What Came from the Stars By Gary D. Schmidt

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And lands squarely in the embarrassingly ridiculous lunchbox that Tommy Pepper s grandmother has just given him for his twelfth birthday So it is that the Chain which ends up hanging at Tommy s throat is being sought by an O Mondim here on Earth So it is that Tommy suddenly has sweet and vivid memories of the distant planet he s never known and is performing feats that nobody in his world can understand pepper give us what we want But will the Chain help him save his family s funky beach house the house that was his dead mother s Eden and which is being relentlessly pursued through legal proceedings by a local politically connected developer who seeks to build condos on the beach Will it help him save his train wreck of a family in the wake of his mother s death Mr Pepper went into the main office with the principal to sign them out while Tommy and Patty waited out in the hall And when they were alone.

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WHAT CAME FROM THE STARS by Gary D Schmidt Clarion September 2012 304p. What were the stars that fell on alabama ISBN 978 0 547 61213 3 In the end there s just a songComes crying like the windThrough all the broken dreamsAnd vanished years Garcia Hunter Stella Blue See for yourself said Mr Burroughs and they walked into the classroom They didn t have to open the door Tommy thought this was pretty familiar because the door had already been torn off broken in two and thrown down the hall It was probably the only thing in the classroom that was in two pieces everything else was in a whole lot Every chair splintered Every desk smashed Mr Burroughs s desk smithereens The whiteboard shattered The books shredded The shelves they had been on pulverized If a hurricane had roared into Mr Burroughs s classroom overnight it couldn t have looked any worse And the feh smell Something stank as though it had been dragged up from the bottom of the sea Like rotten seaweed only rotten than any seaweed that had ever rotted before The chain warmed The smell in the room the feh smell was the smell of hate No it is not the resurrection of Sycorax and Caliban What is happening in Plymouth Massachusetts including what has befallen Tommy Pepper s classroom at William Bradford Elementary is far scarier than was watching those bloated and blighted rodents come falling through the ceiling in THE WEDNESDAY WARS. What are the stars made up of With his two Newbery honors and Printz honor in hand Gary D Schmidt could have so easily chosen to craft another extremely fun and notable piece of historical fiction that would undoubtedly sell well and be up for awards six months from now Being such a fan myself I m certainly hoping to see of those sorts of stories in the future But Professor Schmidt has challenged himself by leaving behind the familiar and instead setting his latest group of young characters within an ambitious work of tween science fiction And yet at the same time and to my delight he once again tells a story that touches on loss and justice and family and education and how we so often see the American dream falling into the chasm between the privileged in America and us ninety nine percenters. You who came from the stars So it is that when the Valorim being pursued by the O Mondim realize that their last days are upon them Young Waeglim who has forged the last of the Art of the Valorim into a chain sets loose the Chain which flies past galaxies past comets and nebulae past entire constellations Patty reached up to her brother s chest to feel the chain through his shirt I think so too he whispered She yanked it once I can t give it to Dad Tommy said She looked at him waited Because it s harder and harder to remember her he said I can hardly remember her voice Or her But with this He couldn t finish Tommy Pepper tried not to cry outside the main office of William Bradford Elementary School Until Patty put her arms around him Having recently fallen in with a network of east coast classical musicians I am tuned into what will be the real salvation of Tommy and his community. What are the stars in our solar system I ve always recognized how different classical music is from the popular songs that have fed my soul for fifty seven years But as a non musician I have just belatedly come to realize the obvious and most significant difference between these two species Unlike pop and rock which are lyrics driven and are necessarily performed by those who can speak and sing English works of classical music are conversations that are shared by those who speak the world s most universal language the language of sound patterns and of black notes on pages of sheet music which are understood by every trained musician the world round no matter what their everyday spoken language or their mastery of English As a son whose mother s death a dozen years ago left a still gaping hole in me I read with sadness and empathy about Tommy and Patty s loss and their resulting dysfunction And as one for whom music has always done that thing inside of me I love what comes to pass in this tale of two worlds Richie PartingtonRichie s Picks 294 Goodreads Blog Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube Instagram 294 The concept was good and there were humorous incidents but for me it just didn t work It is clean moralistic and ends well Middle school boys would likely love it 294 In a galaxy far far away the Dark Lord Mondus is about to kill the last of the Valorim and thus seize control of their Art In a last desperate effort Young Waeglim forges the Art of the Valorim into a chain and sends it across galaxies and planets And so it has come to pass that said chain lands squarely in the ridiculous Ace Robotroid Adventure lunch box of Tommy Pepper a sixth grader from Plymouth Mass Thinking the chain is just another birthday present from his grandmother Tommy starts wearing it and soon enough and almost without realising it Tommy absorbs the language and the collective memory of the Valorim. What came from the starsx xbox What he does notice and very clearly too is how the memories of his late mother become vivid And so under the influence of the Art of the Valorim he is able to draw and paint her face and to sing his grief and love His life becomes a little bit bearable because of that even though his family is still grieving even though his sister won t utter a word even though they might lose their home. What are the stars on facebook In the meantime the Dark Lord Mondus is relentlessly pursuing the Art of Valorim and a creature made of sand causes havoc around Tommy s town The story progresses alternating between what is happening back in that distant planet and what is taking place in Plymouth in a mixture of Fantasy with Contemporary MG. How were the stars formed I am slightly torn about What Came from the Stars On the one hand this is vintage Schmidt with the usual assuredness with which the author writes kids and their dialogue Tommy s group of friends is fun and I loved seeing their realistic interaction with each other Similarly Tommy Pepper s grieving family and the beautiful relationship between them especially between Tommy and younger sister Patty are expertly handled and easily the best thing about the novel I love reading about siblings that get along well and it was heart warming to see Tommy being so protective and loving toward Patty. What are the michelin star restaurants in toronto On the other hand I can t help but to feel that What Came from the Stars is an incredibly familiar story not only in relation to the author s previous book Okay for Now but also in a broader Fantasy context With regards to the former one of the most important themes present in Okay for Now is present in this new book as well the importance given to art as part of a healing process It is evidence of how torn I am about the book that I even include this here because I often love stories about how important art is but given how the memory of Okay for Now is so fresh I see it as a repetitive thematic core if that makes sense I guess first time readers of Schmidt s work would not find the same problem. What were the stars that fell on alabama This brings me to the Fantasy side of the story which is another aspect that left me conflicted about the book The Fantasy storyline with the Valorim and the O Mondim its motifs of Good vs Evil and the creation of the One Chain is kind of derivative Fantasy That said there is an obvious affection for an old fashioned Tolkien inspired Fantasy setting and What Came from the Stars could be a great introduction to Fantasy for a Middle Grader. What came from the stars book To summarise this was perhaps not the right book for me and despite seeing obvious qualities about it I was ultimately not impressed 294 Tommy Pepper has to save his world and a world in galaxy far far away That s a lot on a to do list for a newly minted 12 year old But do it he does with the help of his gang of friends his magic necklace his supportive family a traveler from the Valorim home world and his own sense of compassion I did like Tommy the main character and especially liked how his sense of rightness and fairness saved the day I think middle schoolers would like this as well 294 The Valorim are about to fall to a dark lord when they send a necklace containing their planet across the cosmos hurtling past a trillion starsall the way into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper sixth grader of Plymouth Mass Mourning his late mother Tommy doesn t notice much about the chain he found but soon he is drawing the twin suns and humming the music of a hanorah As Tommy absorbs the art and language of the Valorim their enemies target him When a creature begins ransacking Plymouth in search of the chain Tommy learns he must protect his family from villains far worse than he s ever imagined What Came from the StarsFrom a middle school kid point of view this is a 4 who knows maybe even a 5 star book It s clean start to finish Rather silly but hey you were once 12 too like protagonist Tommy who s lucky enough to have a necklace from another galaxy land in his lunchbox in Plymouth Massachusetts Schmidt is a talented writer of realistic books but I think all the racket read coins in coffers from the fantasy sci fi aisle attracted his his editor s attention so here he is ta da Told in alternating chapters you go from the planet Valorim to the planet Earth Lots of weird words on Valorim but there s a convenient glossary in the back to help you out Somewhat annoying the Valorim chapters are written like the King James Version of the Bible Stuff like So the Valorim came to know that their last days were upon them And truly when the O Mondim found the Great Hall closed their fury was renewed Then did Brythelaf fall and so forth. What Came from the starsnoopy Meanwhile back in Plymouth Schmidt gives us some comic relief in the badinage between Tommy and his friends The sad part Tommy s mother died the year before and her memory haunts him You d think that an invader from another galaxy bent on killing him would take his mind off things but only kind of sort of Nevertheless there s plenty of derring do and predictable good vs evil the sort of thing 6th grade kids will probably love And slyly Schmidt includes an evil developer Anyone familiar with the real Plymouth knows that it is a developer s dreamland Parking lots anyone Maybe those come from other planets too. What Came from the Stars Literature fiction Grumpy adult rating 3 stars Cheerful kid rating 4 So there 294 I am a fan of Gary Schmidt and think he s a wonderful writer but I unfortunately I did not enjoy this book I am not a fan of high fantasy so that was a problem right there as this book alternates between extremely high fantasy chapters that take place in another world with strangely named characters that all sound alike and were hard to keep straight as well as its own language not to mention that those chapters were written with old fashioned wording all combined made those chapters tedious to read The chapters that took place on earth were easier and interesting reading They centered on Tommy Pepper a 6th grade boy who finds a necklace that came from the other world and when he puts it on he suddenly starts understanding their language and wanting to help them Tommy and his family are going through their own problems as Tommy s mother had recently died Though I cared about Tommy and his sister and dad I really didn t care about the other world and their problems and didn t get why Tommy was giving up so much to help them New characters kept appearing from the other world to try to get the necklace but it all seemed so disjointed I really had to push myself to finish this book Maybe those into high fantasy would get into figuring out all the other world stuff but it just seemed too much work for me especially for a story that wasn t that compelling 294 I m torn Torn Between unbridled enthusiasm for this book and well hesitation I loved loved loved the family parts of this book It was wonderful to see a good sibling relationship and overall good family dynamics The theme of grief was worked into the book without it totally taking over the plot and that part just felt really genuine to me. What are the stars made up of The second thing I loved about this book was the tone You know how the best creepy movies are creepy not because of what they show but what they don t show That s how I felt about this book I just had this feeling of dread because the scariness didn t jump out and bit you all the time it was just there lurking in the background. What came from the stars kindle uk But the fantasy part of the bookI just didn t know what to think of it The two stories kinda collided instead of meshed for me And the stylistic changes in writing seemed to take away from the flow of the book instead of enhance it. What came from the starsp ppt free download Reservations aside I would probably recommend this book to someone who was a fan of magical realism It s definitely solid 294 I have really enjoyed other books by Gary D Schmidt so I was excited to pick this one up at our public library Tommy Pepper is in 6th grade His mother has recently passed away in a car accident for which he holds himself responsible On his birthday a strange gift shows up in another present a heavy chain that seems to hold mysterious powers Suddenly Tommy is filled with strange visions and possesses unusual gifts In a parallel story on a planet far from Earth an evil lord has overthrown the Valorim In an effort to protect their most valuable possession it is thrown far into space to wind up in Tommy s lunchbox A battle between good and evil on the faraway planet is played out in Tommy s hometown of Plymouth Massachusetts. What Came from the starsvr I was disappointed in this story I had a hard time paying attention to it especially in the off world sections I also don t think it would hold the attention of most of my 6th graders because they d have to work to hard to decipher the meanings of the invented language used It wasn t a terrible book but I had high hopes for it 294 I think I would have liked this book better if I d read the last fifteen or so pages first because there s a glossary and also an explanation of the Valorium Ethelim and O Mondim that helps the rest of the book make a lot sense My biggest frustration with the book was feeling like I had no idea what was really going on in this other world or why it was going on and the information at the end of the book helped give that back story and tied everything togetherbut it s irritating to have to get all the way to the end of the book to get that understanding I did realize the glossary was there partway through my reading and had to flip to it constantly but I d highly recommend to anyone reading the end chapter titled The Testament of Young Waeglim before reading the book It doesn t give away the story it just helps you understand what the heck is happening at the beginning and why. EPub What Came from the stars and stripes Good things Tommy Pepper and his family I loved seeing how concerned he was for his sister in particular There were some funny moments and it s certainly a creative story 294

What Came from the Stars By Gary D. Schmidt
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What Came from the StarsGary D Schmidt is an American childrens writer of nonfiction books and young adult novels including two Newbery Honor books He lives on a farm in Alto Michiganwith his wife and six children where he splits wood plants gardens writes feeds the wild cats that drop by and wishes that sometimes the sea breeze came that far inland He is a Professor of English at Calvin College Gary D Schmidt is an American children s writer of nonfiction books and young adult novels including two Newbery Honor books He lives on a farm in Alto Michiganwith his wife and six children where he splits wood plants gardens writes feeds the wild cats that drop by and wishes that sometimes the sea breeze came that far inland He is a Professor of English at Calvin College site_link.