The New Summerhill (Penguin education) By A.S. Neill

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Odli na knjiga koja obja njava da se deca mogu vaspitati ne samo bez fizi ke sile ve i bez ka njavanja generalno Cilj autora je da od u enika ca stvori sre ne ljude prevashodno to na kraju navodi kao svoju najve u satisfakciju i priznanje Daje opise rigidnosti vaspitnih i obrazovnih sistema irom sveta u vremenu u kom je iveo naravno od njegove kotske i rigidnog kalvinisti kog vaspitanja koje je sam iskusio do Kine i zloupotrebe dece u politi ke svrhe. Book The New summerhills series S Neill

The New Summerhill (Penguin education) By A.S. Neill
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En 1991 se cumpli el septuag simo aniversario de la escuela progresista m s famosa del mundo Summerhill la cual constituye uno de los experimentos pedag gicos m s innovadores del siglo XX y lo que va del XXl Esta obra presenta a A. The New Summerhill Social sciences S Neill en la retrospectiva de 50 a os de dirigir su escuela Recorre su propia historia y observa los cambios fundamentales que marcan ya nuestra poca y los analiza con la objetividad de quien nunca quiso imponer su criterio personal The New Summerhill Penguin education Alexander Sutherland Neill was a Scottish progressive educator author and founder of Summerhill school and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self governance which remains open and continues to follow his educational philosophy to this day He is best known as an advocate of personal freedom for children, EBook The New summerhill assisted Mislim da je ovo jedinstvena knjiga oveka koji je napravio pomak u ne emu to se ti e itavog sveta A.The New Summerhill (Penguin education).