I Think ... Therefore It Is: If You Want to Change Your Life ... Change the Way You Are Looking at It By Peter Baksa
Kindle I Think ... Therefore It is a book
For thousands of years religions around the world have taught us that prayer can manifest direct changes in our lives in the world But now quantum mechanics and science are telling us that we can manifest changes in our reality by way of the Zero Point Field if we will it hard enough Religion says that it is God that grants us our miracles while quantum mechanics tells us that it is this Zero Point Field Maybe they are one and the same maybe theology has been trying to teach us the very same concepts as science is only now getting around to only cloaked in a manner fit for the simpler minds of so long ago Manifesting versus Prayer Zero Point Field versus God It just might be that they are all one and the same after all I Think Therefore It Is If You Want to Change Your Life Change the Way You Are Looking at It.