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Writing site_link I have odd reading tastes there s no need to notice though I m also exceedingly anti social that you may notice but must accept site_link Constantin King of the Scots is still causing trouble for King of England and it results in a blood thirsty battle of Brunanburh I loved each and every chapter told from the different points of view making it engaging and keeping me on my toes I am now a huge fan of this genre and I particularly enjoyed the battles which resulted in injuries and deaths I had never heard of Brunanburh but I am now eager to do some research and learn The characters in this are conniving and selfish which makes the story intriguing I have revelled in this series and I am hoping that there will be a third book This book definitely doesn t disappoint Kindle Edition I grew up in a Latin country and this means my knowledge of Anglosaxon reigns.
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All opinions are mine Kindle Edition A rich tapestryA great read This prolific author packs a host of personalities into a storyline replete with action aplenty without any avoidance of the occasional blood and gore In that is embedded a rich body of recorded fact of which she is something of an acknowledged expert all embellished with imaginative and descriptive prose Awesome stuff Kindle Edition Kings of War by M. Free books kings and war J Porter is the second book in the new Chronicles of the English Brunanburh and WoW What a fantastic magical this book this was Just like the first one which I just adored from the very first page till the very last Can the King of the Scots and the Dublin Norse triumph against a united England AD934King Athelstan of the English has been successful in uniting the many kingdoms of Britain against one enemy.
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Author of historical fiction Early English before 1066 Viking and now three 20th century mysteries and a series of historical fantasy The Eagle of Mercia Chronicles featuring a young Icel from The Last King series now available from Boldwood Books The Brunanburh Series also available from Boldwood Books. Kings of warjo blog where I blog about books and films and sometimes writing site_link I have od Author of historical fiction Early English before 1066 Viking and now three 20th century mysteries and a series of historical fantasy The Eagle of Mercia Chronicles featuring a young Icel from The Last King series now available from Boldwood Books The Brunanburh Series also available from Boldwood Books. Warhammer old world pdf tomb kings blog where I blog about books and films and sometimes thelstan and the political situation of the British Isles around X century were near zero I think that books like this one are a fascinating way to learn about history and have fun at the same time. Rays of sunshine ward kings college hospital There s a lot going on in this book there s a lot of characters and events I thanks for the summary of characters at the beginning of the book as it helped me to navigate the relationships and who s who. King of war book Can the united might of the Scots and the violence of the Dublin Norse descendants of the infamous Viking raiders bring King Athelstan and his vision of the united Saxon English to her knees An interesting and powerful read and I really enjoyed it especially as it was beautifully written This series of books are books that I would read again in a few years Kindle Edition M J Porter brilliantly blends power ambition and vengeance in another superb historical novel Kings of War. Book king software King Athelsan has successfully managed to unite all the kingdoms of Britain against one common enemy the Viking raiders However jubilation is the last thing the kings of Scotland and Ireland are feeling Being ruled by somebody else is anathema to them and they are not going to sit idly by while Athelsan calls the shots As the son of the King of Scots Idulb has revenge on his mind after the death of his son and nobody least of all the King of the English is going to come between him and his insatiable thirst for vengeance. Book king software Meanwhile the King of Dublin Olaf Gothfrithson has got his sights set on reclaiming Jorvik and woe betide whoever stands in his way Joining forces with the united might of the Scots might help Olaf defeat Athelsan for good but can he trust Idulb Or is Olaf about to be betrayed in the worst possible way With everything to lose and the stakes having never been higher Athelsan s vision for a united Britain is in jeopardy like never before Can he stay strong and ensure that nobody threatens his objectives Or is the King of the English about to lose everything Bernard Cornwell and Game of Thrones fans will love M J Porter s Kings of War Action packed exciting suspenseful and brilliantly atmospheric Kings of War is a captivating historical epic that will hold readers in thrall from beginning to end A must read for historical fiction aficionados Kings of War is another surefire hit for M J Porter. Free books kings and war I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book All thoughts and opinions are my own Kindle Edition Having read and reviewed the fantastic King of Kings previously I was eagerly awaiting this instalment in the thrilling historical fiction series surrounding the battle of Brunanburgh And what another exciting ride through early medieval times in the British Isles it was It begins with the humiliation of King Constantine of the Scots at Cirencester in England in front of the King of the English thelstan and his court This situation arose following the disastrous defeat of the Scots at Cait in the far north by thelstan s army previously where King of Kings ended. Kings of war rulebook pdf So we have a deeply frustrated Scots king a triumphant English king but also other intriguing players in their households such as thelstan s stepmother dowager Queen Eadgifu the mother of Edmund his young half brother Leading on from this embarrassment we find Constantine back in Scotland plotting His son Ildulb has his own plan seeking brutal revenge for the murder of his own son in battle When Ildulb plots an allegiance with the Dublin Norse against the English a plan begins to form But the Dublin Norse under Olaf have their own problems on their doorstep their distant kin in Limerick are nipping at his heel and then there are the Irish Ui Neill who constantly cut away at the invaders Olaf still wants to retake Jorvik but with these distractions and now the Scots come begging he must set his priorities. Book king of wrath And as with everything in those dark days nothing is ever as it seems There is a distinct lack of trust between fathers and sons across Scotland and Wales and between brothers in Dublin This allows for a continuing and growing sense of unease which the author brings across very well in each character s musings As in King of Kings the narrative is split with changing points of view of several historical characters It s all clearly separated by chapters to avoid any confusion and this kind of narrative really shows the scheming and plotting of the various protagonists and antagonists but who is which Whilst we see less actual action except perhaps during the battle of Brunanburgh which is described in great detail we instead follow the leaders thoughts fears jealousies and on very rare occasions joys This deep POV allows a great insight into the mind of these 10th century warriors and their families Some of the attitudes will send a chill down your spine especially as regards the inevitable loss of many followers in battle which is something these leaders take for granted to stay in or even extend power. Kings of war armies So when the battle at Brunanburgh is over with thousands of men lying dead we have a great affirmation of power but as always a sense of uncertainty remains Can these rulers truly trust one another Will the warring factions cease their antagonisms Will peace prevail on the isles and for how long Kings of War is an absorbing tale of political intrigues personal ambitions and ruthless action Another highly entertaining read from MJ Porter Note I received an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review All views expressed are my own Kindle Edition This is only the second in the Brunanburh series by MJ and I already love the series. Kings of war rules pdf MJ has a way of describing the surroundings and the battles in a way that makes you feel like you are hovering ahead watching it happen No matter how many battles I read in books by MJ no two are ever the same and that s brilliant. Book king of wrath There is a lot of bloodshed in this but there are still humour and characters you will either love or hate I even liked some of those who are technically the enemy of Athelstan. Kings of war rules I read this in two sittings as I couldn t put it down I just had to know what was going to happen MJ had built the tension up all the way through until the final battle and I almost held my breath. Kings of war dwarves I dislike spoilers so you won t find any here but I will say if you haven t read the first one but like the sound of this you don t have to have read it though I would recommend reading both purely because they re so good. Book king software Thank you again MJ for another thrilling adventure into Saxon England Kindle Edition Kings of War by MJ Porter is an epic masterpiece that takes readers on a thrilling journey through Medieval England Porter brings the reader back in time to a world of intrigue betrayal and courage effectively making history come to life I was never someone who enjoyed history during school this has drastically changed since I found this talented author Porter s skillful storytelling effortlessly immerses readers in a richly detailed world filled with complex characters and high stakes political intrigue From the first page to the last the tension never wanes keeping me on the edge of my seat as I eagerly turned each page. Free books kings and war One of the novel s greatest strengths lies in its meticulously crafted characters each with their own unique personalities and motivations Porter breathes life into every character from the noble kings and queens to the cunning advisors and fearless warriors The relationships between the characters are beautifully nuanced adding depth and complexity to the story Additionally Porter s prose is masterful with vivid descriptions that bring the world of Kings of War to life in stunning detail Whether it s a sprawling battlefield or a lavish royal court every setting is rendered with precision and clarity allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the story. Kings of war logo So if you haven t read any of Porter s books this is the perfect book to jump into and enjoy 5 Stars Disclosure I received a review copy of this book Boldwood Books Publishing via Netgalley All thoughts opinions comments and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free I did not receive any money in exchange for this review Thank you to the publisher author for allowing me the opportunity to review Reviews are usually cross posted to social media goodreads bookbub and blog Kindle Edition Brilliant The first book in this series was a different approach from Porter and felt to me when reading that it was setting up for something magnificent Well I was not disappointed This book had all the action fighting and battle gore and craziness that I have always loved from Porter When it comes to a shield wall battle and the fighting sequence I am not sure anyone does it betterExcellent book Kindle Edition The next installment in King Athelstan series possible to be read as a standalone but why would you miss the chance to read the first book. Book king software King Constantin of Scotland is still causing problems for King Athelstan first King of England This time he joins forces with Olaf a viking King in Dublin Their disagreements culminate in in the bloody battle of Brunanburh where many warriors lose their lives. Kings of war logo Despite being historical fiction with lots of characters many with similar names I found the book an easy read Each chapter is told from the point of view from the 4 main characters Kindle Edition
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