A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring, #1) By James Dashner

A Mutiny in Time epub file

Natural disasters are becoming frequent and dangerous Dak s parents have developed a time travel device that can help the Hystorians fix what is wrong with historical events This is how Dak and Sarah find themselves in 1492 trying to stop the mutiny that kept Christopher Columbus from leading the discovery of the Americas that occurred in their history This is a fun adventure story that middle grade readers will enjoy It s fun to pick out the mistakes in this alternate universe And the books in this new series link to a digital experience that readers can further explore 9780545386968 have been wanting to read this and while on vacation my niece happened to be reading it so I borrowed it from her and read through it super fast I swear it was only like a 2 hour read Honestly I didn t love this book It starts out with the first 100 pages giving us the introduction about how Dak and Sera end up time traveling with the infinity ring and why The world is very different then what we know History has been changed somehow This really isn t explained in this book why or how this is possible So in this book Christopher Columbus was taken over in a mutiny and the kids travel back to the past to fix this and these kids are young I think like 9 The end of the book is then super fast The kids trust a bunch of strangers on the ship who just jump up and help them in the mutiny no questions asked Everything ties up in a ribbon and the book is done I was really disappointed about this I wanted plot to take place in the historical places More details about the surroundings and culture But we didn t get to read much of that Looks like there are already four books out in the series.

A Mutiny in Time epub file

James is the author of THE MAZE RUNNER trilogy and THE 13TH REALITY series He also published a series beginning with A DOOR IN THE WOODS with a small publisher several years ago He lives and writes in the Rocky Mountains. A Mutiny in Time ebook download Scholastic s next multi platform mega event begins here History is broken and three kids must travel back in time to set it right When best friends Dak Smyth and Sera Froste stumble upon the secret of time travel a hand held device known as the Infinity Ring they re swept up in a centuries long secret war for the fate of mankind Recruited by the Hystorians a secret society that dates back to Aristotle the kids learn that history has gone disastrously off course. A Mutiny in Time ebook download Now it s up to Dak Sera and teenage Hystorian in training Riq to travel back in time to fix the Great Breaks and to save Dak s missing parents while they re at it First stop Spain 1492 where a sailor named Christopher Columbus is about to be thrown overboard in a deadly mutiny A Mutiny in Time Infinity Ring 1 It s going to be a sad day when my kids don t like to have a chapter of a book read to them at night any I think I keep dragging it out because I get to read fun fantasy adventure books with them I don t think I would read them on my own. A Mutiny in Time epublishing That said this one is a fun book with a time travel element I love the way a piece of real history is placed in the story and the characters have to work together to fix these time breaks a time when something happens in the past that shouldn t have It s always fun for kids to see young characters who are strong and resourceful that can solve tough problems This is going to be a fun series to read 9780545386968 When I saw on my IRA schedule that I was speaking at an event with James Dashner I requested an ARC of the first in his INFINITY RING series with Scholastic expecting a quick entertaining read Like THE 39 CLUES this series has an online video game component I m not much of a fan of video games so I was pleasantly surprised when I fell in love with this book It s easy for a packaged series to rely on fast paced action and the occasional explosion in place of solid plot and character development but this book does a great job creating the world that its main characters inhabit a world that s been altered by Breaks in history and boy is it fun to discover the changes But don t worrythere are plenty of explosions too Action fans won t be disappointed. A Mutiny in Time epub file A MUTINY IN TIME has great ties to the Age of Exploration and Columbus and should be a fun read aloud to share for classes studying that period Pair it with the Columbus chapter in Georgia Bragg s HOW THEY CROAKED THE AWFUL ENDS OF THE AWFULLY FAMOUS if you really want to gross out your students with details of life on board the ships This book will also make a great jumping off point for student writing projects that ask What If If one thing in history changed what difference would it make in our world today Fun stuff thoughtful and great interdisciplinary connections THE INFINITY RING will grab reluctant readers action fans for sure and I ve heard that the video game is pretty amazing for kids who love to play online But make no mistake there s than a flashy video game tie in here and this one is well worth a read 9780545386968 Something is wrong with history Throughout history an evil organization called the SQ has be altering it to give themselves power But as a result the world has started to crumble Natural disasters tear whole cities apart Enter our heroes Dak and Sera With Sear s help Dak s parents were able to complete a time travel device the Infinity Ring However while testing out the Ring they were lost in Time Now team up with the Hystorians a group of people dedicated to restoring history Dak and Sear must use the infinity Ring to save history and find Dak s parents while evading SQ agents I would like to start this review by saying that I am a HUGE fan of both the 39 Clues series and history in general especially all of those stupid little facts that nobody cares about like did you know the reason that France suffered than any other European country during the Little Ice Age was because they refused to eat potatoes Yep they were the only thing that survived the frost but the French refused to eat them because they believed that they were the devil s food and chose to lynch their bakers instead King Louise XVI even bought potatoes from other countries to give to the people I was uber excited about this book It follows the same premise as its sister series involving major historical figures in a race against time no pun intended to save the world Unfortunately this book is neither here nor there It s not nearly as good or as exciting as the 39 Clues but it is not inherently bad either My biggest complaint about this book is the amount of history included in the plot When I picked up this series I was ready to be immersed in little known facts about the events It worked in the 39 Clues and they weren t even time travelling Needless to say I was excited This was the first of quite a few let downs Despite the time travelling aspect there really isn t a whole lot of historical emersion That is to say there was none The characters who lived in the past still sounded and acted like modern There was a female butcher that I m sure had an excellent backstory for how she obtained such a position in a time period but we will never know She is only in the book for like a chapter in which she does very little Similarly we run into Eyeball the gusty pirate one eyed sailor who hires them to Columbus s crew who speaks normal english I don t mean to be picky but that is just not done I don t expect every pirate like character to be yelling arrr every other word but some hackney would make him seem much like the seaman character he was supposed to be Finally I come to Christopher Columbus the historical figure of the book He was barely in it No seriously in a novel about the voyage to America Columbus barely has three lines in the entire book His personality is only fleshed out as being bossy and a jerk He plays no role whatsoever other than he is the person that has to be saved from a mutiny One would suppose that this would warrant him a larger part in the plot But no he says his three lines and then disappears off stage until during the mutiny where he is offhandedly mentioned to be fighting and then we never see him again My other large complaint is the villains They just aren t scary I felt no sense of impeding danger whenever they appeared They are flat boring and sometimes just plain stupid I mean one of them just walks up our heroes and announces that he is the bad guy None of the villains have any motivation past getting power and taking over the world I know that this is only the first book but it would be nice to have the villains do something than show up laugh evilly and then promptly get their butts kicked They were all completely the same too without being told who the characters were facing I wouldn t have been able to tell the Lady in Red from the bumbling fool of a Time Warden they meet in Spain On to our main characters Dak Sera and Riq Ok now here was the part that I really liked the relationship between the characters This is what saved the book for me Dak and Sera were really fun to watch I loved the sibling camaraderie that these two have Dak is goofy and has an unbelievable love of history and can recite and does often random historical facts It s probably his innocence and just total trust in everyone especially random people from the past that makes him so loveable In contrast Sera was the serious science geek It was cute to see how protective she is of Dak She knows how dangerous the SQ can be but tries to keep how worried she is from Dak She is also the only member of the crew to have a remnant a vague memory of how history was supposed to be if it stayed on course Last but not least is Riq a Hystorian and language prodigy There really is not a lot to say about him other than he is arrogant and clashed with Dak It has yet to be explained how he becomes a historian or any other relevant backstory Again it is only the first book so I m not worried OK I know I reference the 39 Clues a lot during this review but it is very hard not to Infinity Ring is an obvious spin off created from the success of the original series They have the same concept of kids falling into a plot hundreds of years in the making that is way over their heads and historical figures have a major role to play It is not just the plot concepts that they have in common both series have similar cover art and an online component that ties into the story They include extras in an inside flap in the cover that have codes to enhance gameplay and encourage people to buy the books for themselves trading cards for the 36 Clues and a map like thing for the Infinity Ring All in all Scholastic has left this series open to direct comparison and I am merely accepting their invitation With that being said my love for the 39 Clues could have hampered my enjoyment of the new book Well that s it for now Would I recommend this book to someone yeah Will I be rushing out to grab the sequel Probably not Like I said it wasn t exactly the worst series I ve read but it was easy to tell that it was counting on the success of its predecessor to carry it 9780545386968 3. What is mutiny in history 75 5Yorumu i in 9780545386968 James Dashner is one of the main reasons why I really enjoy reading The fact that he can take a kid s book and make it entertaining for a 16 year old high school guy is quite an accomplishment in my book Based in a darker version of America Infinity Ring starts off with best friends Dak and Sera who live in a world filled with problems First there are the environmental problems with the likes of earthquakes volcanoes and other global catastrophes Then there s the mysterious SQ corporation that seems to own just about everything including the world governments All of these things are just normal everyday happenings for Dax Now Dax has very special parents who are scientists and one day Dax and Sera sneak into their lab to discover a time machine This sends them on an historical journey filled with excitement In Infinity Ring James Dashner does a great job of simply telling a story Meant for a younger age group the book doesn t have any deep or intellectual moments but reads like it s supposed to read which is funny and entertaining Definitely a book to give to a young kid who is looking for a new and very entertaining series to read 9780545386968

A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring, #1) By James Dashner
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A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring, #1)More reviews on my blog Books for KidsCombine a love of history and science mix in some time travel and add a little mutiny to achieve a nicely balanced middle grade adventure novel Results may vary. A Mutiny in Time book pdf A Mutiny in Time is the first book in the Infinity Ring Series Each book in the series is written by a different author This first installment while not outstanding is a very entertaining story that sets up the world of the characters and the quest that carries them through the rest of the books. A Mutiny in Time booklet Dashner s writing is engaging and he builds up the plot nicely His characters have personality and unusual quirks that make them humorous and lovable The rivalry that exists between Dak and Riq comes across as forced in the beginning but quickly becomes a source of humor and realism Unique and interesting characters such as the female butcher and the one eyed sailor Eyeball are peppered throughout the book. A mutiny in time summary History definitely plays a large role in this story and it is full of random bits and pieces Some of it is correct and some is not The kids mission is to fix the bits Breaks as they are called in the book that are incorrect and set the world on the right course. PDF A Mutiny in timer Fun entertaining and even a little educational the Infinity Ring series is an adventure that kids will enjoy 9780545386968 Fast paced exciting Time travelfirst is a series 9780545386968 Dak Smyth and Sera Froste had no idea what would happen to them when Sera fixed Dak s parent s invention the Infinity Ring The Infinity Ring allows someone to travel back in time with anyone touching them The Historians a group of people who try to change the things that went wrong in the past find out about the Infinity Ring and bring Dak and Sera to their HQ When the SQ the evil government controlling the US and maybe other countries find out they attack the Historian base Two of the leaders tells Riq a juvenile Historian agent to go with Dak and Sera on their adventures The kids go to Spain 1492 where the Amancio brothers were about to set sail to find the quickest route to India but find America instead according to the history they know The kids arrive just in time to stop a mutiny aboard the ship It turns out that the Amancio brothers were trying to overthrow some guy named Columbus who was kind of a mean guy and take over his three ships you can guess what the ships are named Will the kids save history This is an AWESOME first book to the new series Like The 39 Clues series each of the books in this series is written by a different author but the new series is very different from The 39 Clues The Infinity Ring is set in a dystopian world where the main characters three kids have to travel in time to fix whatever is wrong with history I LOVED A Mutiny in TIme Mr Dashner put a lot of action adventure and excitement in he book I really liked how Mr Dashner wrote a lot of humor and sarcasm in the dialogue of the characters The main characters are Riq Dak and Sera Riq was just cool He was fluent in 16 languages which is cool Dak is the history expert which I think will come in handy Sera is pretty scientific I like scientists I like the format of the series much like The 39 Clues where a different author writes each book I think it s cool to read how each author changes he story a little I also like how these stories involve time travel and history I recommend this book to kids 9 and young advanced readers 9780545386968 The world Dak and Sarah live in is very similar to our world but there are events in history that are not quite how we remember them to be Because the historical events in Dak and Sarah s world didn t happen as they should have people in their work experience Remnants or shadows of what should have been There is a group of people the Hystorians that are keeping track of all the instances in history that didn t occur they way they should have There is another group of people the SQ that want to keep history as is is But because events have not occurred the way they should have with three to come I am afraid though that these books are too young for me I can t decide if I should keep reading or not It could be that the author just isn t my style Since all the books are written by different authors the next one might be excellent I ll have to check out reviews on the next book: What is mutiny in history Once you have read the book you can go online to play the game that accompanies the story Each book unlocks the next section of the game, A mutiny in time summary I gave it two stars because I think this series has potential 9780545386968.