Renfrewshire: A Scottish County's Hidden Past By Derek Alexander

Renfrewshire: A Scottish County's Hidden Past By Derek Alexander Paperback 1841587990 9781841587998 Renfrewshire: A Scottish Countys Hidden Past Renfrewshire, one of Scotland’s 32 council areas, is largely ignored in the general studies of the country’s cultural heritage, yet this unique account provides an overview of the archaeological evidence for the county, which includes the Local Authority Areas of Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, and Inverclyde. Surprisingly, close examination reveals a wide variety of sites and artifacts that relate to the full range of prehistoric and historic human activity in Scotland, from the flints left by Mesolithic hunter gatherers to the imposing remains of Renfrewshire industrial past. Anyone interested in archaeology, agriculture, cultural studies, and history will benefit from this book.

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Renfrewshire: A Scottish County's Hidden PastRenfrewshire one of Scotland s 32 council areas is largely ignored in the general studies of the country s cultural heritage yet this unique account provides an overview of the archaeological evidence for the county which includes the Local Authority Areas of Renfrewshire East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Surprisingly close examination reveals a wide variety of sites and artifacts that relate to the full range of prehistoric and historic human activity in Scotland from the flints left by Mesolithic hunter gatherers to the imposing remains of Renfrewshire industrial past Anyone interested in archaeology agriculture cultural studies and history will benefit from this book Renfrewshire A Scottish County s Hidden Past

Renfrewshire: A Scottish County's Hidden Past By Derek Alexander
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