Read this book 9781936467693 In the spirit of critique I will list the few things I found good about this book before the several I found that were not so good The information about the school systems in the US the futility and terrible repercussions especially towards people of color that the war on drugs has had over the years being critical of advertising and media and that reading to your children is one of the best things you can do for them The suggestions about helping your child reach their potential were aimed squarely at upper middle class Americans Those who can reach libraries with ease.
Swagger cast
Law and policy makers and anyone active in or passionate about social justice I also loved Lisa Blooms First book Think and will read anything she puts out The only place I saw room for improvement was in the recommendation to limit media exposure Easy enough if you start out parenting that way but if you try to make restrictions to a boy who has free access to all media games etc there will likely be resistance and that wasn t really addressed 9781936467693 Author of upcoming SUSPICION NATION The Inside Story of the Trayvon Martin Injustice and Why We Continue to Repeat It releases 2 26 14 Author of the New York Times bestseller.
Swagger version
I am about 2 3 of the way through this book and I am so thankful to have this resource as my boys enter the rocky world of elementary school and beyond When my daughter was a toddler I read Reviving Ophelia and I felt better equipped to deal with the outside pressures facing girls Swagger is Reviving Ophelia for boys with an emphasis on today s culture If you have boys or even if you have nephews cousins etc have plenty of time and money to take their children to life enriching events and a job that allows them to be around to censor their teenagers habits The rest of this book was flim flam I had high hopes that it would not be everything it was Sensational reductionist and extremely judgmental Reading it I could tell the author had no actual knowledge of the pop culture phenomena she was talking about A few choice quotes Not all rap music today is thuggish Common and Black Eyed Peas are notable exceptionsIn what world is Black Eyed Peas considered rap music And there are plenty of actual hip hop artists who don t fall into the category of thuggish music Eyedea POS Atmosphere and Blueprint It was readily apparent that she was searching for music to fit her perceptions The one metal band she mentions Cannibal Corpse who are SO over the top only those who are entirely ignorant of the genre take it seriously My suggestion to parents would be that if your kid likes rap music find some that doesn t exemplify that kind of life and give it to them Instead of banning it which will get you nowhere guide towards something better. Swagger tv show What about video games the bane of every modern mom s existence Speak for yourself and only yourself ma am I m well aware that we moms who play video games aren t in a majority especially at the age group this is aimed at but holy hell what kind of gender essentialist bullshit is that to put in a book And while I may not enjoy her favorite target of ire Call of Duty I ve played enough Halo to make up for it Video games can range from terrible to wonderful just like anything else and even if you don t play video games all it takes is about 5 minutes on the internet to get a review and know whether or not it s something you want your kid exposed to. Swagger ui There were 2 other issues I take with this book the total hatred for TV and the idea that college is the one and only way to a successful life First things first television The things she is saying now is what people were saying a hundred years ago about pulp novels and it was just as false then as it is now TV can be a great thing and it can be trash It all depends on what you watch and how much of it you consume College can be great it can get you a good job and lead to a better career and life but that has to be what you want It can also be a 30000 piece of paper that leaves you in debt for the rest of your life Making tons of money is not every persons goal in life and if your child wants to be a classical painter a writer or a musician college may not be the way to go for them My goal as a parent is not to push my child to be the most successful person ever It s to help him find fulfillment in life doing something that he can make a decent living at while still enjoying his life If that means a trade school to become a computer programmer great If it means helping him go to college to get a law degree also great I want my kid to be happy and teach him how to balance his life equally among responsibility and fun Not to push him to make money at all costs because it s the only thing that matters 9781936467693 It was ok Very casual and conversational style Fairly alarmist extremely American sadly Christian what s up with Christians writing parenting books and I certainly didn t agree with some things she said. Export swagger to pdf However I want to remember some of the key messages for posterity Thug culture is non stop background noise for boys and it s quite different from the music that our parents hated teach humility lose the swagger expect them to go to college university and talk about it a lot read in front of him and talk about books a lot literacy level is a primary key to success in life minimize and control tv video games internet teach media literacy and critical thinking about media Ask who created this message what techniques are used to attract my attention how might different people understand this message differently from me what lifestyles values and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message why was this message sent support his teacher teach him to respect girls and women make community service part of your family life travel 9781936467693 Along the lines of her last book Think Ms Bloom calls it like she sees it in Swagger And boy is how she sees it scary. Swagger stick Ms Bloom first lays the ground work by identifying four social and economic factors that disproportionately harm boys the failing public education system the struggling economy thug culture including particularly music that glorifies violence and mass incarceration I d read about public schools and the economy quite a bit so much of those chapters was review for me As someone who listens primarily to either country or classical music the chapter on thug culture was quite a revelation It includes quite a few lyrics from rap and hip hop songs and let me tell you it was disturbing After reading some Snoop Dogg Allen Iverson and Notorious B. Swagger nonfiction best G lyrics I was appalled and grateful that my sons are thrilled to have recently discovered Michael Jackson and Bon Jovi There just doesn t seem to me to be any way to read those lyrics like Man enough to pull a gun be man enough to squeeze it Iverson or f you with an umbrella and open it up while the t s inside ya Eminem other than as a glorification of murder violence and rape not to mention the objectification of women While I m hesitant to tar the entire genre with this brush I certainly didn t see any redeeming qualities in the image held up in these songs for kids to idolize. Kindle swaggerty sausage I was also blown away by the chapter on our prison system I had no idea just how large the enormous surge in the American prison population was or how disproportionately it affects men and particularly minorities Over two million adults are incarcerated in the United States today 93% are men Another five million are on probation or parole Those are absolutely insane numbers With the War on Drugs drug addiction became a crime to be punished instead of an ailment to be helped Four out of five 80% of drug arrests in 2005 were for possession Only one in five was for actually selling drugs And the life long penalties after incarceration are stunning In many states after a felony conviction voting rights are taken away as is the ability to serve on a jury Finding employment becomes increasingly difficult federal educational assistance is denied so you can t go back to school federal food stamps are not available the military will not allow enlistment With few options recidivism rates are high and the cycle continues into the next generation And it costs taxpayers millions while our schools are desperately in need of funds to cover the basics Just how is this logical Ms Bloom s Ten Rules for Raising Boys Right Now actually made me feel pretty good about how we re doing in our family of three boys ages 3 6 and 9 We re right on track with many of these suggestions already but they also provided food for thought on ways we can improve too. EBook swagger 1 Lose the Swagger Kid humility as opposed to overconfidence and modesty as opposed to bragging are important values that our children are not learning Your son is an important person a child of God with the spark of the divine animating him But so is every other person on the planet no no less. Swagger editor 2 Set College Expectations Early and Often Ms Bloom bangs this drum repeatedly In spite of rising college costs a college degree is still an absolute necessity for a middle class lifestyle Not only is life time earning potential than twice that of a high school graduate but job security is greater with unemployment rates for college grads significantly lower that those for high school dropouts or high school grads. Swagger ui 3 Make Your Home a Reading Mecca Preaching to the choir here Fluent reading is critical Period The National Endowment of the Arts concluded that Reading correlates with almost every measure of positive personal and social behavior according to an extensive study done. Swagger ui 4 Eliminate the Competition The competition for reading time is TV video games anything with a screen so cut back or completely eliminate it After recounting numerous scientific studies and their findings regarding TV watching in particular Ms Bloom concludes if we were child haters and wanted to come up with one magic device that would make them stupid mean narcissistic fat and sick we would have invented the television and twenty first century programming and put them in every home even in kids bedrooms5 Become Aware of the Data Pinging In and Out of Your Boy s Brain George Orwell s 1984 has arrived just a few decades behind schedule Only it s not big government that s watching us it s corporate America In order to help our sons navigate the enormous amount of messages that are thrown at them every day by peers companies the media etc. Nonfiction swaggerty we need to educate ourselves and know what those messages are One pointed suggestion here was to insist that a condition of his access to the Internet must always be your ability to watch him there. Swagger ui 6 Teach Your Boy to Be Ever critical of All Media Here Ms Bloom provides 5 key questions from the Center for Media Literacy to teach your sons to ask about the media he sees so he s less susceptible to its messages Who created this message What techniques are used to attract my attention How might different people understand this message differently from me What lifestyles values and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message Why was this message sent 7 Support His Teacher Ideally you and your child s teacher have the same goals and the same desire to help your child succeed They are not the adversary Undermining their authority with your child doesn t help anyone We ve been fortunate to mostly have great teachers for our children and I love the advice Ms Bloom gives to help your son succeed by teaching him strategies to behave well and do his work even if he doesn t like his teacher or he s not feeling well or whatever8 Teach Him to Respect Girls and Women Of course you want your child to show respect to everyone but in this day and age there is no excuse for making demeaning sexist or rude comments about women even as a joke Ms Bloom advises moms to demand respect for yourself No martyr routines Teach your sons to cook clean do laundry and wash dishes Encourage them to have friends of both genders so girls aren t the other and your children are comfortable interacting with both boys and girls Point out harmful and disrespectful stereotypes Teach him that respect is active. Nonfiction swaggerty 9 Make Community Service a Regular Part of Your Family Life Include your children in the service you do For example I have a Meals on Wheels route I do every other week My oldest two are in school at that time but my three year old loves MoW days and the grandmas and grandpas love to see him helping The others are excited to have a chance to help out this summer Make it a family affair. Swagger editor 10 Take Him Away Brand new experiences broaden horizons and open minds Expose your boy to difference Not all of us may have the resources that allowed Ms Bloom to travel with her children all around the world but we can look for historical sites museums natural wonders close to our homes and make it a point to visit them and expand our knowledge and our children s minds. Nonfiction swaggerty My only quibble with Swagger is that I m afraid those who are most likely to read this book are those who don t need it as much the middle to upper middle class parents who are already encouraging college reading to their sons volunteering in the classroom and doing a lot of things right Wholesale changes are needed in the public education system the economy the prison system and society in order to turn things around for the most vulnerable boys and I m doubtful that the political will exists to make those changes. Swagger cast For book reviews come visit my blog Build Enough Bookshelves 9781936467693 This boy is a great tool for parents of boys All boys The 10 rules are immediate and equally important Kill the swagger Instill a love for reading College is mandatory Time the video tv time TALK to you son Help him analyze media SUPPORT not fight his teachers Show him how to RESPECT the opposite sexopen hold doors walk curbside when walking with the opposite sex Have him volunteer at a charity Take vacations with him Ms Bloom is saying expose your son to other aspects of life outside of his daily environment Spend true quality time with him not just playing video games or watching tv together Open his mind to all the world has to offer Help him to develop an open mind Show him that education is necessary to survive in this life DESPITE our current economy situation A college degree is still very very necessary Take him to the jailhouse to show him where he DOES NOT want to be Have him think in advance about his future everyone will not go to the NBA or NFL and teach him how to create backup plansto diversify and create options and opportunities for himself The book showed me the work I need to do with my own 2 sons I am than half way there but I have plenty of improvement The fun comes in helping them fill in the gaps I look forward to it 9781936467693
Swagger: 10 Urgent Rules for Raising Boys in an Era of Failing Schools, Mass Joblessness, and Thug Culture By Lisa Bloom |
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