The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning By Daniel Bor
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Your book isn t long enough I need So while there s some interesting brain science and biology in there it really didn t add much at all to the discussion of consciousness In fact one of my major complaints with this book is that it s not until somewhere in the middle that the author even tackles the sticky question of how to define consciousness at all I had hoped to learn much from this book and sadly most of the information I d already come across in other articles that were interesting and better written 9780465020478 I loved this book about the brain and how we can think about consciousness as capacity for creative.
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As it represents new and undiscovered territory Over our lifespan we lose that childlike excitability as we store and patterns into memory Bor suggests the power of meditation to try to retrieve some of that fresh insatiable state of mind that children have 9780465020478 This book truly represents the leading theories of consciousness and is full of ideas that are based on the the state of the art research I had been reading quite a few books on the topic of consciousness but all I used to understand from them was that this topic is mysterious in some mystical way For example in a book by Deepak Chopra.
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He alludes to the fact that consciousness uses quantum phenomenon and hence it will only be understood when we understand dark energy and dark matter However Daniel in the Ravenous Brain clearly proves how this is not the case and human consciousness is in fact not as hard to understand as is the common conception Consciousness is in fact a composite of many specialty algorithms running in parallel and the actual composite is developed by a linkage which is describes beautifully with two phenomenon Chunking and Attention This really resonates with the conscious mind of my own and I think this is a great book for truth seekers and researchers in this area 9780465020478 This book is an interesting argument made by Mr Bor on the side of the mechanistic view of conciousness and of the brain as a computational machine. The Ravenous brainview neural The lasting information I got out of this book.
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I have to say I was quite disappointed in this book The first half read as if the editor said innovative thought Rich content engaging stories and a very practical thesis I was struck by his endorsement of meditation in the last 10 pages the I learn about meditation the I realize how beneficial a practice is it for our brains and well being I was a little underwhelmed by Bor s attempt to explain mental health issues and autism in terms of healthy unhealthy attention or awareness but some underwhelm is to be expected in books about consciousness It is such a difficult concept and we have so far to go before we understand it well Bor s book is the best one I have read yet on this topic and I highly recommend to anyone interested in the brain ethics and what makes humans human 9780465020478 Bor s theory of consciousness says that consciousness emerged to guide our mind s attention and working memory to help with storing recalling and processing the patterns we perceive in the world around us Chunking the grouping of information into memorable segments is at the heart of man s advantage over animals It allows us to increase the limits of our working memory and therefore process and analyse complex patterns. Book The Ravenous braintree Bor explains his theory by starting from zero starting all the way down with genetic evolution Even though there is content you ve likely heard before he does find interesting ways of telling the story I especially remember finding his description of the Chinese Room thought experiment to be very insightful Perhaps what most distinguishes us humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ravenous desire to find structure in the information we pick up in the world. EBook The Ravenous braintree When we are children every sensory stimuli excites us however was not of the theoretical models of conciousness but of the applications of technology to determine a person s state of conciousness and awareness. Book the ravenous brain pdf I found it a well structured book with many examples which explained well the concepts underlying his argument 9780465020478 Consciousness is our gateway to it enables us to recognize Van Gogh s starry skies be enraptured by Beethoven s Fifth and stand in awe of a snowcapped mountain Yet consciousness is subjective personal and famously difficult to philosophers have for centuries declared this mental entity so mysterious as to be impenetrable to science. EBook The Ravenous braintree In The Ravenous Brain neuroscientist Daniel Bor departs sharply from this historical view and builds on the latest research to propose a new model for how consciousness works Bor argues that this brain based faculty evolved as an accelerated knowledge gathering tool Consciousness is effectively an idea factory that choice mental space dedicated to innovation a key component of which is the discovery of deep structures within the contents of our awareness. Ravenous brewery ri This model explains our brains ravenous appetite for information and in particular its constant search for patterns Why for instance after all our physical needs have been met do we recreationally solve crossword or Sudoku puzzles Such behavior may appear biologically wasteful but according to Bor this search for structure can yield immense evolutionary benefits it led our ancestors to discover fire and farming pushed modern society to forge ahead in science and technology and guides each one of us to understand and control the world around us But the sheer innovative power of human consciousness carries with it the heavy cost of mental fragility. The Ravenous brainmanager Bor discusses the medical implications of his theory of consciousness and what it means for the origins and treatment of psychiatric ailments including attention deficit disorder schizophrenia manic depression and autism All mental illnesses he argues can be reformulated as disorders of consciousness a perspective that opens up new avenues of treatment for alleviating mental suffering. The Ravenous brainxcape nyc A controversial view of consciousness The Ravenous Brain links cognition to creativity in an ingenious solution to one of science s biggest mysteries The Ravenous Brain How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for MeaningEvidently any neuroscience cognitive science or brain anatomy book is required by law to talk about Phineas Gage. Kindle The Ravenous brainly 5 stars a really good condensed summary of key theories of consciousness from then to now and a very well documented argument in favor of materialism using contemporary findings to argue that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain s physical structure 9780465020478 The title The Ravenous Brain refers to the human s insatiable appetite for finding structure in information Daniel Bor is a neuroscientist and his contention is that the main purpose of consciousness is to search for and discover those structured chunks of information within working memory so that they can then be used efficiently and automatically with minimal further input from concsciousness In other words the purpose of consciousness is to find structures so that in the future the information can be used unconsciously Daniel Bor has written a book that is very approachable by the layman The book is almost devoid of all the jargon that tends to complicate other books about science Bor has some rather extended analogies that might simplify some of the ideas but some of these analogies just go too far and tend to obfuscate these ideas For example Bor writes about scientists who balance conservatism against creativity He discusses this for quite a while before making the analogy with organisms who reproduce offspring with slight modifications some of which are useful innovations while others are likely to be harmful. Book The Ravenous brainly Bor sneaks some mild humor into the book which is very much appreciated and is never too much to become distracting from the main thrust of the book He inserts some of his personal experiences in an fMRI machine which give the book a nice touch He also includes some anecdotes that are quite humorous or even incredible For instance the story about the mathematician Norbert Wiener who was completely scatter brained He lost the slip of paper on which his new home address was written He went to his old home and asked a little girl if she knew where he had moved The girl answered That s okay Daddy Mummy sent me to fetch you. The Ravenous brainxell therapeutics One of the most interesting portions of the book is the description of how memories in the brain are not localized but are distributed in the strengths of connections between neurons Bor describes why this distribution of memories is actually required by evolution there is no other way for the retention of memories to have evolved. The Ravenous brainol Bor relates a number of psychology studies Most of them are very interesting and I ve previously encountered very few of them in my reading I consider that to be a good thing as many of the recent set of pop psychology books tend to repeat the same old set of studies. The Ravenous brainxchange Bor mentions how some people have have asserted that quantum mechanics is somehow responsible for consciousness The argument is something like consciousness is mysterious and quantum mechanics is mysterious so quantum mechanics must explain consciousness This type of argument is not very convincing and Bor suggests that the mechanism for consciousness is to be found in some of the recent theories These theories all have to do with the exchange of information across a dense network. Book The Ravenous brainly There are some fascinating anecdotes about scientific studies of animals One of Aesop s fables involves a crow that finds a pitcher full of water It can t fit its beak into the pitcher s opening Then it decides to drop lots of pebbles into the pitcher raising the water level to where it can drink Some experimenters tried a very similar setup for some rooks and it turned out that the rooks actually performed a similar feat And chimps were able to do something very similar in order to raise the water level in a container to get some food. Book the ravenous brain review Another fascinating section of the book deals with mental syndromes and illnesses Bor contends that some of these illnesses are related to a reduced state of consciousness Victims have a reduced working memory Some drugs may help with this but recent research finds that certain types of memory exercises may help even . The ravenous brain epub ebook free I recommend this book for those who are interested in neuroscience but do not have the desire to learn a new language filled with jargon This book is well written has a nice personal touch and is chock full of fascinating ideas 9780465020478 Our conscious is such an interesting topic There are a lot of books that tell us to use our subconscious to better ourselves I am always grateful for The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy for helping me see life for the better This book gives scientific proof that that Dr Murphy s techniques work even though that is not its point The brain has four lobes which provide different services for us 1 The Frontal lobe is obviously at the front of the head It is the area responsible for abstract thoughts It is also associated with IQ and virtually every task we engage 2 The Parietal lobe is behind the frontal lobe it starts in the middle of our head and extends to the end of the head It is responsible for processing nerve impulses related to the senses such as touch pain taste pressure and temperature It also handles language functions. Book The Ravenous braintree 3 The Temporal lobe lies beneath the Frontal lobe and takes up 2 3 of that region The Temporal lobe is responsible for our vision and some of our language 4 Occipital lobe is directly behind the Temporal lobe occupying 1 3 of the space of that region The Occipital lobe is responsible for our vision The brain also contains the Cerebellum The Cerebellum is at the rear of the head at the bottom It is responsible for sensory perception coordination and motor control. Ravenous 1999 full book The Thalamus connects these parts together It is like a switchboard which activates almost all areas of the brain It is responsible for wake and sleep as well It is the most important part of the brain The Cortex forms an outer shell around the brain lobes It allows for the free flowing of mental activity The author states that stress is the single largest trigger for almost all mental diseases When humans experience stress the amygdala a set of neurons which control emotions and stress increase in production However in most people the frontal parietal cortex suppresses the amygdala This is possible because the frontal parietal cortex can make a conscious assessment of the possibility of danger In mental illness the amygdala floods the frontal parietal causing unrealistic expectations in the person He also emphasizes the importance of sleep It is obvious that a tired person may be irritable however there is evidence that lack of sleep can cause substantial memory loss and concentration. Book the ravenous brain pdf Coffee is once again applauded because studies show that it prevents depression The author is also an ardent supporter of meditation and a lesser supporter of medication Meditation can reverse stress and many mental illnesses Over years of practice regular meditation seems to permanently change the prefrontal parietal network while reducing the activity of the amygdala Short term uses seems beneficial as well A study found that just four sessions reduced tiredness and increased working memory performance. The ravenous brain book review The book does something I like when reading a science book It describes the problems explains why they happen and then offers cheap easy solutions 9780465020478 This book came highly recommended by a Goodreads friend and the first 50 pages or so are right on point with the kinds of questions that I have about consciousness what it is and whether the brain is a sufficient or only a necessary cause of it Bor is a very clear writer and is quite frank about his own view that the brain can completely account for all aspects of consciousness He tries to dismiss the philosophers with whom I tend to agree Thomas Nagel in What is it like to be a Bat and John Searle with his famous Chinese language thought experiment But his arguments don t convince me and are he admits based to some extent on his own intuition He also ignores the whole problem of the circularity inherent in using consciousness to understand itself He seems to think that information exists objectively like data whereas most people would agree that consciousness is needed to turn data into information it is smuggled into the very idea of information Still I m happy to agree with his fairly spirited defense of trying to investigate and learn about anything you can going ahead with experiments even if you only have hunches and intuitions to inspire them I just don t share his optimism that science can completely explain consciousness As I remember reading somewhere not next week not next year not ever 9780465020478 One thing I spend many many hours pondering is the wonder of consciousness There s matter and there s energy and somehow it becomes aware of itself Not only that but up there in the goo there s no one giant cell there s only a confederation of neurons that communicate a lot So consciousness if we accept it exists must constantly dance among neurons So is our persistent consciousness an energy Bor makes a compelling case that whatever consciousness is it is limited to the grey matter and energy up there There is no mind separate from the matter and energy in our universe according to him OK I can live with that Tell me . The Ravenous brainnet He does explain a lot he talks about what areas of brains light up when we think about different things He talks about how different experiments can show how few things we can really think about in a moment He talks about how awareness of intention comes up to a third of a second after brain activity shows one is gearing up for movement specifically before people whose brain waves were being monitored decided to move a finger their brain had started the process. The Ravenous brainu What s the problem He seems to feel that by explaining all the physical things going on he has explained consciousness Daniel C Dennett claims we re all basically zombies running quick computer programs who don t participate in experience as much as we think we do OK I disagree but I can live with the claim he gets the question Steven Pinker claims straight off he can tell us how a mind works but not really what consciousness is I can live with that too Bor seems to think that by telling us about where brain activity is firing when we do different things he has explained consciousness He doesn t even acknowledge the gap that spark that somehow moves from matter and energy working together to somehow being aware of itself really experiencing being in the universe As Dennett says people like me protest that when I look at something blue I don t just have data that something is blue I experience blue. The ravenous brain book review That s not quite fair Bor did give a little lip service to a thought experiment where a baby was put in a black and white tower and only ever shown things that were black and white including somehow changing her skin etc to black and white but was taught everything about the universe where people like me would say she doesn t really know what red is because she s never seen it even though she s learned about it and knows what wavelengths are perceived as red and so forth But he says she does know what red really is so let s drop the subject. Book the ravenous brain book I don t want to drop the subject We don t have to do a thought experiment Many birds can see ultraviolet light so they experience something we don t You can read all about it look up the wavelengths use equipment to tell when that color is around but you have no idea what color that bird is really seeing You can t experience that bird s perception of seeing ultraviolet light nor do you know what ultraviolet light looks like Pretending it s like super violet and kind of glowy isn t right As Ed Yong has asked us to think about it in An Immense World bees can t perceive wavelengths high enough to see red A bee scientist telling other bees that s it s ultra yellow and probably this weird yellowness our infrayellow cameras detect entirely gets wrong what the experience of seeing the color red is Pretending that knowing all the metadata about something is equivalent to experiencing it is demonstrably wrong Not hypothetically wrong Demonstrably wrong. The Ravenous brainview neural Apart from that I caught a few things that Bor accepts things that I think have been debunked Daniel Tammet a supposed savant with Asperger s who wrote Born on a Blue Day Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant ain t all he claims to be Bor dismisses the theory of humans having a true language instinct while giving short shrift to the arguments for it when people like Chomsky and Pinker have built careers on humans actually having that instinct There was one dumb math error 80% of 80 is 64 not 62 I know I m a dweeb and deserve to be shoved into my locker StillBut there s lots here to like too and while it seemed a strange add on I really liked the last part of the book that talked about how maybe some mental illnesses might be cases of consciousness gone awry Schizophrenia may be a sort of slightly diminished consciousness Various autism diagnoses might be helpfully thought of as being overly conscious being too aware of everything going on around and inside one s head and not being able to squelch enough of it to get anything done Provocative stuff 9780465020478
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