Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy#and Our Planet#from Dirty Energy By Danny Kennedy

Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy#and Our Planet#from Dirty Energy By Danny Kennedy Paperback 1609946642 9781609946647 Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy#and Our Planet#from Dirty Energy Here is the truth that the powerful Dirty Energy public relations machine doesn’t want you to the ascent of solar energy is upon us. Solar generated electricity has risen exponentially in the last few years and employment in the solar industry has doubled since 2009. Meanwhile, electricity from coal has declined to pre World War II levels as the fossil fuel industry continues to shed jobs. Danny Kennedy systematically refutes the lies spread by solar’s opponents—that it is expensive, inefficient, and unreliable; that it is kept alive only by subsidies; that it can’t be scaled; and many other untruths. He shows that we need a rooftop revolution to break the entrenched power of the coal, oil, nuclear, and gas industries Solar energy can create jobs, return our nation to prosperity, and ensure the sustainability and safety of our planet. Now is the time to move away from the dangerous energy sources of the past and unleash the amazing potential of the sun.

Rooftop Revolution

Boys Paperback Loved It Paperback I read this book for a university course on technology I enjoyed the author s enthusiasm for his solar for universal need vision His persuasive writing style is casual and easy to read He is also honest about his own vested interest in solar energy I had two issues with the book 1 Kennedy s argument is very much one sided and does not analyze potential negative effects of solar energy use Approaching any technology with so utopian an attitude seems unwise 2 Kennedy did not discuss ways to reduce energy use His activist nature would have come across strongly if he had done so Paperback a little self promoting.

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Good ideas Makes Solar exciting Lots of repetition against King Cong Coal Oil Nukes Gas The section where he keeps listing people who work in solar and tell their stories was a bit hard to get through Made it halfway through and learned the second half was all notes Might be exciting if it was shorter Still Solar is very exciting and he does a good job explaining it Paperback Good stuff to know I m definitely interested in getting solar in my home Paperback In short it s a marketing manifesto written by an activist Having spent seven years installing solar power systems on yachts I was already sold on the concepts and the technology which is good since there isn t much detail of either Am I willing to run my house demand on solar only I d like to say yes Am I ready to go ask Georgia Power to credit me for reserves Not yet Am I confident that there is a local electrical contractor that s prepared to handle the demand once it reaches the southeast coast Heck no Time to start a company of experts but the ideas are there and its digestible Paperback Pasted from Lenz Blog hyperlinks working there removed here I just bought the Kindle version of Danny Kennedy Rooftop Revolution How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy and our Planet from Dirty Energy I found this over Twitter Someone retweeted this from the book s twitter feed Fact 1000 sq miles of solar would power the whole USA The oil gas industries use 10x that pic. Rooftop Revolution pdf editor One interesting point he makes Fossil fuel is also solar energy though used in a laughably inefficient way I agree with that assessment The inefficiency is masked by the fact that humanity is using the resources stored in millions of years in one year But if anybody tried to produce fossil fuel from scratch the way nature has been doing it for us they would quickly learn that waiting hundred of millions of years for your vast forests to be converted does not make a convincing business model. Book Rooftop revolutionehr I liked the chapter about leading and inspiring people in the field of solar some of whom I already had noticed But not all of them I would recommend including some information on Masayoshi Son in the next edition. EPub Rooftop revolution definition In that chapter I was especially interested in hearing about Solarmosaic They are in the process of setting up an interesting crowdsourcing model for solar projects Their website says they are now working with the Securities and Exchange commission on their business model. EBook Rooftop revolutionehr I already noted the interesting fact that 10 percent of the land used by the fossil fuel companies would be enough to generate all of the electricity for the United States the object of the tweet above I didn t know that. Book Rooftop revolution dance I didn t know that the IEA expects 12000 GW of solar PV capacity in 2060 However Kennedy writes that present installed capacity is around 50 GW world wide which is not correct now Maybe he wrote that part of the manuscript earlier when it was about right Capacity was already 674 GW at the end of 2011 with total world wide production of about 80 TWh in that year. Rooftop revolution hall portland I didn t find many typos either One is in the first sentence about Sven Teske where it says is German friend with the a missing another at location 1806 where it says polices instead of policies. Rooftop revolutionehr sign At location 350 Kennedy writes that Germany now gets a whopping 20 percent of its power from clean sustainable energy Actually it is already 25% for the first six months of 2012. EPub Rooftop revolution dance Kennedy has founded a company Sungevity that is trying to get solar panels cheaper and with less hassle to American costumers I recall blogging about the still high costs of American solar compared to Germany The biggest chunk comes from costs of the supply chain American costumers pay about as much for that as for the solar panels In contrast the supply chain costs are almost invisible in Germany That of course means a big chance for someone to reduce these costs I hear the Americans have access to the Internet and a large pool of very talented people interested in setting up a business Why can t someone get those solar panels delivered at about 20% of the present lavish cut the supply chain is getting From what I understand from reading the book Sungevity is trying to do exactly that. EBook Rooftop revolution dance Anyway I think this is required reading for anybody interested in energy issues and in solar in particular Paperback Solar was once the wave of the future Now it s the wave of the present Solar and many other technological and psychological shifts are saving our planet Get your energy from the sun Let s do it Paperback This book is supposed to be an infomercial but ends up sounding like a propaganda pamphlet with little information content The author keeps repeating how solar is going to change the world which it surely will without either explaining how why the likely radical future ahead or the potential risks in technology delays. EPub Rooftop revolution The book continues to insist that solar was already a comparatively cheap enough option when it was written Assuming that this was as valid as the book claimed to be it was not given the implementation costs then and not everywhere despite the crude above USD100 the author overeggs the point The book stays away from explaining either the ongoing technology revolution that keeps reducing the panel costs or the way humanity could change its energy behaviour if solar truly fulfills its potential in 10 100 years. Rooftop Revolution pdf reader Rather the book is interested in discussing some of the work done by a handful of activists in promoting the usage ideas of cost comparisons employment creation from half baked back of the envelope type of research and the opposite propaganda of traditional energy companies The subject matter of solar power is huge and with such enormous importance to the humanity while this book was about a particular product of a particular organization ran by the author at a particular point in time Paperback Will solar energy replace fossil fuels An expert seems to think soThe basic facts are clear The US must move to solar and other forms of renewable energy to slow down global warming lower the environmental costs of extracting coal oil and natural gas reduce the adverse public health impact of fossil fuel emissions and end our dependency on overseas sources of petroleum. Rooftop Revolution ebooks online But did you know that the move to solar energy is inevitable That sooner or later the economic advantages of solar will be so compelling that the relatively few people today who still believe the coal and oil industries propaganda will eventually be forced to decide to install photovoltaic panels on their rooftops and commercial buildings That s the message that emerges from reading between the lines of Rooftop Revolution the paean to solar energy by Danny Kennedy one of the avatars of the rising solar industry Kennedy demonstrates with a wealth of statistics and a captivating narrative that the price of solar electricity from rooftop installations is on such a steep downward track the pace of technological innovation in the industry is so swift and the price of oil is on such an inevitable long term rising trend that within a very few years it will become impossible to ignore the widening gap in cost between electricity from solar and that from fossil fuel generating plants a gap in favor of solar. Rooftop revolution hall portland Not so incidentally Kennedy reports the tide turned in 2010 when fully half of new electric generation coming online globally was renewable In the United States renewables were 25 percent of new electric generation And going solar by 2015 will be economically rational for two thirds of the households in the United States However Kennedy makes it clear that he isn t satisfied to let history run its course The urgent need to lower global warming and the potential of solar energy to create millions of desperately needed new jobs together force him to advocate for public support to urge changes in state and federal energy policy. PDF Rooftop revolution In Rooftop Revolution Kennedy makes a powerful case for the adoption of solar on the basis of its job creating power alone the solar energy industry hires roughly twice as many people as the fossil fuel business per dollar invested And the total number of jobs in the solar industry is growing at a ferocious pace while employment in the fossil fuel sector is shrinking. Rooftop revolutionary way As the author makes clear a sensible federal policy of incentives to promote solar and not to encourage the use of fossil fuels could greatly speed up the move to solar energy However the powers that be in Washington DC have decided otherwise Despite all the cries of foul from the US Chamber of Commerce and the oil industry that the government is giving away the store to the solar industry they point to Solyndra as proof the facts tell us a much different story In fact the oil coal and natural gas industry has received federal subsidies in the last decade that are than an order of magnitude greater than those granted to renewables about 10 times for nuclear 11 times for natural gas and petroleum and 22 times for coal. Rooftop revolutionehr pms About that Solyndra case by the way the company was the only one of than 40 firms that received loans under the same program and proceeded to fail and the loan program had already set aside than five times the loss from Solyndra as a reserve against bad loans. Book Rooftop revolutionehr login Kennedy quotes Jeremy Rifkin s assertion that The great economic revolutions in history occur when new communications technologies converge with new energy systems This statement which encapsulates the thesis of Rifkin s 2011 book The Third Industrial Revolution reviewed here meshes with Kennedy s thinking in his description of the changing character of the electricity market As the number of solar equipped buildings on the grid increases the role of the power companies will start to shift employing them as brokers of a sort managing the flow of the surplus electricity to fill in gaps elsewhere on the grid However Rifkin envisions this becoming the predominant or sole role of the power companies by mid century if Kennedy believes that he doesn t indicate so in Rooftop Revolution Instead he dwells on the technical challenges facing the industry to incorporate surplus solar energy amounting to even less than half the total power in the system The technology to accomplish that is almost market ready Kennedy points out but it s not there yet. Book Rooftop revolutionary Rooftop Revolution offers an appealing overview of the present and prospects for solar energy written in an engaging conversational style and brought to life by the author s autobiographical asides and his brief profiles of a number of the leading lights in bringing the power of the sun to life on Earth. Book Rooftop revolutionary Danny Kennedy is a co founder and Executive Vice President of Sungevity a fast growing firm in Oakland California that installs custom fitted residential solar systems around the US and now in The Netherlands as well Kennedy was a campaign manager for Greenpeace for many years before launching Sungevity and is widely considered a leading authority on global energy issues Paperback

Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy#and Our Planet#from Dirty Energy By Danny Kennedy
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Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy#and Our Planet#from Dirty EnergyHere is the truth that the powerful Dirty Energy public relations machine doesn t want you to the ascent of solar energy is upon us Solar generated electricity has risen exponentially in the last few years and employment in the solar industry has doubled since 2009 Meanwhile electricity from coal has declined to pre World War II levels as the fossil fuel industry continues to shed jobs Danny Kennedy systematically refutes the lies spread by solar s opponents that it is expensive inefficient and unreliable that it is kept alive only by subsidies that it can t be scaled and many other untruths He shows that we need a rooftop revolution to break the entrenched power of the coal oil nuclear and gas industries Solar energy can create jobs return our nation to prosperity and ensure the sustainability and safety of our planet Now is the time to move away from the dangerous energy sources of the past and unleash the amazing potential of the sun Rooftop Revolution How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy and Our Planet from Dirty Energy.

. Rooftop revolutioneering com DHvmJWnQ bruneskiI enjoyed reading this book The author is clearly enthusiastic about the subject and knows a lot I learned several new facts, Book Rooftop revolutionary I learned that Hawaii still generates than 90 percent of its electricity from oil which makes it an easy target to get blown out of the water by the competition from solar, Book Rooftop revolutionary I learned that solar has grown faster than the Internet since 1992 with 30000 percent to 29000 percent That s not bad as a record. Kindle Rooftop revolutionary What I found missing was a discussion of the new antidumping tariffs for Chinese solar panels a question not without impact on the United States solar market.twitter