Scorch (Croak, #2) By Gina Damico

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Because she decides at the end of the book that she s going to fix him All of this is what seriously hinders these books from rising above a form of entertainment and into the realm of books that are a little serious. Book scorched earth The second flaw of this series is that I am starting to have a pretty adverse reaction to Lex It s easy to identify her and to understand her righteous indignation in the face of what she must do It certainly wouldn t be an easy thing to witness heinous crimes and to just walk away from them because interfering would mean bad things for the universe I can see how that would wear away at a person But when it s finally revealed that Lex has been doing some Damning of her own and conveniently allowing the blame to fall on Zara.

Scorch jane henry

Holy reaper scythes covered in BBQ sauce Gina Damico has done it again Gotta love them reapers Especially Lex and her Damning abilities which are all like And I have to give a special mention to the best relationship EVERLex and Driggs Seriously every single time I spotted the word Driggs I was like Sadbut true D 0547624573 Scorch was a really disappointing read I was pretty excited about it to tell you the truth I loved Croak I found it entertaining and rather funny The characters were cool and the whole grim theme that was going around suited me just fine. Scorch kindle paperwhite But this This is simply horrible I mean the story takes either a completely idiotic path or a too serious one I liked the too serious one though I guess this was the only thing that saved Scorch from a one star rating My main problem is with the idiocy which lasted for about 70% of the book. Book scorched earth Now this idiocy is mostly related to Lex and Driggs so called relationship Yes I don t know what kind of relationship these guys have but the sloppy make out sessions only managed to disgust me Kissing is than shoving one s tongue as far as one can go down another one s throat I think the sloppy kissing was supposed to be funny How is that even funny It s not It s extremely idiotic. Scorched earth policy Anyhow the first half of Scorch is also very slow The first chapter is serious and then BAM Lex is back in town so everything revolves around sloppy kissing failed attempts to get laid useless rants and running around in circles Where s the fun in that And the ending Oh that dreadful facepalm worthy ending Horrible I m not sure whether I ll go on with the series or not We ll see. Book scorched earth Review also posted on 0547624573 Okaythat ending holy crap on a few points Figures when I wasn t into you for the majority of the story but still enjoying it you go and pull a few rabbits out of your hat P. Book scorched earth But yet Wonderful second installment no lagging or filler just a good story It took awhile for me get into it over half the book but the last 40 50 pages suckedme in and I couldn t read fast enough. Scorching star There s a traitor or in the Grimsphere and things are unravelling Lex is trying to find the Wrong book to stop Zara and Zara is Damning people and is desperate to get the book into her hands. Scorched rc I did like how we got to hear from Zara in this one to see her motives She is willing to do ANYTHING to reach her goal and will stop at nothing I had a minute where I felt sorry for her when we saw how the Damning power was affecting her but it was ripped away seconds after. Maze runner scorch trials book pdf Norwood and Heloisesnakes and leeches they are many many times I wanted to kick them or drop em in a lake The traitors wow One I suspected but Zara s accomplice that I didn t see coming. Scorch marker There are a few deaths in this book but one is a bit puzzling as to what exactly happened I m guessing answers will be forthcoming in the next one pouts My thoughts are scattered at the moment haha but would recommend this Some answers and half answers but still alot of questions looks at Mort waiting for answers Happy reading Uncle Mort s secret keeping was annoying but his reasoning made sense 0547624573 What a steaming pile of crap this was Mind you I loved the first book of the series and gave it 5 stars But this one let me down in ways than I can count But I ll try possible spoilers. Book scorched earth 1 Humor was one of the things I loved the most about Croak Scorch was not funny at all I didn t laugh even once Was it written by the same person 2 The unique subtle awkward shy cute relationship between Lex and Driggs was another thing I loved about Croak In Scorch Lex completely overshadows Driggs He used to give as good as he got but in the second book for some reason he doesn t dare to even peep while Lex basically orders him around. Scorched rc 3 Plot holes A lot of them Unrealistic and plain dumb situations Like Driggs has been sliced open by a scythe was stitched back up and THE SAME DAY only a few hours later he GETS IN THE SHOWER WITH LEX and they make out there Like WTF people First off you can t wash a fresh wound for some time after an operation Secondly what kind of girlfriend would see a fresh wound and think he s hot let s make out Thirdly isn t he supposed to be in pain I mean COME ON Scythes are operated by computer like devices What about 50 years ago What about the Middle Ages This book mentions Grims of the Middle Ages so they had to work somehow And they say the souls have to be collected right away or they would be eternally trapped in a dead body So um I can t see how it could have worked Etc. Scorching star 4 Lex is a murderer and no one seems to mind at all Not one person is creeped out by it Not her boyfriend not her uncle not her friends They all are so chill about it like she s going through a phase like she joined a communist party or something Like she s wrong but she s still our Lex and a good person She showed the tendencies in the previous book But it s one thing to wonder about how the justice system operates and quite another to go cruelly murder people you think did wrong And it s supposed to be okay By de humanizing criminals you corrupt your own humanity Okay so what if that person is a criminal What right do you have to decide if he lives or not 5 People show inexplicable bizarre and immediate devotion to Lex Like a guy she met a couple days ago plunges to his death for no reason at all it was unnecessary instead of trying to escape which he totally could do Another guy gets killed for helping her escape prison A douchebag who previously showed no inclination to even say hello to her There is zero character motivation for that WHY ARE THEY DOING IT 6 Emotional manipulation Cordy s death admittedly had a little taste of that too She s a twin sister but she is not featured or even mentioned in the book much at all except to get killed as if it s her only purpose there BUT WHAT THE AUTHOR DID IN THIS BOOK HAD ME BURNING WITH RAGE Oh so we find out that Driggs sacrificed his food for Lex obvious and unnecessary martyrdom so that he gets killed in the next page WTF This is such a dumb and obvious manipulation I can t even Also image error 0547624573 Wait You mean you don t let anyone know what s happening on the outside Princess I do what is necessary to keep order in my town My only job is to protect my citizens I do that by providing a luxurious carefree lifestyle. EPub scorching The reason Lex and gang are in this lovely city is because they got kicked out of their own Someone got a little power hungry and decided to take over labeling the Juniors and the fabulous Uncle Mort as accomplices to Zara a Grim who can Crash at will teleportation and is running around the country murdering people good and bad Oh and there s a mysterious dude in a tuxedo that keeps following Lex around And I have it on good authority that it is not Tuxedo Mask so don t get your hopes up. Scorch kanawha county But don t worry there s still plenty of humor inside And hormones Lots and lots of hormones No reason the two can t go together I call shower they said at the same time. Scorchbeast queen And by the time Uncle Mort figured out that the water had been running for far too long and that he had made the critical error of not installing cameras in the bathroom it was too late We were just showering Lex muttered. Scorchbeast queen Of course Uncle Mort said Everyone knows how impossible it is to zestfully clean without assistance The plot twists near the end had me going like Whoa Lex truly becomes an anti heroine here She does some shitty stuff but whether or not it s justifiable depends on you. Pdf score check Could ve done without the slut shaming on Sofi s part but I guess you can t have everything in life In Croak she was shown to be a lovely person with a crush on Driggs Here she s become totally unrecognizable and turns evil partially because Lex stole her man. Scorcha I leave you with this fantastic quote from Gillian Flynn I particularly mourn the lack of female villains good potent female villains Not ill tempered women who scheme about landing good men and better shoes as if we had nothing interesting to war over. Scorched rc Now on forth to the next book My review of CroakMy review of Rogue 0547624573 Sixteen year old Lex Bartleby is a teenage grim reaper with the bizarre ability to damn souls That makes her pretty scary even to fellow Grims But after inadvertently transferring her ability to Zara a murderous outlaw Lex is a pariah in Croak the little town she calls home To escape the townspeople s wrath she and her friends embark on a wild road trip to DeMyse Though this sparkling desert oasis is full of luxuries and amusements it feels like a prison to Lex Her best chance at escape would be to stop Zara once and for all but how can she do that from DeMyse where the Grims seem mysteriously oblivious to Zara s killing spree Scorch Croak 2 Ideally sequels not only expand upon the stories and themes introduced in their preceding books but they also improve upon them Scorch does a great job of upping the stakes for a group of young grim reapers in an entertaining way in both the action and character development departments This sequel features tighter plotting is faster and funnier and makes you enjoy your time with its likable protagonists even than you might ve the first time around. Scorched earth policy I really liked Uncle Mort s hilarious attempts to minimize Lex and Drigg s makeout time jellyfish venom the further developments of Lex s and Driggs powers and a really cool twist at the end that changes the direction of the story and an important relationship. Scorch marker And my favorite quote That doesn t mean you get a free pass to ride the baloney pony whenever you want to Got it Heh Definitely check out Croak and Scorch if you enjoy humor mixed with your YA urban fantasy. Scorching star An advance copy was received by the publisher for this review 0547624573 Lex sighed and readied her scythe Yeah well love doesn t always beat out fear Sometimes it does he replied with a smile pecking her on the nose Christ Driggs You re turning into a Lifetime movie Your defense mechanisms are captivating as always Aaaah this series I am so in love with this series I repeatedly explained in my last review that this series was perfect for when you re busy down or just need a laugh As it turns out I m all three Which I also wouldn t shut up about in my prior review But and this is a large but I am beginning to see how this might not be such a light and fluffy series Lex smiled and looked up at him It was beautiful. Scorch pfg He smiled back and kissed the top of her head It was for you More and we are beginning to see the death toll increase ironically in book one despite being aptly named Croak not that many people really died And its not even minor characters We are starting to see main characters hacked and slashed and its getting harder and harder to pretend that something bad might not be coming. Young adult school uniforms because I m not so sure any Not only are Lex and Driggs continually being threatened they are constantly getting hurt It s beginning to scare me And to top it all off all my wonderful friends and reviewers on GR have written reviews for book three that are nothing if not painfully clear on who or what is knocking on death s doorstep again no pun intended Driggs whispered to Lex out of the side of his mouth as they walked I never got grounded before you came here You never touched a boob before I came here either Touch He flashed a goofy grin as Uncle Mort shoved him into his room and slammed the door Worth it That s not to say I don t immensely enjoy every little bit of these stories on the contrary I actually devour these For as little time as I have to read this series is like book crack Driggs and Lex s banter is still as fresh and funny as ever and I can t keep a smile off of my face no matter how hard I try I don t laugh out loud much for books so for me to be cackling out loud at the smart assery that is Lex and Driggs s personalities that is truly something Three seconds of silence followed which was way too much time to go without making out so they dove right back into each other s faces But after a minute or so Lex pushed him away Stop Why He looked horrified What s wrong Nothing Was it that thing I did with my tongue Um no Your tongue and its many talents are perfect Keep up the good work My favorite character still by a landslide is Driggs duh His adorable ways of bitching at Lex and inhalation of sweets most frequently Oreos make it impossible not to love him It s not so much that he matches Lex s wit it s how he matches it it s his mannerisms and way of phrasing things that makes him a refreshing and again adorable breath of fresh air Lex shouldered her bag and grinned I m not She bent over Driggs to kiss him slipping Bone s key into his pocket for safekeeping in case she ran into trouble See you later Okay muffin he said robotically his eyes glued to the screen as he smooched the air Be safe and so forth And then Lex I still adore her anger and ability to shut out any and all warnings so she can help with the greater good at least in her mind Her stupid and not so stupid decisions are evened out with her Uncle Mort and Driggs levelheadedness and will to keep her alive I don t know where her path is leading but I hope it s not what she does for a living cough dead cough He did a spit take as she approached Holy shitballs he said scanning her up and down You look gorgeous Lex laughed Thanks You re wearing a dress he informed her And yet I haven t burst into flames I m just as surprised as you are Well warn me next time so my heart doesn t explode He got up to pull out her chair. Scorch trials She snickered Pretending to be a gentleman are we Gotta try at least once a year or I ll lose my license So ya know there isn t much to say It s a funny series and there is a little bit of something for everyone Despite what I had originally thought when I saw the cover that it was cheesy it s anything but The writing is superb and the characters are fleshed out and completely hilarious Uncle Mort living with a couple of horny teenagers proved to be something of a hilarious main plot point ever vigilant and on the lookout and it added some cotton candy to what is starting to become a very dark trilogy And I m just guna come out and say it because I ve already eluded to it a million times I don t think I could handle it if a certain adorable one blue one brown eyed boy didn t survive How could I live in a world knowing he ceased to exist I couldn t I tell you So I am a wimp I shall wait And ponder And pick a better time because I am a coward who needs to get her gumption up before I finish this series But don t worry Lex and Driggs For of my reviews please visit 0547624573 THIS is how you successfully avoid Second Book Syndrome There is no need for those filler books in between the introduction and the finale You can perfectly add a second book to your trilogy without losing your pace your integrity and everything your readers fell in love with in the first place And Scorch manages to do that beautifully. Scorching star This is not a shirt This is a napkin with armholes You look sophisticated I look like a clown whore And still hilarious and awesome Lex is quite possibly my favourite main character of the year Meeting her was such a breath of fresh air she s not afraid to say what she thinks and she s absolutely badass and I d probably be terrified of her if she were real but I d also love her to bits you know from afar. Scorch facebook As is her boyfriend Driggs They had this really funny and awkward relationship developing in the first book and we see them expand on that now Hope you re okay with boyfriend girlfriend leniency rules not applying here he told her Hope you re okay with getting your ass kicked There s still the friendship and playfulness between the two but as their relationship progresses we see them really falling in love and I thought that was really cute Although we also see them struggling quite a lot with their teenage hormones while Uncle Mort was doing everything in his power to avoid any hanky panky underneath his roof Hilarity ensues And if I hear any article of clothing being unzipped unstrapped unhooked or unbuckled you will lose the body part that it corresponds to Understand Mort you beautiful bastard I m so glad you made a comeback in this book I ve missed you. Scorching star There s a lot of drama in this book granted Scorch is basically the Everybody Hates Lex show But I was okay with that because the author makes damn sure to infuse a than healthy amount of humour into her story making me smile and laugh like a lunatic It s just magnificent to have a seemingly standard YA story and then have it turn out so differently in all the right ways I love it when a story can make me laugh. Maze runner scorch trials free online book The Afterlife is still one of my favourite locations Edgar Allan Poe is still the morose author we left behind last time and people still hide his cane and throw things at him On top of that King Tut is also in the Afterlife He s a teenage boy with shining skin who can bench press a camel and calls Lex a peasant It just doesn t get any better than that. Scorch torch If you haven t picked up this series yet do it You will be rewarded with an awesome story with a kick ass main character but also with a lot of side characters who are weird and lovely in their own ways and who will make you laugh almost constantly until the very last page 0547624573 When I finished the book I thought I would need some time to reflect on it and decide what to give it I was very conflicted because there are some things I really like about the book yet I also felt it had some deep flaws I was uneasy about Croak but this book just made me even unhappy with some of the series flaws There will be some pretty major spoilers for both Croak and Scorch in this review so be forewarned. Scorching sands My biggest hugest beef with this series is the consequences of Lex s actions just aren t serious enough In the first book Lex s actions get her sister killed Yes she is angsty over it but that angst doesn t stop her from continuing down a path that is only going to lead to regrettable actions Yet in spite of this nothing really ever seems to be all that bad for Lex Cordy is happy in the Afterlife effectively letting Lex off the hook for her death When Lex Damns Corpp Dora immediately forgives her and once again Lex is let off the hook Various and assorted other characters die or are injured during the course of the book but Lex never really has to feel badly about this because their deaths are all for the cause Most egregious of all Lex doesn t really need to feel badly about what happens to Driggs that s where my disappointment with Lex really knew no bounds I feel like this series tries to ask some really hard questions about morality but Lex is so blissfully free of having to pay for her choices that it s hard to really take that aspect of the series seriously If Lex is going to go down the path of declaring herself judge jury and executioner there needs to be consequences to it I d feel better about her character if this was the case As it is Lex is delving into an extremely gray area of morality here but she s none the worse the wear for it and that bothers me a whole lot. Scorchfur warriors Mort also receives a share of my ire He falls into that category of adult who keeps things from the kids just because they re kids and because it s convenient for the plot I can buy Dumbledore keeping things from Harry because Dumbledore was in denial about the effect that would have but I am so impatient with Mort Rather than telling Lex why everyone resents her presence in Croak rather than warning her about Grotton he allows her to bumble about in the dark eventually leading her to the steaming heap she ends up in at the end of the novel That s just unforgivable At the end Lex is happy because Mort has her back but all I could think was He does Since when I really like Mort but it is so disappointing that at no point did I ever feel like he was really doing what was best for his niece. Scorch This book also had the same problem as its predecessor the secondary characters are often interesting and have unique personalities but they re essentially just there to further the plot I can t help but feel like they re just walking plot devices rather than people in their own right This wasn t the case for Driggs in the first novel but I felt that s what he ultimately becomes in this one. Scorch trials In fact not even Zara is spared from this fate For two books she is the big villain and yet the end she meets is decidedly anti climactic not to mention rather absurd Why does everyone spend so much of the book just running away from her when they could coordinate their efforts to catch her They know where she s going to strike because they know she will come after Lex and Driggs Plenty of other characters are allowed to effectively become canon fodder but not Lex and Driggs Wouldn t it make sense for them to be used as bait If one was lost in the process wouldn t that have been a whole lot meaningful and saved a whole lot lives than simply allowing person after person to be sacrificed And lastly I just cannot stand Norwood and Heloise Yes the reader isn t meant to like them but they are just so campy cartoony over the top that it was impossible to suspend my disbelief There is something so great about when a villain is done well There is something so awful about when they re just outright bad and Norwood and Heloise fall into this category The psychology is there and I could buy it if they just acted in a subtle way Instead they often seem like deranged toddlers and that just made it too far fetched for me Do I believe a bunch of townspeople would follow insidious bad guys who fanned the flames of fear and paranoia Yes Do I believe a bunch of townspeople would follow shrieking hysterical bad guys who practically smack them over the head with the absurdity of their off base accusations No And yet this is precisely what almost all of the residents of Croak do Apparently good judgement isn t a requirement for joining the Grimsphere. Scorched earth policy Yet even with all this criticism I do not actively dislike this series and in fact I plan on reading the next book Why Because it is so imaginative and the world building is just so awesome I loved DeMyse loved the idea of a town whose residents prefer to live an amusement park life of blissful ignorance I love what this says about human indifference. Scorching bow osrs I love the Afterlife love seeing figures like Poe and Tut pop up in unexpected and amusing ways Every time Lex walks into the Afterlife I know I m in for a treat of the imagination and the book never fails in this regard. Scorch epub reader But the fact of the matter is that all of this great imaginative power isn t enough to save me from feeling supremely disappointed with the book as a whole 0547624573 Originally reviewed on reutreads a young adult book blog. Scorching ray 5e The follow up to March s first installment in the Croak series CROAK is that rare second book that is like most middle books in trilogies a bridge from setup to finale but also manages to improve on the first book I can now safely say that CROAK and SCORCH are two of my favorite books from 2012 While the synopsis makes it seem like most of the book takes place in DeMyse this is pretty misleading since it s to DeMyse that the characters run to after the rising action which mostly happens in my much loved town of Croak There s some really interesting stuff at work here from the social and political scene of an extremely small town to the development of the bad guys and There are ideas presented in SCORCH that alternately broke my heart and made me want to sleep with the lights on. Scorch torch If I had to pick one word to describe SCORCH it would be intense I laughed I almost burst into tears on a few separate occasions and when it was over I sat in silence trying to formulate my thoughts before walking aimlessly around my house for around ten minutes banging my head against various objects and saying no no no under my breath. Scorcha Damico achieves a fantastic balance of answering just enough of a question wrapping up plotlines and introducing twists and turns I have honestly no idea how some things in this series will wrap up given what some of Damico s choices were in SCORCH Let me just say Driggs I love you so so much. Scorched rc I was putty in Damico s hands as she led me through laughs heartbreaking moments and soul crushing twists She did it once and she did it again Gina Damico has absolutely slayed me pun very much intended with SCORCH Favorite quote Broccoli spaceship Broccoli SPACESHIP 0547624573

Scorch (Croak, #2) By Gina Damico
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Scorch (Croak, #2)I grew up under four feet of snow in Syracuse New York I received a degree in theater and sociology from Boston College where I was active with the Committee for Creative Enactments a murder mystery improv comedy troupe that may or may not have sparked my interest in wildly improbably bloodshed I have since worked as a tour guide transcriptionist theater house manager scenic artist movie extra office troll retail monkey yarn hawker and breadmonger. Scorchfur warriors I live in Western Massachusetts with my husband two cats one dog and and obscene amount of weird things purchased at yard sales NOTE I dont check back here as often as Id like to OR write reviews so instead of sending me a friend request or following me why not hit me up on I grew up under four feet of snow in Syracuse New York I received a degree in theater and sociology from Boston College where I was active with the Committee for Creative Enactments a murder mystery improv comedy troupe that may or may not have sparked my interest in wildly improbably bloodshed I have since worked as a tour guide transcriptionist theater house manager scenic artist movie extra office troll retail monkey yarn hawker and breadmonger. Scorching star I live in Western Massachusetts with my husband two cats one dog and and obscene amount of weird things purchased at yard sales NOTE I don t check back here as often as I d like to OR write reviews so instead of sending me a friend request or following me why not hit me up on Twitter instead ginadamico site_link.

: Scorch trials There we have it folks The Grims version of Ba Sing Se If you ve watched Avatar the Last Airbender you know nothing good will come out of this arrangement. Scorching ray 5e Case in point even though Lex has been through a lot she s still the same You look slammin Elysia told Lex That shirt is gorgeous on you. etc.Eyebrows were raised A wacky idea took place.My verdict It s not war without sacrifices