coated way So keep this in mind for the bright but delicate children in your life 0448458527 Paul Kupperberg s novel simply titled Kevin is a novel that tells the story of Kevin Keller the first openly gay character of the Archie comics franchise first having appeared in the comic Veronica 202 The novel opens with Kevin preparing for a prom with his friends Veronica and Jughead both classic Archie characters as he is about to share with them a story of a prom that he attended at a previous school This conversation serves as bookends to the story as a majority of the novel is focused on the events leading up to the past prom as well as the past prom itself events that ultimately lead to Kevin s newfound sense of confidence and self discovery while his interaction with Veronica and Jughead is limited to the very beginning of the novel and the very end of the novel The story is typical of the Young Adult genre a coming of age story of a pre teen who is confused about who he she is and embarks upon a journey in order to make that discovery The novel is quite cute and is a very fast read but I do have some issues with it as it is far from perfect I would firstly like to say that a majority of the novel s narrative stays on a very linear path and does not take many unexpected turns it is rather predictable Very rarely was I surprised by anything that happened although I was a couple of times I also think that the novel could have been a bit longer just to provide background information about the characters Kevin s friends at his previous school Sammie Nicky and Leon for example are very one dimensional and the author goes too far out of his way to demonstrate that these people are friends because of how much that they have in common not doing enough to demonstrate their differences as individuals I found it very easy to learn about the characters and who they are which in some respects is a positive characteristic of any story but it was very easy to predict how they would react to situations which is primarily because they needed character development and were too similar Elliot Kingman is the typical bully and has absolutely no depth to his character no redemptive or likable traits and even Kevin himself could have used some further development I did a small amount of research about Kevin as an Archie comics character for example and discovered that he has two younger sisters neither of whom are even mentioned in the novel and Kevin s mother exists merely to acknowledge that he does in fact have a mother all interaction between Kevin and his parents is done via his father referred to as Colonel Keller while his mother has absolutely no dialogue and we learn very little about her The character that arouses the most amount of emotion is Luke McPhee a boy who has no friends and is constantly the target of Elliot a character for whom I feel a great deal of sympathy and while I do very much appreciate that the novel deals with the harmful effects of bullying I don t think that it deals with this issue seriously enough Something very serious something very sad and tragic happens near the end of the novel but I wish that it had happened sooner so that the novel could have dealt with the aftermath of the event rather than just graze it and not deal with it seriously enough The event in fact seems to be an afterthought in present day Kevin s mind rather than a grave emotional injury I overall enjoyed the novel as it is a fun fast read with a likable heroic protagonist but I feel like it might have been a lot better if it had a different writer because although I mean no disrespect to the writer Kupperberg is primarily a comic book writer and this definitely shows as the novel features mostly dialogue and very little description I am left wanting a lot and feel ardently inclined to read Kevin Keller Welcome to Riverdale a graphic novel by Dan Parent perhaps that will offer me a little insight into Kevin as a character although I doubt that it does anything for the characters in the written novel who seem to be limited to his past school 0448458527 First Reads Review Kevin by Paul KupperbergSo I won this through the goodreads FIrst Reads program thinking it was a graphic novel as I was familiar of the character through the Archie comics Which just shows that I need to read the descriptions better because it showed up and I discovered that it was a chapter book So pushing past my mild disappointment that I was in for a longer read that I had anticipated I waded into the world of not Riverdale At least not of the story takes place away from the normal locale of the comics. Comics kingdom login And what I got was a very good if very middle school book It deals with some weighty subjects from bullying to abuse to homosexuality and meanwhile it maintains a very Archie feel the characters real enough but very good very driven to do the right thing I mean it s something that Kevin in the book struggles with trying to do what is right even when it is frightening but there really wasn t a whole lot of question that the story was going to have a happy ending What was surprising to me was the darkness that seeps into the story with Luke especially bringing the tone from what might have been light to something very serious I ll just say that attempted suicide was not something I was expecting when I picked up the book not that it wasn t handled well and with proper gravity in the story. Kevin eubanks sundance This is a book set in middle school though and has taught me that middle school is not something that I miss at all not even really to read about Because the author does a good jb of capturing the feel of middle school with the middle school pressures and fears Kevin is written quite well and makes everything interesting but in most ways this is a standard school bully story where Kevin eventually stands up for himself and others There is going on than just that though and kudos to the book for taking some unexpected twists here and there It is subtly crafted if not entirely subtle in delivery Things like Kevin starting to become aware of his own difference and homosexuality is well done and I liked his relationship with Sammie and Timmy especially. Kevin janssens And it is a story that refuses to give in wholly to the happy ending It is realistic that way at least leaving people better off mainly but not really getting what they really want And I think that works It was a fun read and fast and I don t really mind that it wasn t a graphic novel As it stands it was a good book and it almost makes me interested in checking out about Kevin As it stands though I have a lot of other books on my plate and so I shall leave not Riverdale and give the book four stars out of five 0448458527 Kevin Keller the gay character of the Archie comics had a tough time in middle school He and his friends are all geeks and targets though not so badly as Luke who regularly gets beaten up by the school bully Kevin thinks Timmy Baker is the coolest kid in the school he hangs out with the geeks and the popular kids though some of Kevin s friends think he s not quite so wonderful or so interested in really being friends As the middle school prom approaches Kevin has to deal with sudden confusing interest from his best female friend Sammie Elliot the bully who s threatening to beat Kevin up for supposedly ratting him out when he was beating up Luke Luke who is keeping secrets and is afraid to be friends and the defecting Timmy How will it all play out This got good reviews and I was looking forward to it but ended up being kind of disappointed It s a very average school story very simply written and sounded almost like fanfiction by a competent but not great writer Perhaps the author was trying to keep it as simple as a comic book but that doesn t really work when there are no images to add depth to the story For better middle school appropriate books about GBLT issues try Levithan s Boy Meets Boy Steve Kluger s My Most Excellent Year and Alex Sanchez s So Hard To Say 0448458527 I notice in the tags some have labeled this young adult I think it is written for Middle Grade and that is how I rated it. Kevin janssens Kevin the title character is at Riverview High as the story opens but it quickly segues back to his year at Medford Middle School His father is an army colonel always being moved but not at war and so Kevin is the new kid in town. Kevina He s chunky pimply and wears braces making him fair game for the middle school bully He does have a group of friends and is not at the lowest rung of the middle school social ladder but he envies those at the top. Kevin von erich It is sparse consisting mostly of dialogue with little exposition or setting It s vocabulary is not challenging It lives in the world of Riverdale so there is no foul language pansy is as bad as it gets. Kevin gausman And yet even though it is so far from a current middle grader s experience the story can bring affirmation to those feeling on the outside looking in It provides a moral compass for right behavior without preaching. Kevin love And softy that I am it brought tears to my eyes at the conclusion Jim 0448458527 I received a free copy of this book from a Goodreads First Reads giveaway but this is all my honest opinion When I was younger and really into Archie comics I wish Kevin Keller had been a part of it I m so grateful that there is now a gay character in the series and I hope that comics will include LGBTQ characters and give them back stories in the same vein as this book about Kevin This book is a short sweet middle grade ish look into growing up feeling like an outsider The Geek Squad Kevin s middle school friends were nice and relatable and I think anyone who felt out of the norm would enjoy Kevin s story It s hardly even about being gay but about the struggles of growing up in general That s what makes the book strong Kevin realizes he may be gay at the very end of the book it s a non issue and we re free to learn about him in the comics It s definitely rushed at times slow at others and the characters all have kind of ridiculous 50 s names but I d definitely recommend this book for any young person probably middle grade who feels in any way that they don t fit in 0448458527 Paul Kupperberg is a nearly 50 year veteran of the comic book industry as a writer and editor for DC Comics Archie Comics Marvel Bongo Charlton and many He is also the author of than three dozen books of fiction and nonfiction for readers of all ages as well as of short stories articles and essays for Crazy 8 Press Heliosphere Titan Books Stone Arch Books Rosen Publishing Citadel Press Pocket Books TwoMorrows and others, Kevin james I was excited to get this book yet mildly dissapointed there were no pictures I was expecting a comic book like the real Archie stories. Kevin gates It s a book of discovery about bullying about sexuality about right and wrong about preparing yourself for adversity.Kevin By Paul Kupperberg.