Animacios bookek magyarul
Such as people yelling SARS at her this was before a US president publicly stigmatized the Chinese virus She shows that prejudice against the Chinese has a long history in the United States The book includes racist illustrations dating from the nineteenth century featuring Chinese immigrants with a hair tail and animal traits that make them look like rodents Chen analyzes the racial fears of lead poisoning in the Chinese lead toy scare of 2007 when millions of Chinese exported toys made by Mattel were recalled due to overdoses of lead paint She exhumes from the documentary and film archives the figure of Fu Manchu.
Animatieserie american
Animacies offers a dizzying array of field engagements and approaches to writing If early in the introduction Chen describes the book s novel contribution as bringing the concept of animacy in relation to queer of color scholarship critical animal studies and disability theory the text also reveals the author s engagement with performance studies psychoanalysis affect theory medical anthropology security studies science studies and linguistics Who is the audiece for this book 0822352729 Recently after reaching a threshold of recovery from a chronic illness I found myself deeply suspicious of my own reassuring statements to my anxious friends that I was feeling alive again Surely I had been no less alive when I was sick except under the accountings of an intuitive and immediately problematic notion of liveliness and other kinds of freedom and agency A fascinating work drawing on disability studies animal studies queer theory biopolitics and linguistics to expand cultural studies A vast amount of theoretical work is included here sometimes at such a speed that you almost miss intricacies but going back and re reading sections is a pleasure I particularly enjoyed the chapters Queer Animation How might a term cast off its dehumanization That is how might a historically objectifying slur like queer be reanimated And why are some people including academics still using queer with regularity the subsections Transmogrification and Trans connections from Animals Sex and Transubstantiation and especially the sections on metals Lead s Racial Matters It is instructive to trace lead s imbrication in the rhetorics of political sovereignty and globalized capital remaining attentive to what is present and what is absent and Following Mercurial Affect This shift concerns the role of metaphor in biopolitics since the seemingly metaphorical productions of cultural expressions of toxicity are not necessarily concrete than the literal ones which are themselves composed of complex cultures of immunity thinking 0822352729 Kiss That Frog Inanimate objects have you then a soul that clings to our soul and forces it to love wondered Alphonse de Lamartine in his poem Milly or the Homeland In Animacies Mel Chen answers positively to the first part of this question although the range of affects she considers is much broader than the lovely attachments that connected the French poet to his home village As she sees it matter that is considered insensate immobile deathly or otherwise wrong animates cultural life in important ways Anima the Latin word from which animacy derives is defined as air breath life mind or soul Inanimate objects are supposed to be devoid of such characteristics In De Anima Aristotle granted a soul to animals and to plants as well as to humans but he denied that stones could have one Modern thinkers have been ready to take the plunge As Chen notes Throughout the humanities and social sciences scholars are working through posthumanist understandings of the significance of stuff objects commodities and things Various concepts have been proposed to break the great divide between humans and nonhumans and between life and inanimate things as the titles of recent essays indicate Vibrant Matter Jane Bennett Excitable Matter Natasha Myers Bodies That Matter Judith Butler The Social Life of Things Arjun Appadurai The Politics of Life Itself Nikolas Rose Parliament of Things Bruno Latour Many argue that objects are imbued with agency or at least an ability to evoke some sort of change or response in individual humans or in an entire society However each scholar also possesses an individual interpretation of the meaning of agency and the true capacity of material objects to have personalities of their own In Animacies Mel Chen makes her own contribution to this debate by pushing it in a radical way writing from the perspective of queer studies she argues that degrees of animacy the agency of life and things cannot be dissociated from the parameters of sexuality and race and is imbricated with health and disability issues as well as environmental and security concerns. Animaciebi IntersectionalityRecent scholarship has seen a proliferation of dedicated cultural studies bearing the name of their subfield as an identity banner in a rainbow coalition feminist studies queer studies Asian American studies critical race studies disability studies animal studies In a bold gesture of transdisciplinarity Mel Chen s Animacies contributes to all of them The author doesn t limit herself to one section of the identity spectrum in her writing intersectionality cuts across lines of species race ability sexuality and ethnicity It even includes in its reach inanimate matter such as pieces of furniture a couch plays a key part in the narrative and toxic chemicals such as mercury and lead And as each field yields its own conceptualization Mel Chen draws her inspiration from what she refers to as queer theory crip theory new materialisms affect theory and cognitive linguistics What makes the author confident enough to contribute to such a broad array of fields methods and objects The reason has to do with the way identity politics is played in American universities To claim legitimacy in a field of cultural studies a scholar has to demonstrate a special connexion with the domain under consideration As an Asian American for instance Mel Chen cannot claim expertise in African American studies but she can work intersectionally by building on her identity as a queer woman of color to enter into a productive dialogue with African American feminists The same goes with other identity categories persons with disabilities have a personal connexion to abled and disabled embodiment while non disabled persons can only reflect self consciously about their ableism Even pet lovers as we will see have to develop a special relationship with their furry friends in order to contribute to critical animal studies. Animatie slang Using this yardstick Mel Chen qualifies by all counts to her transdisciplinary endeavor She identifies herself as Asian American queer and suffering from a debilitating illness She gives many autobiographical details to buttress her credentials She mentions that her parents were immigrants from China who couldn t speak proper English and used singular and plural or gendered pronominal forms indifferently She grew up in a white dominated town in the Midwest and was used to hearing racist slurs a turn of the century personification of the Yellow Peril and proposes her own slant on this character that is said to provide the bread and butter of Asian American studies Mel Chen s self reported identity as queer is also documented She mentions her Asian off gendered form when describing herself and frequently refers to her own queerness In an autobiographical vignette she designates her partner as a she and puts the pronoun her in quotes when she refers to her girlfriend Chen s own bio on her academic webpage refers to her as they Her scholarship builds on the classics of queer studies such as Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and she feels especially close to queer women of color theorizing She exposes to her readers some unconventional gender and sexuality performances such as the category of stone butch designating a lesbian who displays traditional masculinity traits and does not allow herself to be touched by her partner during lovemaking to draw a comparison Chen adds that many men homo or heterosexual do not like to be penetrated Feeling ToxicBut it is on her medical condition that Mel Chen provides the most details Moving to the risky terrain of the autobiographical she mentions that she was diagnosed as suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity and heavy metal poisoning This condition causes her to alternate between bouts of morbid depression and moments of incredible wakefulness She makes a moving description of walking in the street without her filter mask and being in high alert for toxins and chemicals coming her way navigating the city without her chemical respirator exposes her to multiple dangers as each passerby with a whiff of cologne or traces of a chemical sunscreen may precipitate a strong allergic reaction In such condition which affects her physically and mentally she prefers to stay at home and lie on her couch without seeing anybody But Mel Chen doesn t dwell on her personal condition in order to pose as a victim or to elicit compassion from her readers Firstly she feels privileged to occupy an academic position as gender and women studies professor at UC Berkeley I too write from the seat and time of empire she confesses and this position of self assumed privilege may explain why she doesn t feel empowered enough to contribute to postcolonial studies or to decolonial scholarship More importantly she considers her disability as an opportunity not a calamity Of course the fact that she cannot sustain many everyday toxins limits her life choices and capabilities But toxicity opens up a new world of possibilities a new orientation to people to objects and to mental states As we are invited to consider queer theories are especially rich for thinking about the affects of toxicity This is where the love affair with her sofa comes in When she retreats from the toxicity of the outside world she cuddles in the arms of her couch and cannot be disturbed from her prostration The couch and I are interabsorbent interporous and not only because the couch is made of mammalian skin They switch sides as object becomes animate and subject becomes inanimate This is not only fetishism a heightened sense of perception of human object relations allows her to develop a queer phenomenology out of her mercurial experience New modes of relationality affirm the agency of the matter that we live among and break it down to the level of the molecular Mel Chen criticizes the way Deleuze and Guattari use the word molecularity in a purely abstract manner considering verbal particles as well as subjectivities in their description of the molar and the molecular By contrast she takes the notion of the molecular at face value describing the very concrete effects toxic molecules have on people and their being in the world These effects are mediated by race class age ability and gender In her description of the Chinese lead toy panic of 2007 she argues that the lead painted onto children s toys imported to the United States was racialized as Chinese whereas its potential victims were depicted as largely white She reminds us that exposure to environmental lead affects primarily black and impoverished children as well as native Indian communities with debilitating effects over the wellbeing and psychosocial development of children Also ignored are the toxic conditions of labor and manufacture in Chinese factories operating mainly for Western consumers The queer part of her narrative comes with her description of white middle class parents panicking at the sight of their child licking their train toy Thomas the Tank Engine In American parents view Thomas is a symbol of masculinity and straight children shouldn t take pleasure in putting this manly emblem into their mouth But as Chen asks What precisely is wrong with the boy licking the train Queer LickingIn addition to her self description as Asian queer and disabled Mel Chen also claims the authority of the scholar and it is on the academic front not at the testimonial or autobiographical level that she wants her Animacies to be registered Trained as a queer feminist linguist with a heightened sensitivity to the political and disciplinary mobility of terms she borrows her flagship concept from linguistics Linguists define animacy as the quality of liveness sentience or humanness of a noun or noun phrase that has grammatical often syntactic consequences Animacy describes a hierarchical ordering of types of entities that positions able bodied humans at the top and that runs from human to animal to vegetable and to inanimate object such as stones Animacy operates in a continuum and degrees of animacies are linked to existing registers of species race sex ability and sexuality Humans can be animalized as in racist slurs but also during lovemaking Vegetable can describe the state of a terminally ill person As for stones we already encountered the stone butch Conversely animals can be humanized and even natural phenomena such as hurricanes can be gendered and personified as with Katrina Language acts may contain and order many kinds of matter including lifeless matter and abject objects Dehumanization and objectification involve the removal of qualities considered as human and are linked to regimes of biopower or to necropolitics by which the sovereign decides who may live and who must die. Book animasi Critical Pet StudiesAccording to Critical Pet Theory there appears to be such a thing scholars have to demonstrate a special bond with their pet in order to contribute to the field of animal studies Talking in abstract of a cat or a dog won t do it has to be this particular dog of a particular breed Donna Harraway s Australian shepherd Cayenne or this small female cat that Jacques Derrida describes in The Animal That Therefore I Am Talking as Deleuze and Guattari did of the notion of becoming animal with actual unconcern for actual animals as Chen reproaches them in a footnote is clearly a breach in pet studies normative ethics Even Derrida failed a simple obligation of companion species scholarship when he failed to become curious about what his cat might actually be doing feeling or thinking during that morning when he emerged unclothed from the bathroom feeling somehow disturbed by the cat s gaze Mel Chen s choice of companion species is in line with her self cultivated queerness she begins the acknowledgments section with heartfelt thanks to the toads as well as to the many humans and domesticated animals populating the words in this book The close up picture of a toad on the book cover is not easily recognizable as its bubonic glands swollen excrescences and slimy texture seem to belong both to the animal kingdom and to the realm of inert matter Animacy of course summons the animal But Mel Chen is not interested in contributing to pet studies she advocates the study of wild and unruly beasts or as she writes a feral approach to disciplinarity and scholarship Thinking ferally involves poaching among disciplines raiding archives rejecting disciplinary homes and playing with repugnance and aversion in order to disturb and to unsettle Yes the toad this nightingale of the mud as the French poet would have said is an adequate representation of this book s project 0822352729 Introduction Animating Animacy threshold of recovery I began to reconsider the precise conditions of the application of life and death the working ontologies and hierarchicalized bodies of interest If the continued rethinking of life and death s proper boundaries yields surprising redefinitions then there are consequences for the stuff the matter of contemporary biopolitics including important and influential concepts such as Achille Mbembe s necropolitics the living dead and Giorgio Agamben s bare life 2 This book puts pressure on such biopolitical factors organized around a multipoint engagement with a concept called animacy Animacies interrogates how the fragile division between animate and inanimate that is beyond human and animal is relentlessly produced and policed and maps important political consequences of that distinction Animacy as that which has gone undertheorized It is a generative asset that the world animacy bears no single standard definition How does animacy work linguistically o What if nonhuman animals or humans stereotyped as passive such as people with cognitive or physical disabilities enter the calculus of animacy what happens then Using animacy as a central construct rather than say life or liveliness helps us theorize current anxieties around the production of humanness in contemporary times particularly wrt humanity s partners in definitional crime animality as its analogue or limit nationality race security environment and sexuality Animate Latin etymology ad L anim tus filled with life also disposed inclined f anim re to breathe to quicken f anima air breath life soul mind We might find in this lexical soup some tentative significations pertaining to materialization negativity passion liveness and a possible trace of quickened breath OKAY Construals of life and deatho Aristotle s De Anima subtly presages the precise status of animals and things proposes that soul could be an animating principle for humans animals vegetables but not dead matter such as stoneso Such an animating principle avowedly refused a priori divisions between mind and bodyo I will insist in this book that stones and other inanimates definitively occupy a scalar position near zero on the animacy hierarchy and that they are not excluded from it altogether and are not only treated as animacy s binary opposite o Jane Bennett in her book Vibrant Matter extends affect to nonhuman bodies organic or inorganic averring that affect is part and parcel not an additive component of bodies materiality o Recent critical theory has considered the believed to be given material world as than provisionally constituted illusorily bounded and falsely segregated to the realm of the subjective o what are the creditable bodies of import those bodies whose lives or deaths are even in the field of discussion If we should rethink such bodies and I argue that we should then how might we think differently if nonhuman animals whom both Haraway and Latour point out have been ostensibly but in fact not neatly bracketed into nature de spite already being hybrids and even inanimate objects were to inch into the biopolitical fold o If contemporary biopolitics is already troubling the living with the dead this book in a way continues to crash the party with protagonists which hail from animal studies monkeys and science studies pollutant molecules bringing humanism s dirt back into today s al ready messy biopolitical imbroglio o Jasbir Puar has revisited questions of life and death while working along the lines of what she calls a bio necro political analysis which conceptually acknowledges Foucauldian biopower s direct activity in death while remaining bound to the optimization of life and Mbembe s necropolitics nonchalance toward death even as it seeks out killing as a primary aim In this she provides potent revising of the place of new homonormativities in geopolitical negotiations of biopolitics Indeed the givens of death are already racialized sexualized and as I will argue animated in specific biopolitical formations o Since biopower as described by Michel Foucault is thought in two ways at the level of government and at the level of individual human subjects how inanimate objects and nonhuman animals participate in the regimes of life making live and coerced death killing are integral to the effort to understand how biopower works and what its materials are o The anima animus animal and animate are I argue not vagaries or templatic zones of undifferentiated matter but in fact work as complexly racialized and indeed humanized notions Animate Currents o The stakes of revisiting animacy are real and immediate particularly as the coherence of the body is continually contested o Yamamoto s definition of animacy The concept of animacy can be regarded as some kind of assumed cognitive scale extending from human through animal to inanimate In addition to the life concept itself concepts related to the life concept such as locomotion sentiency etc can also be incorporated into the cognitive domain of animacy A common reflection of animacy in a language is a distinction between animate and in animate and analogically between human and non human in some measure However animacy is not simply a matter of the semantic feature alive and its linguistic manifestation is somewhat com plicated Our cognition of animacy and the extent to which we in vest a certain body or body of entities with humanness or animate ness influence various levels of human language a great deal o AFFECT DEF For the purposes of this book I define affect without necessary restriction that is I include the notion that affect is something not necessarily corporeal and that it potentially engages many bodies at once rather than only being contained as an emotion within a single body Affect inheres in the capacity to affect and be affected Yet I am also interested in the relatively subjective individually held emotion or feeling While I prioritize the former I also attend to the latter with cautions about its true possessibility precisely because in the case of environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity the entry of an exterior object not only influences the further affectivity of an intoxicated human body but emotions that body it lends it particular emotions or feelings as against others I take my cue from Sara Ahmed s notion of affective economies in which specific emotions play roles in binding subjects and objects it is my intention and design that the archives themselves feralize giving up any idealization about their domestication refusing to answer whether they constitute proper or complete coverage At the same time I take care to contextualize whether temporally or geopolitically the thing under discussion since I have no interest in running roughshod over historical particularity Thinking and moving ferally constitutes a risk both to the borders of disciplinarity and to the author who is metonymically feralized along with the text FERLIZE THE ARCHIVE Chapter 1 Language and Mattering Humans Chapter is about the alchemical magic of language as that which animates Language s fundamental means I suggest is something called animacy a concept most deeply explored in cognitive linguistics Introducing Animacyo For linguists animacy is the quality of liveness sentience or human ness of a noun or noun phrase that has grammatical often syntactic consequences Bernard Comrie calls animacy an extralinguistic conceptual property that manifests in a range of formally quite different ways in the structure of different languages o Mutsumi Yamamoto notes that by necessity no treatment of animacy can be limited to the linguistic for animacy lies within and without o Does animacy slip out of language s bounds or does language slip out of animacy s bounds In this book the slippage of animacy in relation to its successive co conspirators will be a repeating and in my view most productive refrain o Many scholars credit animacy s first serious appearance in linguistics to Michael Silverstein s idea of an animacy hierarchy which appears in a comparative study of indigenous North American Chinookan Australian Dyirbal and other indigenous Australian languages published in 1976 Ergative languages the subject of a transitive verb receives ergative case marking unlike the object of the transitive verb or the subject of an intransitive verb Accusative languages But many ergative languages have a split wherein both ergative and accusative markings are possible certain expressions can be rendered either way This split might be the result of animacy Silverstein observed that less animate subjects were likely to receive special ergative marking in a kind of communicative reassurance that such types of subjects could indeed possess the agentive or controlling capacities required to do the action provided by the verb More animate subjects did not need this marking and could receive regular nominative unmarked case His observations resulted in a suggested hierarchy of animacy from inanimate to third second and first personhood o Humans adult nonadult male masc gender female fem gender free enslaved able bodied disabled linguistically intact pre linguistic linguistically impaired familiar kin named unfamiliar nonkin unnamed proximate 1p 2p pronouns remote 3p pronouns o Animals higher larger animals lower smaller animals insects whole animal body part o Inanimates motile active nonmotile nonactive natural manmade count mass o Incorporeals abstract concepts natural forces states of affairs states of being emotions qualities activities events time periods institutions regions diverse intellectual objects. Animaciebi qartulad adjaranet o Studies of linguistic animacy tend to culminate in the idea that for all of animacy s many component features their significance is collective it is their derivation or the contextual importance of some fac tors over others that results in the most likely effector of the possible action denoted by the verb EFFECTOR OF THE POSSIBLE ACTION DENOTED BY THE VERBo That is to say I read this hierarchy treated by linguists as an avowedly conceptual organization of worldly and abstract things with grammatical consequence as naturally also an ontology of affect Making Macacao In what follows I examine how the semantics and pragmatics of objectification and dehumanization work through and within systems of race animality and sexuality Insults shaming language slurs and injurious speech can be thought of as tools of objectification but these also in crucial ways paradoxically rely on animacy as they objectify thereby providing possibilities for reanimation o Senator calls a videotaper macaca the means he chose to do so were un mistakably vicious and apparently fatal in the case of his candidacy o Animacy figures in this event in several senses from the animality implied by the insult itself to the viral nature of the incident s clip on the Internet which took on as is said about such widely dispersed videos a life of its own OKAY VIRALo For all its facets this very brief interchange precisely hinged on the racial politics of animality o macaca is a type of monkey o For his part Sidarth videographer summed up the dense interchange with Allen by addressing the salience of the nonhuman animal at its center he submitted a three word essay to a selective seminar at the University of Virginia I am macaca He did not write I am Macaca which would have the effect of individuating the type into a proper name This declarative statement referring to a positive identification with a previous nomination that became a public event an identification that confronts its racist deployment while being categorically false gets simultaneously at the dizzying is and is not politics of the reclaiming of insults as well as at the shared taxonomic heritage of humans and macaques It also invites us to reconsider the structures that make that simple equation either work or falter Turtle s Eggs and Other Nonhumanso I turn now to another example to further illustrate how dehumanizing insults hinge on the salient invocation of the nonhuman animal o Jimmy Lai calls Li Peng Chinese Premier a turtle s egg implies a bastard provenance patently absurd o UTTERANCE o In effectively being urged by Lai or the citation of Lai to consider Li Peng the son of a turtle egg with zero iq a conceptualizer regard less of desire is prompted to reconcile the two that is to form a cognitive blend between Li Peng and the conceptualization prompted by the noun phrase son of a turtle egg with zero iq A note on Diagramso Viewed as suspect in its association with positivist science or at best eccentric and understood as comparatively coercive final in intent and static in meaning the diagram occupies a peculiar place Being Vegetable Animate Subjects and Abject Objects o What is macaca What is I What finally is it to be human o We have seen two examples of dehumanization by way of juxta position and blending with relatively animate and arguably inanimate substances a macaca and a turtle s egg what background assumptions or structures must be present or serve as support for these dehumanizations to do their imaginative work perhaps the most unsparing dehumanization is an approximation toward death Critical disability and feminist studies have raised biopolitical questions about certain living states of being that have been marked as equivalent to death death was one of the many bleak futures prescribed by strangers doctors and fellow patients to the critical disability theorist Alison Kafer upon apprehending her body A second form of dehumanization is transformation or indeed imaginative transmogrification the transformation into a grotesque or fantastic appearance which I consider in the Animals part of this book though each form removal of qualities and active transformation readily imputes the other in the extended analysis o Thought and Cognition I refute the recent moves to evacuate substance from language for in stance the notion that language is simply dematerialized Language is as much alive as it is dead and it is certainly material Chapter 2 Queer Animation How might a term cast off its dehumanization That is how might a historically objectifying slur like queer be reanimated A queer wordo we have to ask whence the queer that got reclaimed o Butler s discussion of queer s iterability in and through its traumatic history o OED relies on documented written use o But there is also political linguistic histories drawn by queer scholarship o in 20c it exists as noun and then adjectivally to mean strange odd peculiar o But in criminals slang it did mean bad contemptible worthlesso Two lexemes emerge these two words are homophones or otherwise semantically remote raises questions about the social ontological and interpretive gaps between normative language and criminals slang o Increased nominal senses of queer Fraught Institutionalizations Fraught Reclamations o Gloria Anzald a explicitly refused to separate queerness from race preferring mestiza queer She had an incisive critique of the term s relations both queer and mestiza je are crossroads but queer can erase race she observes that queerness is not threatened by inspecificity but by whiteness itselfo Sedgwick alleged that queer s denotative meaning cannot simply be treated independently of its many connotations what she calls social and personal histories of exclusion violence defiance excitement o Given this complexity to say that queer was reclaimed as one might say in an introductory queer studies or sociolinguistics course regardless of its status in either institution or populace is not only somewhat reductive it is to promulgate a certain kind of linguistic politics It raises the questions what event denotes the achievement of that reclamation Its first attempts Its widespread use by younger generations of a group The quality of its affectivity Its use by the largest possible population beyond the group s borders Lexical Acts o It is a flattening aspiration to hope for a conclusory stage of the past participial reclaimed to describe the linguistic neutering success of an entire population o David M Halperin writes Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal the legitimate the dominant There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers It is an identity without an essence o In linguistic terms we might say that adjectival queer s function is to modify an attached implicit or explicit noun concept in particular to select the peripheral aspects of meaning of say concepts such as heterosexuality or sexuality. Animacios bookek magyarul videa o Adjectival queer therefore acts to shift meaning to the side of a normative interpretation away from meanings associated with the NOTIONAL CENTER Tracking Queer Animacies o queer becomes at once a noun and an adjective here as well as an action VERB If queer was previously understood to be a dehumanizing slur figuring its subjects as abject or lesser than this formerly objectifying term has taken a life of its own with the power to animate some other object Queer s Many Senses or Grammars of Forgetting I want to end by insisting on queer beyond its affectively neutralized neutered senses What are the possibilities of rejoinder or re vitalization for this contested term if it still has the capacity to galvanize but also to damage And who or what is given the power to do such a speaking back to Ch 3 Queer Animality This chapter considers in particular how animality the stuff of animal nature that sometimes sticks to animals sometimes bleeds back onto textures of humanness Animal languageo Given the segregating terms of linguistic animacy it is important to understand how the sentience of animals is assessed especially with regard to its primary criteria language and methods of communica tion For instance Derrida s famous essay And Say the Animal Re sponded explores the possibility of nonhuman animal response as distinguished from reacti 0822352729 Wonderful book drawing all the threads of our semester together 0822352729 Mel Y Chen is an academic whose scholarship intersects many fields including queer theory gender studies animal studies critical race theory Asian American studies disability studies science studies and critical linguistics. Book animation In Animacies Mel Y Chen draws on recent debates about sexuality race and affect to examine how matter that is considered insensate immobile or deathly animates cultural lives Toward that end Chen investigates the blurry division between the living and the dead or that which is beyond the human or animal Within the field of linguistics animacy has been described variously as a quality of agency awareness mobility sentience or liveness Chen turns to cognitive linguistics to stress how language habitually differentiates the animate and the inanimate Expanding this construct Chen argues that animacy undergirds much that is pressing and indeed volatile in contemporary culture from animal rights debates to biosecurity concerns. Book animation css Chen s book is the first to bring the concept of animacy together with queer of color scholarship critical animal studies and disability theory Through analyses of dehumanizing insults the meanings of queerness animal protagonists in recent Asian American art and film the lead toy panic in 2007 and the social lives of environmental illness Animacies illuminates a hierarchical politics infused by race sexuality and ability In this groundbreaking book Chen rethinks the criteria governing agency and receptivity health and toxicity productivity and stillness and demonstrates how attention to the affective charge of matter challenges commonsense orderings of the world Mel Y Chen is Assistant Professor of Gender and Women s Studies at the University of California Berkeley Animacies is a book about reworldings as Mel Y Chen traces the myriad ways that objects and affects move through and reshape zones of possibility for political transformation and queer resistance to neoliberal biopolitics At the same time Animacies itself generates such transformations grounded in a generous expansive understanding of queer of color and disability crip critique Chen s study reworlds or reorients disability studies gender and sexuality studies critical race theory animal studies affect studies and linguistics In all of these critical spaces Animacies might be described as the breathtaking and revivifying book we have been waiting for Robert McRuer author of Crip Theory Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability This ambitious transdisciplinary analysis of the relations between humans nonhuman animals and matter charts a compelling and innovative rethinking of the biopolitics of animacy Mel Y Chen animates animacy a concept of sentience hierarchy derived in linguistics to offer a far ranging critique that implicates disability studies queer of color critique and postcolonial theory The generative result is a timely and crucial intervention that foregrounds the oft occluded import of race and sex in the rapidly growing fields of posthumanist theory new materialisms and animal studies Jasbir K Puar author of Terrorist Assemblages Homonationalism in Queer Times Animacies Biopolitics Racial Mattering and Queer Affect Perverse Modernities A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe Echoing Emmy Nordstrom Higdon s review loved this book up until Chen takes an apparently neutral stance in the debate as to whether or not fetal exposure to toxicity and or vaccines cause autism This is in short completely inexcusable from anyone but especially from a critical disability studies scholar of Chen s stature I do not expect ever to cite or recommend this text 0822352729 The Thomas the Tank Engine chapter is excellent no I m not trolling there s a very clever and thoughtful analysis of the coverage of the 2007 scandal surrounding lead tained paint in imported toys The intro is challenging than the chapters and the final sections are accessible still in part because the linguistic analysis is so detailed and admirably technical that even the diagrams make it slow going 0822352729 I enjoyed this book It was certainly a rather difficult to read given my lack of significant background in various fields affect theory linguistics to name a few but I did generally enjoy it Spoilers for theory ahead I guess The particular highlight for me was chapter 3 Queer Animality because I find analyses of historical conceptions of race very interesting cough The History of White People cough and I also found it far easier to parse I also thoroughly enjoyed chapter 5 Lead s Racial Matters and found Chen s assertion that lead is not merely associated with China but is racialized as Chinese super interesting. Animacies definition However this book was very hard to get through at some points The density of the text made it a very difficult read without a ton of experience in myriad fields and I almost stopped after chapter 2 because of how rough it was though I am glad that I didn t Chapter 2 Queer Animation though is what I want to focus on though because I was so interested in it An exploration and analysis of reclamation from a partially linguistic standpoint while very much taking into consideration the increasing institutional palatability of queer as well as it s white assimilationist tendencies is so interesting to me But the execution of the chapter really made it a chore This is of course influenced by my lack of background in cognitive linguistics Chen s writing often felt simply impenetrable to me and I certainly understand that in discussions of theory with which I am not familiar but the inaccessibility to the linguistic discussion felt insurmountable It also seemed very drawn out and sorta just words on the page Like I don t particularly see the point of some of that focus or the means by which it was executed. Animaties bewegend Overall though I enjoyed this book I am happy I read it and I largely had a good time doing so Edit looked at another review and realized something I has missed Chen seems to try to take a neutral stance on mercury causing autism which is y know not very cool I found Chen s treatment of autism generally rather good and I think I read her discussion as an association with toxicity than an actual linkage Something to be aware of. Animatiekist Edit edit something I had originally chosen not to mention but want to now Chen uses the phrase he or she Like not in a quote I don t care enough to look back and find the instance and there is of course the possibility that I misunderstood but like Edit edit edit I can t find this now So maybe I imagined it Idk 0822352729 I took Mel for Intro to Fem at Cal several years back Interesting prof Even after all these years Im still trying to grasp with the inversion play of deconstructionist In this case it is about the inversion of life death in the same vein as other binaries gender sex race ableismetc Animacy refers to indeterminate state of or between lifeness and lifelessness a force of biopolitics The chapter on toxic animacies when Mel traces the racialization sexualization of lead is a better way to start the book since it provides contemporary analysis I find the theorizing part in the beginning dense and requirea much rereading and background reading on deconstruction linguistics and philosophy to fully understand it overall this is a good dive into how critical study can bridge animal studies with gender race sexuality differently able studies 0822352729 The first 2 chapters on linguistics were interesting but not particularly my preference for approach though I understand their presence and inclusion in the beginning The following portions on animals and then queer and trans affect was really interesting in particular with the through line of neutering the neuter a neuter The continuation of this into the discussion of lead and its reidentification around the 2008 lead painted toys and the related anxieties around homosexuality and faggotry in conjunction collusion confusion with cognitive impedement was a particularly strong link following the inquiry into the animacy of the queer homosexual transexual Toxicity as a concept in the final chapter read as a strong connector between queer affect and forms of embrace and embodiment of the grotesque in various manners. Animacios bookek magyarul While reading the book I felt that the logic and organization and structure of the writing was all very clear yet very subtle in its affect yet when I tried to describe it to a friend the subtleties somehow escaped me and my capacity to convey them 0822352729
Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect (Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe) By Mel Y. Chen |
0822352729 |
9780822352723 |
English |
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Paperback |
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book animasi |
book animation |
book animated image |
book animation template |
book animated gif |
book animation gif png |
book animation css |
book animated picture |
book animation loading |
book animated png |
Animacies book |
Animacies booking |
Animacies booklet |
Animacies booker |