Fundamentals of Sleep Technology By Cynthia Mattice

Fundamentals of Sleep Technology By Cynthia Mattice Hardcover 1451132034 9781451132038 Fundamentals of Sleep Technology Fundamentals of Sleep Technology provides a thorough understanding of the use of polysomnography and other technologies in the evaluation and management of sleep disorders. Coverage includes in depth reviews of the neurophysiology and cardiopulmonary aspects of sleep, along with the pathophysiology of sleep disorders. Detailed sections on polysomnography include recording procedures, identifying and scoring sleep stages and sleep related events, and report generation. Chapters discuss therapeutic interventions including positive airway pressure, supplemental oxygen, surgical and pharmacologic treatments, and patient education. A section focuses on pediatric sleep disorders and polysomnography. Also included are chapters on establishing and managing a sleep center and accrediting a sleep program.Fundamentals of Sleep Technology is endorsed by American Association of Sleep Technologists (AAST). AAST committees oversaw the development of this book, defining the table of contents, recruiting the Editors, and providing most of the contributors. Fundamentals of Sleep technologyxl I could understand some technical words but in the middle I couldn t bear no and I finished by only reading titles and figuresIt would be precious for neurology students ans for the specialised peoplebut not really for me Cynthia Mattice
Fundamentals of Sleep Technology By Cynthia Mattice
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Fundamentals of Sleep Technology provides a thorough understanding of the use of polysomnography and other technologies in the evaluation and management of sleep disorders Coverage includes in depth reviews of the neurophysiology and cardiopulmonary aspects of sleep along with the pathophysiology of sleep disorders Detailed sections on polysomnography include recording procedures identifying and scoring sleep stages and sleep related events and report generation Chapters discuss therapeutic interventions including positive airway pressure supplemental oxygen surgical and pharmacologic treatments and patient education A section focuses on pediatric sleep disorders and polysomnography Also included are chapters on establishing and managing a sleep center and accrediting a sleep program. Book Fundamentals of Sleep technology news Fundamentals of Sleep Technology is endorsed by American Association of Sleep Technologists AAST AAST committees oversaw the development of this book defining the table of contents recruiting the Editors and providing most of the contributors Fundamentals of Sleep TechnologyFundamentals of Sleep Technology.


Fundamentals of Sleep technologyqa

It was a textbook Cynthia Mattice interesting book in the beginning but the it becomes specialised the it becomes difficult and boring for me